
Facebook disabled my ability to comment on replies for weeks. As soon as they let me comment again, I go back to doing what I did. So, they punish me again as their way of trying to condition me as if I'm a dog being domesticated to play fetch with Mark Zuckerberg. They play these games with billions of people. It's not only abuse but an act terrorism against the world to warp the minds of humanity. Discord Drama: Fish, lay 100 eggs, if they all start commenting in the next five minutes, you will be promoted to become one of the @GODS and I will forgive the millions of dollars you owe me from the bet you didn't actually take but in spirit you did in fact take.

Planet Fitness is woke attacking women who don't want men in their locker room, talk about it and they'll murder your membership with them meaning they're trying to silence you.

Video: What's Wrong With Oatmeal 4, Jealousy. Watched: Resident Alien, Star Wars Bad Batch, Walking Dead.




Battlestar Oatmeal Galactica

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-17 - Sunday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

08:51 PM
What's Wrong With Oatmeal 4, Jealousy

Jealousy is one of the things wrong with me
Is that a bad thing?
Jealousy is a blindfold as you're running in the dark
But jealous of what?
Jealous of not getting what I want in life
What you want?
During the course of my life, I would want many things
Why not get those things?
Many times I was trying to get too many things resulting in disaster
What you jealous of?
I was jealous of almost everything like when other boys was kissing Tiffany Cumbo in the 1990s be it Bill Bailey, Jaya Sa, and so on. I felt like the guy with glasses in the time-traveling pond show, The Way Home
What else ya jealous of?
Jealous of like hundreds to thousands of people I knew in life, be it from high school, colleges, camps, the different states in America, be it from Vietnam, people I met in real life (IRL) who married women I might have had crushes on or other women too
You like a soap opera drama queen woman
Jealous when Tommy Tamez made the basketball team at my FGHS high school in 2000 and I was designated the position of manager
Jealous when others made it in the high school plays and I was rejected
Jealous when I was rejected from the college drama team in 2004 in New York
Jealous when rejected from counseling a little in 2005 partly over like fake news and stuff
Jealous when rejected from the Word of Life Impact Team in 2006
Jealous when rejected from like Moody in Chicago, maybe Jennifer Moore, Sawyer Frye, 2007
Jealous when Lincoln Hawk California in 2008
We're out of time, I'm not gonna debate the different types of jealousy there might be, the different variations, level. Not gonna debate whether the different flavors of jealous is good, bad, or whatever else because there was sometimes negative side effects, consequences, regardless of how good and bad the jealousy was, there was collateral damages resulting bridges burnt and many different things in my life
As I get older, I become more self-aware of jealousy hiding inside my heart where I cannot see, that mixed with impatience as I've been too in a hurry doing too many things all my life resulting in an Ojawall mess, and all of that mixed with so many things that might be wrong with me or at least some of is perception of how people see me regardless of whatever reality says is the truth
Sometimes jealous of other YouTubers, celebrities, TikTokers, people on Twitter, basketball players, actors, writers, comedians, and so on
Jealous feeling I deserve what others got thinking I either can do or might do what they've already done
Right or wrong, an element of jealousy is emotion which is part of the human experience which we are to embrace to an extent, not trying to justify some of my feelings or actions. But with that said, jealousy is a dangerous dragon foe breathing fire


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:17 AM

Facebook disabled my ability to comment on replies for weeks. As soon as they let me comment again, I go back to doing what I did. So, they punish me again as their way of trying to condition me as if I'm a dog being domesticated to play fetch with Mark Zuckerberg. They play these games with billions of people. It's not only abuse but an act terrorism against the world to warp the minds of humanity.

08:17 AM
Planet Fitness is woke attacking women who don't want men in their locker room, talk about it and they'll murder your membership with them meaning they're trying to silence you.

