VYB Airdrop Info -- Preliminary Tabulation & Calc's (Part 1 of 4) -- Summary for #1-336

Due to Hive’s size limitations for posts and the largeness of the tables required to show all the tabulated data and calc’s for the upcoming VYB airdrop, we’ve had to split this into 4 parts. The wording in each post is the same, but the tabulated data are different.

This is Part 1 of 4. Below is a list identifying the data included in each of the 4 different parts:

As mentioned in the initial VYB white paper,

1,000,000 VYB will be airdropped to accountholders who [1] have earned POB by creating original content and [2] have chosen to hodl that POB rather than sell it or otherwise dispose of it. In particular, the 1,000,000 VYB will be airdropped proportional to:

  • the amount of POB each accountholder earned via original-content creation (posts and comments) (with a 90% penalty applied to self-voted posts and a 500% penalty applied to self-voted comments) and
  • the amount of the aforementioned earned-POB still owned and staked (and being at least 100 POB),
  • as of 11/12/2021,
  • but with no single accountholder exceeding 2.5%.


We are providing herein a tabulation of the calculations for the accounts that meet the above criteria. The purpose for this post is to provide POB’ers one week to check their account stats relative to the values shown below, and to inform us of any potential calculation errors. The voting and rewards data upon which these calculations are based were graciously provided by @eonwarped shortly after November 12, 2021. The richlist data were obtained from https://he.dtools.dev/richlist/POB shortly after November 12, 2021.

There are a few important caveats to note:

  1. Whenever there were obvious alt accounts owned by a single individual, those accounts were treated as one (i.e. all earned POB were summed together and all staked POB were summed together and any upvotes from one to the other were counted as self-votes).

  2. If you have multiple accounts and would like them combined for the purposes of the VYB airdrop calculations, please leave a comment before the payout period for this post is reached, identifying all the applicable accounts.

  3. If you were around during the first couple weeks after the launch of the Proof of Brain tribe, you should remember an event that I refer to as “The Proof of Brain Storm.” It centered around a single self-voted comment that netted the author / curator over 32k POB. The accountholder who capitalized on that ‘glitch’ in the code graciously agreed to return the 32k POB, and those POB were subsequently distributed to the authors who ‘should have earned them’ had the glitch never existed. The first round of those corrections was detailed in this post by the POB tribe founder. Those earned POB rewards have been included in the tables below.

    • However, other corrections were made that did not receive a separate on-chain post. If you received ‘corrected POB rewards’ as a result of the aforementioned ‘glitch correction’, please leave a comment before the payout period for this post is reached and include the exact amount of the corrected POB rewards you received, the date they were issued to your account, and a screenshot from your Hive-Engine wallet showing the transaction .

The tables below provide summations of the POB rewards data for the 336 accountholders who have met the aforementioned airdrop qualifications. If you believe your name should be on the list, please drop a comment, including your calculations (or an estimate thereof) for Columns ( B ), ( C ), ( D ), and ( E ), and we will check to see if a mistake was made.

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Explanation of Columns

  • Author = eligible accountholder (i.e. earned and staked and hodled at least 100 POB)
  • ( B ) = total POB rewards (author and curator) for comments that were not self-voted
  • ( C ) = total POB rewards (author and curator) for comments that were self-voted
  • ( D ) = total POB rewards (author and curator) for posts that were not self-voted
  • ( E ) = total POB rewards (author and curator) for posts that were self-voted
  • ( F ) = 100% * ( B ) - 400% * ( C ) + 100% * ( D ) + 10% * ( E )
  • ( G ) = 45% * ( F )
    • Column ( G ) converts total rewards (author + curator) to author-only rewards
    • Author rewards are assumed to be 45% of total rewards -- this number is based on the 10% ‘tax’ on author rewards that has been effect since the POB tribe was first launched; although some changes have been made to the ‘tax’ since inception, we are using the 45% conversion number throughout
  • ( H ) = total POB staked by the author as of November 12, 2021
  • ( I ) = minimum of ( G ) and ( H )
    • Column ( I ) is the amount of author-earned POB that was staked and hodled by the author, which forms the proportional basis for the 1,000,000 VYB airdrop
  • ( J ) = ( I ) / 260,492.6 * 100
    • Column ( J ) is the anticipated percentage of the 1,000,000 VYB airdrop (subject to the 2.5% cap -- no individual will receive more than 25,000 VYB via the airdrop)
    • NOTE: 260,492.6 = the sum of all author-earned POB that was staked and hodled by the authors
  • ( K ) = ( J ) * 1,000,000 VYB
    • Column ( K ) is the anticipated airdrop amount for each accountholder (this value may change if any tabulation or calculation errors are identified prior to the actual airdrop -- once the airdrop has been made, no corrections or adjustments will be possible)

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Sum Totals of POB Rewards & Staked POB (as of November 12, 2021) (Sum of # 1-336)

The table immediately below sums up all the columns from the subsequent tables (for the 336 accountholders who met the eligibility requirements for the upcoming VYB airdrop).


