
America already spent around $5 billion past ten years as of 2014, said Ron Paul at that time, in selecting the leadership of Ukraine meaning during Bush Jr and Obama this was happening. Ron Paul mentioned the threat of war with Syria in 2014, globalists are like the Emperor in Star Wars who funded both sides of the Clones Wars. America had $500 billion in investments in Russia who had $450 B invested in the west as of 2014 said Ron Paul, meaning peace over war is the better option.

Millions are invading America, calling them migrants put them under the United Nations treaty which the U.N. is a Trojan Horse that tries overruling the order of nations all around the world resulting in chaos so that the UN can pose as saviors of the problems the UN created.

Shawn pruned the cherry tree. Portal potty hunt. Caught squirrel not rat. Ghost island story. 1980s home school club talk. Videos: Does Oatmeal Work? Watched: Star Wars: Bad Batch 308.




Fuller Oatmeal House

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-20 - Wednesday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:30 AM
Does Oatmeal Work?

Oatmeal, do you work?
Ra Ra, I've been working past like 30+ years at least since I turned nine years old in 1994 working with my father in landscaping, yard work, maintenance, along with my brother, so at least since then if not longer is my estimated best guess of when it all started
But do you work now?
I'm getting to that, I was coloring in 1989, drawing in 1990, writing better since like 1994, drew comics in 1997, a newspaper around 1999
Sounds like hobbies to me
We started making the Arnold Attic home videos in 1996 which led to me making over 10K+ videos which YouTube stole and deleted which I didn't have backup copies to many of these
But Cool Kid, you aint professional Tony Hawk Pro-Skater
Oh yeah you wannabe ghetto Bumbaloe hater
We worked for the 1992 Red Fred Dead Lego Man, I would work for dad on and off for years to 2023, volunteered various jobs around the house, church friends, other people, on and off since the 1990s, a wide variety of things
In 2000, worked in Idaho with my youth group, we did carpentry, landscaping, repairs, for a week
Girls Basketball manager during my Senior year in high school starting in 2003 with Richie VanDyke, helped as the ball boy, towel boy, recorded the games, janitor, odd errands as a manager
Constructed a gutterball table in 2004
Bob The Builder
Worked in a kitchen at a college in New York starting in 2004 to 2006, did food prep, bakery, dishwasher, was a waiter at their Inn, did maintenance jobs there too, was doing multiple work study related jobs on top of ministries like Children Ministry Team (CMT) with John Giddy Brown
You went to New York?
I was a Snow Camp Counselor, Ranch Counselor, in 2005 and 2006
Also a West Coast Camp Counselor (WCC) in 2005
Did work in Quebec with a team in 2006
Worked in a kitchen at my second college in West Virginia for a year starting in 2006, food prep, server, counter, dishwasher, landscaping
Worked with The Salvation Army as a Wilderness Counselor with Mike Kurtz at Camp Kuratli in 2007 and 2008
Worked in Revolution Hawaii in Hawaii for a year starting in 2007 with The Salvation Army, churches, Mayor Wrights, YMCA, and others, mostly ministry related, also dishwasher too
Dishwasher at Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub and also an After-School Assistant in 2008 and 2009 in Portland, Oregon
Unofficial/unrecognized part-time Youth Pastor Assistant with Blake Webb at Moore Street in 2009 and 2010
Relief Counselor at Camp Redwood Glenn in 2010 in California near San Jose
Worked as a helper in a basketball PASS camp thing in 2011 at Moore Street
Was working for my dad especially in 2011 and 2012
Bell Ringer or counted the money for The Salvation Army in 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011
Web Designer for Mea Omnia with Brent Groth (who I knew from the one time I was on Comcast Wanted Adventure Host season 1 which premiered in 2010) for like a few years or less until like 2013, out website was supposed to be like an Elon Musk TESLA Twitter X Space X everything app but we didn't make money off it, we didn't get people to come to our website, but Brent did bail me out of prison for like $500 in 2012
English Teacher in Vietnam from 2012 t0 2017 and also online too sometimes even to this day
Worked for my dad in 2017, 2018, 2023. Also have done many different jobs where I'm currently living since 2018 which I've mentioned some of it in my daily blog regarding different people and places I've worked at these past few years
I've done many jobs in my life but would love to someday transition to full-time influencing culture as a content creator which I made some money publishing articles and videos. At the moment, it's not a lot. I could always go back to Vietnam. I am currently working multiple jobs plus a series of projects and everything else all at the same time. I have many options going forward


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

11:50 AM

Ariadna Jacob is the hotter sister of Amanda Please Bynes, bring in the dancing lobsters.