Discord Drama

2024-03-17 - Sunday - 05:00 PM - Discord Log

Request DMs in the DMs-request channel which is open to guards and up in our Discord Server, see pinned messages for how to take over this server. You can ask others for roles or find the secret pinned message which will give people access to the UNLOCK channel where people can simply click on the thumbs up to become a guard. Click on the skull face to escape prison. Over 99.9999999% or ninety-nine percent of the 600+ members in our server are probably not reading this as they muted/ghosted this server as the ghosts they are. Most people in this server have the power to give people roles meaning to add roles (promote), the power to remove roles (demote), and the power to give/remove timeouts for others. You might have these powers assuming you don't have certain prison related roles. Please send most accounts in this server to prison, give people the prison role if they're anonymous Lolcow Trolls, weirdos, sock puppet alt accounts, ghosts, too lame, spamming too much, breaking too many rules, if they're not content creators, if they are not the best of the best, if they are not doing things in the world to really help people, if they are spreading too many lies, if they are engaged in too much crime, if they are trolling too much, if they are not partners, Heirs of Oatmeal, or whatever else. Only promote the best of the best. You might be punished for making bad choices with your powers. Promote, demote, and timeout with the following slash commands: /role add @PRISON , /role remove @PRISON, /timeout. Server is run by the people for the people, see my blogs and everything else for more information. About this server. 05:25 PM: Woozy asked me about WPM. Words per minute (WPM) that I can type on keyboards on computers with my hands and fingers as a non-alien human, last time I counted around 2009, my WPM was around 30 to 40 on average and maybe higher now but not sure. 05:57 PM: @icexmm and @pookiewookiedookiebearpie were rewarded with the @SPAM role which disqualifies them from promoting themselves to higher roles, good job. I'm happy to block any of the other 600+ @GHOSTS who are rotting in @PRISON right now. Lucky for me, 99.99999999999999% of all of the 600+ members in this server won't read this message here and will not promote themselves meaning I don't have to worry about most of the members in this server because they're not really in this server, I'm using them to trick new people into thinking this is a big server when really this server only has like three members or a crazy small number much smaller than like 600+ members. Woozy was too woozy to click on the thumb. Fish wants image perms so he can talk to nobody as nobody is in this 600+ members server. Fish could easily get somebody to give him image perms. 10:05 PM: Fish, lay 100 eggs, if they all start commenting in the next five minutes, you will be promoted to become one of the @GODS and I will forgive the millions of dollars you owe me from the bet you didn't actually take but in spirit you did in fact take. 10:19 PM: To anybody and everybody regardless of whether or not you're in our Discord Server right now or not, the more you help us with anything and everything or the more you help the world or whatever good you might be providing, be it goods, services, whatever it is, just show us and we may return the favor, we may promote you up to higher roles, remember to remind everybody this every five seconds forevermore online and offline on all the websites and in person. The more you help us, then the more we might help you, for those wanting to run this server or whatever else you might want, we can negotiate rewards and what not. Sadly, 99.99% of the 600+ members in this server will probably ignore this post which is too bad that everyone ghosted and muted this server making these pings meaningless, goodbye everybody and maybe Roy will never ever notice that I'm gone until the Heirs of Oatmeal can resurrect this server from the 600+ Lolcow Trolls led by the Demon Fish who is possessed by Big Red Dog Lucifer Mickey Morehead of New York City. 10:37 PM: Cobra is lying about me in Discord. Cobra lied about me saying: "This guy is a lost cause. He also has more than 500 facebook pages and roleplays as little girls on some of them, Catch this guy already!" BMF wrote: "I wasn't in the server either. Only joined about a month a go to see what the fucking lunatic was constantly going on about on his Facebook page. He mentions this server numerous times per day."

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Resident Alien 305

2024-03-16 - Saturday - 11:34 AM - Resident Alien 305

Harry had sex with the bird in the girl's car and office and all over. But gotta save the world too Harry. Grays want to lighten the gravity on earth so they can live on it. Harry sings a silly love song at the end.

Bad Batch 306-307

2024-03-17 - Sunday - 02:24 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 306-307

There are secret clone troopers who do secret missions. But Rex was able to convince a few to go against the empire.

The Ones Who Live 104

2024-03-17 - Sunday - 10:48 PM - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 104

Interesting to see her debate with Rick in a building after she pulled him out of a helicopter which crashed into a building. In the end, she was able to get Rick to come home even as the army may kill their children and community. But they may also think they died in the helicopter crash. I see where Rick is coming from. But in life, you kind of have to do good even in the mist of potential failure. Perhaps some exceptions exist. But in general, I see parallels here with real life where globalists murder good people. Do you just eat the bugs? No. You jump out of helicopters and do what you can to change the world.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Resident Alien 305

2024-03-16 - Saturday - 11:34 AM - Resident Alien 305

Bad Batch 306-307

2024-03-17 - Sunday - 02:24 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 306-307

02:31 PM
Nerdrotics - Magical Negros Review, GamerGate 2, X-Men 97 FIRED | Friday Night Tights 293 w Clifton Duncan

The Ones Who Live 104

2024-03-17 - Sunday - 10:48 PM - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 104

ChinhPham0330: Son Class 0166: 2024-03-16 - Saturday - 10:28 PM. 1. Page 55, A Glass Envelope. Modern means the newest update or version. Like the newest iPhone is the most modern phone. A modern house is a house that has a newer design, maybe will include better tech in the house. Page 59-60, It Could Be Worth. Sympathetic. LA Hill PDF 60-65, story 21 about Alan, sports. Story 22, Bruce, travel. Plants & Zombies 2, Scaredy-shroom makes me think of scaredy cats which means when a person is scared. Sea Flora. May Bee. Sun is the money in this game. Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 07:50 AM. Was up a few times for a sec during the night like 4 and 6. Had like dreams of like if I did something, then I would stop existing or all of reality would end for everyone in the universe and beyond. I have these dreams before at times in my life. I am not sure if I remember enough of the details to explain all of this. Last night there was elements of how years would be deleted in a sense from not just my life but everyone. Not just years but like millions or trillions of years. Don't quote me on how many years and I don't think I remember except to say it was a lot and we are talking like the fabrics of reality. I forget the details of what I had to do. It is not the normal do this or die but do it or else the past will vanish. Like reality will. The end. Nice day. Breakfast, 08:00 AM. Went to church as usual. Mom was upset. Larry must have said she moved the batteries by the front door in the desk. They both sort of move things around sometimes and forget things. In a sense, they both are often wrong about many things. Mom told him to deal with it as she doesn't want the responsibility as to be blamed if things are missing or whatever. Sunday school, Matthew 12. Mark did the sermon on different types of fasting be it absolute, partial, fruit, water, long, short, the Daniel Fast. I looked at the British form of welfare going back to at least the early 1900s in a sense. Welfare rose as an idea to help poor people but it can also get in the way of the free market. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Dishes around 3. Back here around 03:50 PM. Dinner, 04:36 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 4 tangerines, scrambled eggs was delicious, 08:00 AM. coffee at church with the liquid like French vanilla which was ok around 10:10 AM. Lunch: salad, 02:00 PM. Dinner: potatoes, 04:36 PM.

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