Soup Stories #16: Goulash Soup / グーラッシュスープ

Before moving to Germany, during my time in Austria, I visited the German carnival during the winter holidays. Amidst the festive atmosphere of a small town, I dined in an underground restaurant and tasted Goulash Soup for the first time. How delicious it was! If someone asked me about the most memorable soups of my life, this one would definitely be in the top five.

Goulash Soup, with Hungary being particularly famous for it, is a dish derived from the traditional Central European meat stew. It's made by slowly simmering beef or pork with vegetables like onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and garlic. Seasoned with paprika and spices, it's especially tasty during the colder seasons.

Interestingly, while writing this post, I discovered that the name 'Goulash' originates from the Hungarian word 'gulyás', which means 'herdsman's dish'.

Recently, I remembered my mother making curry using her pressure cooker. I tried making Goulash in my pressure cooker, and it was very delicious. So I decided to add it to my Soup Stories. You can make it tasty even with just vegetables, which I do!

Ingredients (Serves 2-3):

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 5-6 mushrooms
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1/2 tsp paprika powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 can of tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • Bay leaf
  • 1 tbsp flour + 50-100ml water (to thicken)
  • Green onions or chervil for decoration (if available)


  1. Mince the garlic, mix it with cumin and olive oil in a pot.
  2. Cut the onion, carrot, potatoes, mushrooms, and red bell pepper as desired. Add them to the pot, season with salt, pepper, and paprika powder, and sauté lightly (just briefly as you will be boiling them).
  3. Add the canned tomatoes, red wine, and bay leaf. Bring to a boil.
  4. If using a pressure cooker, cook under pressure for 20 minutes. If using a regular pot, simmer until the vegetables are tender.
  5. Add the flour mixed with water to thicken the soup.
  6. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper, garnish with green onions or chervil, and it's ready to serve!

This dish is simple to make, so give it a try during the chilly seasons 😊

Soup Stories





先日ふと母が圧力鍋を使ってカレーを作っていたことを思い出して、グーラッシュを圧力鍋で煮てみたらとてもおいしくて、昨日また作り、Soup Storiesに追加しようと思ったのでした。野菜だけでも十分おいしくできますよ!

材料 2-3人分

  • オリーブオイル 大さじ2
  • にんにく 1かけ
  • クミン 小さじ1/2
  • たまねぎ 1個
  • にんじん 1本
  • じゃがいも3-4個
  • マッシュルーム 5-6個
  • 赤パプリカ 1個
  • パプリカパウダー 小さじ1/2
  • 塩こしょう
  • トマト缶 1缶
  • 赤ワイン 1/2カップ
  • ベイリーフ
  • 小麦粉 大さじ1 + 水 50-100ml (とろみをつけるのに使います)
  • (あればデコレーション用に細ネギやチャービル)


  1. にんにくをみじん切りにして、クミンとともにオイルをかけて鍋に入れておく。
  2. たまねぎ、にんじん、じゃがいも、マッシュルーム、赤パプリカを好みの大きさに切って、鍋に加え、塩こしょう、パプリカパウダーを振って炒める。煮るので軽く炒めるので大丈夫です。
  3. トマト缶と赤ワイン、ベイリーフを加えて沸騰させる。
  4. 圧力鍋があれば圧をかけて20分、普通の鍋でも野菜が柔らかくなるまで煮る。
  5. 水で溶いた小麦粉を加えてとろみをつける。
  6. 塩こしょうで味を整えて、細ネギやチャービルでデコレーションして出来上がり!


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