Home School Club

2024-03-20 - Wednesday - 02:34 PM - My Autobiography Log

mom is watching the small people in a big world show which has like 20+ seasons, some midgets are too small like genetic defects resulting in need for surgery to relief organs, the shorter twin finding love in season 10, I saw a bit of season 1, mom said I thought 5 feet was too short when I was younger. I talked to mom about memories. First I said we went by Tillamook to the coast in 1996. I said that because she forgot she was at the coast. Well, she only went a few times or less in the 1990s. Mom remembered when we went to the cheese factory, I was probably 3, I remember that, we went to a wood making factory in FG, Sunshine Pizza, lighthouse, a willow or whatever tree, a creek in the woods, mom mentioned going to a dentist to see how it works, we did this as part of the homeschool club in the 1980s and 1990s, the main program for the kids was the Friday School and the parents did a weekly night meeting probably Tuesday is what I remember. Mom remembered having the kids play sound bingo around like the kitchen table or living room before the start of one meeting one night for like a few minutes. I remember we would do picnics at Lincoln Park like each month or a few times a year or whenever it was. Mom remembered Skate World which she would take us to. I started going by myself with Crystal. And Rick would go too sometimes.

Dick School

1930s - Mom said her dad, Dick, went to Lake View Elementary on Mercer Island. That would have been the 1930s near Seattle, WA, USA. Indians feared Mercer Island partly or completely due to the fog which caused the island to disappear at night. Indians must have said there were spirits on the island. Indians had this legend about the island being like haunted and I'm thinking the fog had something to do it.

