Soup Stories #10: Ukrainian Borscht / ウクライナのボルシチ


Through the Ukrainian Film & Food Evenings I hosted November 2022 and March 2023, I learnt how to cook Ukrainian Borscht by helping an experienced cooking lady from Ukraine 😊

I thought meat is must for it but it can be vegetarian or vegan without Crème Fraîche on top. Every family has their own Borscht. It's like our Miso soup in Japan.

There is a video by UNESCO.

Here is the brief recipe I learnt:

Ingredients (for two people)

  • Root beet 1 (precooked or baked in oven for 30 minutes)
  • Onion 1
  • Potatoes 2
  • Cabbage 1/8
  • Carrot 1/2
  • One clove of garlic
  • Tomato paste 1-2 table spoon
  • White beans
  • Sun flower oil
  • Salt & pepper
  • bay leaves
  • Dill and Crème Fraîche for serving


  1. Mince garlic and cut other vegetables in the size you like. I learnt to grind carrot with a grinder for Borscht :)
  2. Heat up sun flower oil in a pot and stir fry the vegetables. Add some salt and pepper to season.
  3. Add water, tomato paste, beans and bay leaves to the pot.
  4. Cook for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Serve with dill and Crème Fraîch

That's it! It's quite simple yet super tasty with earthy vegetable taste.

I heard that there are even white Borscht. I would like to try it too 😊

I have another memory of Borscht. My mother, who passed away as if she felt relieved that I could successfully finished the film evening, took me to a restaurant in Tokyo that serves Borscht. It was the first Borscht I ate when I was a teenager. As a translator, she was interested in other cultures and showed me a lot of art, food and so on.

Borscht is now added to our family soup. I will remember my mother and the film evenings whenever I cook it.

Soup Stories Series







  • ビーツ 1つ(加熱済みのものまたはオーブンで30分焼いたもの)
  • たまねぎ 1つ
  • じゃがいも 2つ
  • キャベツ 1/8玉
  • にんじん 1/2本
  • にんにく 1片
  • トマトペースト 大さじ1-2
  • 白いんげん豆
  • ひまわり油(またはその他の油脂)
  • 塩・こしょう
  • ローリエ 1-2枚
  • ディル、サワークリーム


  1. にんにくをみじん切りにし、他の野菜は好きな大きさに切る。私はにんじんを目の大きいおろしきでおろすといいよと教えてもらって、おろすようになりました。
  2. 鍋にひまわり油を熱し、野菜を炒める。塩、コショウで味を調える。
  3. 水、トマトペースト、豆、ローリエを鍋に入れる。
  4. 沸騰したら火を弱めて30~60分ほど加熱する。
  5. ディルとクリームフレークを添えて完成!


白いボルシチというのもあるそうで、調べて作ってみたいです 😊



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