  • SV = Self Vote
  • ACR = Author + Curator Rewards
  • AR = Author Rewards
( B )
(No SV)

( C )

( D )
(No SV)

( E )

( F )
Earned POB)

( G )
Earned POB

( H )
Staked POB

( I )
VYB Airdrop Basis

( J )
VYB Airdrop

( K )
VYB Airdrop

All Eligible

You will notice that Column ( J ) does not add up to 100% and Column ( K ) does not add up to 1,000,000 VYB. This is because the top four eligible accountholders (@calumam, @leprechaun, @amr008, @vempromundo) each exceeded 2.5% in terms of their share of Column ( I ). However, we are capping each individual airdrop recipient to a maximum of 2.5% of the 1,000,000 VYB total (i.e. 25,000 VYB).

To keep the airdrop at a cool million VYB, the VYB tokens that are trimmed by the 2.5% cap (approximately 35k VYB) will be airdropped to @vyb.contests. @vyb.contests will provide a 1-to-1 prize match for any VYB-based contests folks choose to sponsor over the coming weeks and months (while supplies last). We will add a #vyb-contests channel to the Proof of Brain discord server in the near future, where folks can drop links to their VYB-specific contest posts. Guidelines will be provided in that discord channel. Posting a link there will be the de facto request for matching funds from @vyb.contests. For each approved prize match, confirmation regarding the matching funds will be posted as a comment (from @vyb.contests) to the contest link.

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Summary Tabulation of Anticipated VYB Airdrop Values for All Eligible Accountholders (#1-336)