Discord Drama

2024-03-20 - Wednesday - 03:48 PM - Discord Log

48/ Catnipchip asked if I thought about going into politics. I started going into politics more so starting around 2016 as I started waking up, I started blogging and vlogging about it more so around then, this internal process was one of the reasons I ended up leaving Vietnam to return to America in 2017.04:17 PM: CatNipChip CatBipGrip, you should go into podcasting, share your videos here and everywhere, multi-stream broadcast simultaneously to all the websites, use websites like Restream.io to syndicate your show, do one show per year or per month or as often as you can, just be consistent, stream to TikTok, YouTube, Elon Musk Twitter X, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitch, Kick, Rumble, Hive Blog, LinkedIn, Spotify, Apple Music, Bitchute, Only Fans, Porn Hub, Chaturbate, MySpace, Vimeo, Brighteon, The Pirate Bay, Archive, Wikipedia, Bing, Gab, Minds, Door Dash, Minecraft, Xbox, Odysee, LBRY, Vevo, Dailymotion, Dtube, 3Speak, Steemit, Blurt, Wordpress, TED, Netflix, HBO, radio, television, cable, satellite, MediaGoblin, 123series, Disney, Hulu, Trovo, Dcast, Streamyard, Caffeine, Dacast, Droplr, JW Player, Vidyard, Riverside, Podbean, Zoom, Anchor, Loom, Brightcove, IBM, Wistia, Wirecast, Kaltura, Skype, Viber, Signal, Telegram, FaceTime, Bunch, Marco Polo, Flipgrid (Vidku), and so on and so forth, the more the better, be everywhere all at once so you cannot be stopped, cannot be silenced. 04:25 PM: 55/ Trolls could take over my Discord Server simply by telling me what I want to hear, simply do what you think I want you to do, haters could trick me into making them administrative owners so they could help me more with it or totally nuke/kill it, The Lord of the Oatmeal Rings. 06:05 PM: 56/ I wonder how much it cost the legendary Fish Man to buy the expensive Image Permission at the store, Fish has claimed I snuck into his house and stole his expensive Image Perms which I hope he had a warrantee on this Image Perms, I hope Fish installed security cameras, see you in court. If 100 people told me to ban Fish, I would do it. If 300 people tell me to give Fish some image perms in the next five minutes, I will do it. 07:05 PM: One of the purposes of this server is to encourage debate for and against Oatmeal Joey Arnold, I was hoping to cultivate investigations into my own personal autobiography in order to spark viral curiosity and engagement on a global stage meaning drama as a first step. In other words, I have no problem if people lie about me in documentaries as long as it's convincing because that's interesting to me. I want both sides or all the sides to be more convincing. Instead for too many years, often times what we get is too many Lolcow Trolls spamming out surface level talking points, hit pieces, where the haters take me out of context/character using screenshots/soundbites/quotes/fake headlines/allegory/hyperbole/irony/sarcasm/paradoxes/isolated rants/etc. Like, my trolls could have got just one out of thousands of people who knew me in person in real life (IRL) in the real offline world to lie about me or whatever in order to destroy me and I left my trolls contact information, breadcrumbs, timestamps, locations, links, timelines, outlines, etc, but trolls are too lazy to actually destroy me...... and I don't have millions of people deeply debunking all of the Oatmeal Fake News on the other side either..... so in conclusion, we end up in a cease-fire stalemate. 62/ I made this poster at my first college, WOLBI, in New York in 2004. I wrote, "New York Oatmeal Joey Unedited, Produced by JJ Hipp and JC Arnold." We recorded people and things. I think JJ had a camcorder. I didn't have one at that time. Later on, JJ said something like maybe our videos got recorded over and/or he needed the space for other things. So, that project was abandoned. 07:43 PM: Spaceman was filmed in 2009 in California by a Hollywood connected cameraman named Luke, the video was first uploaded to to his channel. Luke had expensive cameras, lenses, one day we drove down to Los Angeles for like a photoshoot he was doing, Luke was showing me his gear. I wanted to impact culture since I turned eight in 1993, Lincoln Hawk was persuading me to move to California especially in 2008 so we could make videos and do ministry together. 67/ I have other cameras. I'm not sure my thoughts regarding DSLR. At the moment, I'm mostly only uploading at 360p so I don't run out of hard drive space. 68/ We started making movies in 1996 and it is one of the things I'm passionate about. I'm sort of in a fork in a road in life as I'm also passionate about other things too. Downscaling from 1080p down to 360p could take some time or too much time so it depends as I often feel like I'm a one-man band juggling too many jobs, plates, cooks, Bills, projects, work. 70/ I often feel like my days are so sort in a sense because I have so many things I do and I feel like I'm often operating on auto-pilot. 08:01 PM: In the past, I was motivated at the idea of planting seeds which could get people involved in participating in projects so that instead of only having one Oatmeal doing things you can have dozens of Oatmeals getting things done. 08:29 PM: I'm not sure if I've tried ffmpeg for downscaling. I'm mostly making one 58-seconds-long video per day which can take an hour or two to make because I write out each thing before I say each part. So, a one minute video can have dozens of segments as I have a conversation with my long lost pet. That alone can be time-consuming. Part of the problem is I sometimes feel like I don't have trillions of super fans who are very interested in my content. I'm not saying I don't have an audience. I'm saying that I'm not sure if HD will get me more views. 75/ Over the years, I've observed different things. For example, if I work for ten hours on a video, then that video might get no views. But then if I only spend five seconds on a video, no editing, no nothing, and upload it to the Internet, then that video might get a million views which I do have a video with a million views. I'm not saying this is always the case. I'm only stating two extremes, two polar opposites to say sometimes I feel like I work so hard and I feel like it may not work. But then again, I'm not saying it does not work. Maybe it does work sometimes. But I felt like it didn't work many times. That might explain some of the actions I've made in my life. I'm not here to debate actions I've made whether they were good, bad, right, wrong, and so on and so forth. I'm trying to describe my perspective, my point of view, where I was coming from, what was running through my head, and so on. I need an Oatmeal Chat Bot to talk to Fish for me. 09:15 PM: 81/ Fish has been fished, gutted, eaten, and buried. Fish was a boring/repetitive Lolcow Troll Hater who spammed surface-level Oatmeal Fake News all the time. There are many purposes for this Discord Server which extends beyond things relating to me as many people can try to take this server over. But people can debate whether they're for or against me. The problem is trolls like Fish are not creative enough to go beyond surface-level attacks. Make it more interesting if you're against me. Like, I welcome constructive criticism, roasting, and all sorts of things. Trolls should pay people who knew me money to lie about me. That'd be hard for me to debunk. I'd try very hard to debunk stuff like that. Sort of like the crazy lady who lied about Trump. People can lie about me too. For those who do lie about me, please make it entertaining at least. Ian wanted to ban Fish. I said ok. So, I guess Fish is gone for now. Fish might have alts. I have mixed feelings about it. I've talked about it before. I may talk more about how I feel about it. But I did give Ian power to make these types of choices which may sometimes include choices I might disagree with. Part of me did disagree with banning Fish because Fish might resort to do bad things because Fish is bad.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Bad Batch 308

2024-03-20 - Wednesday - 03:04 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 308

Bad Territory. They worked with a bounty hunter to take down a reptile alien. Swamp river with crocodiles and mines. They wanted info about the M count thing.

