Over 32K POB for One Self Voted Comment

I was alarmed when I saw the huge pending totals that were starting to show up on proofofbrain.io after the first payouts and power ups, but I was assured by @eonwarped that those were not accurate and would not payout that way.

I considered putting a limit on payouts just in case, but I decided not to worry about it because I thought the pending payout estimates were just way off. In hind sight, that was a really bad decision.

@no-advice was paying attention and seems to have voted an earlier comment before it payed out so that it was the first comment to receive rewards after the totals had been thrown off. His reward for this was over 30k tokens making him the biggest POB token holder!

I don't blame him for gaming the system or @eonwarped for thinking the problem was solved when it wasn't. I blame myself for not doing what could have been done to correct things.

@no-advice has offered to give the tokens back, but he powered them up when he got them so that would take a month to give those tokens back. He says he would curate quality content and not upvote his own posts in the mean time, which is really cool of him.

@eonwarped tells me that he can help me figure out the totals that were supposed to be going to the other posts and we can get those tokens to the posts that they were supposed to go to, so maybe the project can be saved, but a lot depends on @no-advice.

Now it seems there are two options - move forward with everything fucked up and see if we can fix it or restart. Honestly, I don't like either option and feel like doing neither, so I thought I would let everyone know what's going on and see what the community thinks should be done.

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