1 @calumam 25,000.0   121 @barski 1,975.1   241 @damla 687.6
2 @leprechaun 25,000.0   122 @victorbz 1,968.6   242 @dudeontheweb 684.8
3 @amr008 25,000.0   123 @faireye 1,950.3   243 @anadolu 673.2
4 @vempromundo 25,000.0   124 @thoughts-in-time 1,941.8   244 @foxnight 670.3
5 @mineopoly 23,217.5   125 @malopie 1,931.2   245 @achim03 666.9
6 @trostparadox 19,438.6   126 @dandays 1,926.3   246 @olebulls 664.3
7 @taskmaster4450 18,772.6   127 @abbey877 1,921.0   247 @mciszczon 652.8
8 @allcapsonezero 18,285.0   128 @jongolson 1,919.4   248 @vlemon 650.8
9 @friendlymoose 17,117.4   129 @small1axe 1,913.3   249 @thisismylife 639.6
10 @anacristinasilva 16,565.7   130 @melinda010100 1,821.6   250 @tin.aung.soe 634.7
11 @scholaris 16,223.0   131 @jhelbich 1,813.0   251 @primersion 627.4
12 @vikbuddy 14,347.5   132 @enforcer48 1,755.8   252 @denmarkguy 623.0
13 @proofofbrainio 12,711.9   133 @lucylin 1,742.9   253 @khaleesii 622.9
14 @nonsowrites 12,661.5   134 @trostnandia.pob 1,716.3   254 @sagesigma 622.0
15 @clixmoney 12,645.6   135 @playbyhive 1,714.9   255 @forykw 620.7
16 @melbourneswest 12,245.8   136 @akinwumi294 1,695.7   256 @agreste 616.1
17 @topbooster 11,997.8   137 @pantera1 1,684.5   257 @ura-soul 615.1
18 @offgridlife 11,517.0   138 @diebitch 1,680.2   258 @ykretz 614.1
19 @hranhuk 11,301.7   139 @howweroll 1,665.6   259 @hitmeasap 613.2
20 @insight.pob 10,744.1   140 @ph1102 1,635.6   260 @da-prince 580.1
21 @rxhector 10,491.7   141 @hudsonjr1 1,617.0   261 @abimbola753 579.9
22 @dwinblood 9,947.0   142 @skylinebuds 1,604.0   262 @vanillavow 575.8
23 @richardcrill 9,339.9   143 @jacoalberts 1,591.1   263 @myfreebtc 568.5
24 @thomashnblum 9,302.6   144 @tarazkp 1,557.3   264 @wwwiebe 567.3
25 @samsmith1971 8,830.2   145 @por500bolos 1,552.8   265 @ruth-girl 567.2
26 @cryptoandcoffee 8,727.4   146 @sponge-bob 1,528.7   266 @davdiprossimo 567.1
27 @aiuna 8,505.9   147 @rentmoney 1,502.6   267 @kiwideb 565.5
28 @oldmans 8,492.8   148 @gadrian 1,490.9   268 @eonwarped 564.6
29 @erikah 8,041.1   149 @lacausa 1,479.5   269 @alekst7 564.1
30 @junkfeathers 8,027.5   150 @darkflame 1,473.1   270 @trumpikas 561.0
31 @frot 7,895.8   151 @darmst5339 1,471.4   271 @eolianpariah 559.3
32 @corporateay 7,894.8   152 @chronocrypto 1,459.4   272 @linkxdx 558.4
33 @phusionphil 7,830.2   153 @teknon 1,444.6   273 @dylanhobalart 556.3
34 @badbitch 7,465.9   154 @thatcryptodave 1,444.0   274 @jimmy.adames 550.6
35 @harpreetjanda 7,197.3   155 @coolguy123 1,440.9   275 @borgheseglass 546.8
36 @readthisplease 6,978.3   156 @dalz 1,387.2   276 @vincentnijman 543.8
37 @sugandhaseth 6,809.0   157 @magnacarta 1,371.3   277 @bhoa 543.1
38 @jersteemit 6,716.9   158 @libertycrypto27 1,368.2   278 @hebrew 533.0
39 @wiseagent 6,667.2   159 @riverflows 1,337.4   279 @rob23 532.0
40 @jaxsonmurph 6,580.5   160 @hivecoffee 1,333.4   280 @iamhafix 529.8
41 @charcoalbuffet 6,165.9   161 @selfhelp4trolls 1,325.8   281 @nirvana3003 529.1
42 @juanmiguelsalas 6,080.7   162 @sindetalles 1,322.1   282 @lerkfrend 517.0
43 @antonym 6,046.2   163 @vimukthi 1,309.9   283 @alt-runner 515.2
44 @savagetobi 5,953.6   164 @maarnio 1,307.7   284 @filotasriza3 509.2
45 @ashleykalila 5,255.0   165 @khaleelkazi 1,294.2   285 @iamchuks 508.3
46 @papilloncharity 5,168.3   166 @kriszrokk 1,264.2   286 @andy4475 503.0
47 @edystringz 5,116.3   167 @davidbright 1,233.7   287 @kerrislravenhill 500.3
48 @aicoding 5,042.7   168 @theindiantrader 1,213.3   288 @solymi 500.0
49 @interpretation 5,002.8   169 @minismallholding 1,191.6   289 @mein-senf-dazu 493.5
50 @dreemsteem 5,002.6   170 @lebah 1,172.8   290 @proofoflame 493.4
51 @gimmetricks1 4,949.3   171 @hosgug 1,169.2   291 @chubb149 490.6
52 @manorvillemike 4,948.0   172 @flemingfarm 1,168.7   292 @curatorcat.pal 488.2
53 @failingforwards 4,746.7   173 @warpedpoetic 1,160.6   293 @whiteangey 486.2
54 @funshee 4,641.9   174 @pouchon 1,156.3   294 @manniman 486.0
55 @merit.ahama 4,610.0   175 @belemo 1,154.2   295 @deepresearch 485.7
56 @antisocialist 4,608.1   176 @timmypat 1,138.5   296 @pixiepost 483.0
57 @finguru 4,581.1   177 @strenue 1,137.4   297 @evernoticethat 472.4