11:40 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 3/20/24 • TEXAS RISING, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:03 PM
America already spent around $5 billion past ten years as of 2014, said Ron Paul at that time, in selecting the leadership of Ukraine meaning during Bush Jr and Obama this was happening. Ron Paul mentioned the threat of war with Syria in 2014, globalists are like the Emperor in Star Wars who funded both sides of the Clones Wars. America had $500 billion in investments in Russia who had $450 B invested in the west as of 2014 said Ron Paul, meaning peace over war is the better option.

01:47 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 3/20/24 • RON PAUL WITH TUCKER, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:02 PM
Millions are invading America, calling them migrants put them under the United Nations treaty which the U.N. is a Trojan Horse that tries overruling the order of nations all around the world resulting in chaos so that the UN can pose as saviors of the problems the UN created. Chicago sues Kia. Chicago sues gunmaker Glock. 02:32 PM: Texas pulled out $8.5 billion from BlackRock.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:04 AM
I Am Coach Collins - Joe Rogan Revisits Trumps Most HILARIOUS Moments

Bad Batch 308

2024-03-20 - Wednesday - 03:04 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 308

11:40 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 3/20/24 • TEXAS RISING, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:47 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 3/20/24 • RON PAUL WITH TUCKER, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:05 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [4 of 4] Wednesday 3/20/24 • MAX KEISER & LUKE RUDKOWSKI - News, Reports & Analysis

05:39 PM
VIGILANTES EVICT Squatters, Democrat Crimewave Sparks NYC Vigilantism w/Clint Russell | Timcast IRL

11:28 PM
ACLJ - DEADLINE: Trump Bond Due Monday or Risk Seizure of NY Properties

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:00 AM, dream where I found out you can record on both sides of VHS video tapes similar to how audio tapes work, so I was thinking I could find lost videos of mine that way, the end. Woke up with a headache that is not a migraine yet. Drinking extra water. Headache started last night a little. Was to bed around 03:40 AM. Up for a second around 9. Had water. Up for good around 11. Greenhouse plants out. Cloudy day, colder outside than yesterday. Took around 4 pills of one pain reliever plus about 2 more of another kind. Also took around 3 instead of just one Magnesium. So, drugged myself up to try to stop the headache from turning into a migraine which happens maybe once or sometimes more each year when the weather like changes drastically around like spring and fall I think. Breakfast, 11:34 AM. Plants out of box in green house, some watering. Dishes around 01:00 PM, mom is watching the small people in a big world show which has like 20+ seasons, some midgets are too small like genetic defects resulting in need for surgery to relief organs, the shorter twin finding love in season 10, I saw a bit of season 1, mom said I thought 5 feet was too short when I was younger. I talked to mom about memories. First I said we went by Tillamook to the coast in 1996. I said that because she forgot she was at the coast. Well, she only went a few times or less in the 1990s. Mom remembered when we went to the cheese factory, I was probably 3, I remember that, we went to a wood making factory in FG, Sunshine Pizza, lighthouse, a willow or whatever tree, a creek in the woods, mom mentioned going to a dentist to see how it works, we did this as part of the homeschool club in the 1980s and 1990s, the main program for the kids was the Friday School and the parents did a weekly night meeting probably Tuesday is what I remember. Mom remembered having the kids play sound bingo around like the kitchen table or living room before the start of one meeting one night for like a few minutes. I remember we would do picnics at Lincoln Park like each month or a few times a year or whenever it was. Mom remembered Skate World which she would take us to. I started going by myself with Crystal. And Rick would go too sometimes. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Was looking for a frame or bucket for the portal potty pooper thing which he might need as he does like juice fasting to fight cancer as he may have to go all of a sudden at night, was looking around 3. Shawn is pruning the cherry tree, I took a photo of that, he was telling me the science of how to do it. Back here at 03:40 PM. Dinner, 07:00 PM. Plants in at around 08:00 PM, dishes for like ten minutes, back here at 08:20 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, tangerines, 11:34 AM. Lunch: 2 regular toasted bagels with Private Selection Garlic Hummus (minced roasted mellow garlic, 10 ounces) which this humus is really good, 02:00 PM. Dinner: watery carrot rice chicken peas soup, mostly water, a few things in it, I forget the exact ingredients, I liked the food, maybe it came from a can from a store, it tasted like that, I usually don't get canned food in that mom makes me her home made soups and other things which a lot of it comes from our garden, 07:00 PM. ChinhPham0332: 2024-03-20 - Wednesday - 09:40 PM. 1. Walking Dead. Stock market. Silver. Rare earth minerals. Monopoly. Factories. Making money. Ended at 10:22 PM.

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