58 @nevies 4,437.7   178 @young-boss-karin 1,135.7   298 @bradleyarrow 471.7
59 @geekgirl 4,325.3   179 @jlordc 1,135.6   299 @ylich 470.2
60 @felipejoys 4,265.7   180 @seckorama 1,131.1   300 @stevelivingston 467.6
61 @bitcoinflood 4,132.3   181 @d-zero 1,125.0   301 @ekavieka 461.4
62 @sofs-su 4,034.7   182 @lordneroo 1,103.4   302 @tanjakolader 453.1
63 @bobthebuilder2 4,027.8   183 @uwelang 1,086.0   303 @notak 452.7
64 @jfang003 4,002.8   184 @dwixer 1,066.7   304 @borjan 452.3
65 @katerinaramm 3,980.8   185 @flexyg 1,061.0   305 @break-out-trader 450.8
66 @jeffjagoe 3,883.3   186 @oldsoulnewb 1,046.2   306 @firstborn.pob 446.0
67 @cmmemes 3,839.1   187 @igormuba 1,027.5   307 @fieryfootprints 443.2
68 @josediccus 3,816.9   188 @meesterboom 1,024.0   308 @dera123 439.6
69 @thatgermandude 3,790.6   189 @enginewitty 1,021.9   309 @moonthumb 439.3
70 @paulo.sar 3,590.7   190 @shiftrox 1,013.9   310 @shariarahammad 437.3
71 @chincoculbert 3,478.4   191 @joetunex 1,000.0   311 @brandt 434.0
72 @elricmoonslayer 3,455.4   192 @shadflyfilms 981.4   312 @plint 434.0
73 @automaton 3,434.5   193 @tobetada 968.9   313 @weesleytv 427.6
74 @ralexandria 3,379.0   194 @akukamaruzzaman 961.8   314 @amphlux 424.0
75 @tattoodjay 3,362.2   195 @dagger212 959.7   315 @jonyoudyer 423.6
76 @knowhow92 3,330.4   196 @imfarhad 959.7   316 @aimharryianne 422.0
77 @kevinnag58 3,312.0   197 @mimismartypants 950.6   317 @rxt 419.7
78 @memeisfun 3,147.7   198 @funnel 941.9   318 @matheusggr 411.8
79 @leifasaur 3,101.6   199 @malgarise 939.3   319 @kirstin 408.4
80 @anaclark 3,090.3   200 @tezmel 938.6   320 @luhari 404.2
81 @bluemoon 3,089.8   201 @morenow 934.8   321 @joseph23 401.9
82 @shubhwaj 3,049.1   202 @blockchainyouth 911.2   322 @doziekash 399.2
83 @amberkashif 3,016.9   203 @l337m45732 910.3   323 @khan.dayyanz 398.0
84 @teesart 2,969.6   204 @claudio83 906.2   324 @perceive 395.8
85 @bozz 2,956.2   205 @alokkumar121 898.2   325 @shawnlauzon 395.7
86 @wrestlingdesires 2,924.3   206 @theycallmedan 897.9   326 @greenie.girl 395.4
87 @chireerocks 2,916.4   207 @fiberfrau 889.8   327 @wongi 384.6
88 @riandeuk 2,906.0   208 @buffalobison 884.6   328 @eirik 384.1
89 @maxwellmarcusart 2,871.5   209 @hatoto 882.5   329 @esmeesmith 383.9
90 @clicmaster 2,860.7   210 @imransoudagar 872.4   330 @juecoree 383.9
91 @buff-news 2,714.9   211 @driplord 844.6   331 @cryptowendyo 383.9
92 @richardfyates 2,688.4   212 @onwugbenuvictor 838.8   332 @achimmertens 383.9
93 @cjt 2,674.7   213 @toofasteddie 838.4   333 @mintymile 383.9
94 @trumpman 2,667.6   214 @bluefinstudios 836.0   334 @edje 383.9
95 @bala41288 2,644.3   215 @zellypearl 829.9   335 @b0s 383.9
96 @steevc 2,627.9   216 @coloneljethro 807.0   336 @stefano.massari 383.9
97 @edicted 2,571.8   217 @slobberchops 801.5        
98 @lookagain 2,548.6   218 @risingstargame 801.3        
99 @daniky 2,498.9   219 @penderis 791.9        
100 @kryptodenno 2,479.2   220 @ezrider 786.5        
101 @marvinix 2,453.0   221 @nasri11 785.1        
102 @gentleshaid 2,386.0   222 @nathanmars 779.1        
103 @mmykel 2,376.5   223 @muratkbesiroglu 778.3        
104 @akumagai 2,369.2   224 @davedickeyyall 775.7        
105 @blezyn 2,357.0   225 @dibblers.dabs 767.8        
106 @stickupboys 2,335.7   226 @hookup.pop 767.8        
107 @ganjafarmer 2,318.2   227 @bagofincome 760.7        
108 @mistakili 2,304.6   228 @yayogerardo 747.5        
109 @crrdlx 2,276.3   229 @scooter77 744.7        
110 @fireguardian 2,256.3   230 @playfulfoodie 736.0        
111 @urun 2,216.5   231 @ebingo 734.2        
112 @niallon11 2,203.6   232 @zanoz 722.5        
113 @marcusantoniu26 2,193.9   233 @drax 714.1        
114 @johntamny 2,166.6   234 @preparedwombat 712.4        
115 @alexvan 2,136.5   235 @cwow2 709.1        
116 @tfranzini 2,031.1   236 @oaldamster 709.0        
117 @sophiapics29 2,013.2   237 @trayan 700.5        
118 @idiosyncratic1 2,012.8   238 @californiacrypto 695.5        
119 @mimi05 1,987.7   239 @nobutsd1974 694.9        
120 @egonz 1,978.8   240 @elianaicgomes 688.4        

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