
You can find Guardian Angels in New York.

When the white people came to America, if it was a sin, then pack your bags and leave, if the white people stole land from the Native American Indians and the black people, then the solution would be to return to homelands, to Europe, to go back to wherever the evil white people. If somebody is teaching this in school or anywhere, that person to lead by example and deport themselves out of the United States for once and for all, problem solved.

French politicians SUDDENLY realized there were cameras and there beautiful lizard faces were showing, they felt like they were caught with their pants down except I mean diapers not over the legs but the mouth, so they quickly covered, Allah Akbar Time. Look mommy, those old people are naked, I can see their TEETH. Oh my God, I just saw a TONGUE.

Top American leaders state if you believe in mothers and fathers, borders, fair elections, free speech, self-defense, etc, then YOU ARE A TERRORIST AND YOU WILL BE IMPRISONED. In 2021 in the United States, hundreds of normal people like you and me are ROTTING IN PRISONS, JAILS, DUNGEONS, PRE-TRIAL HOLDING CELLS, RIGHT NOW, PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME, we can sit here and ignore these warnings and then end up locked up too. Doing nothing with 17 kernels of popcorn all over your face will only accelerate globalism, if you're not getting involved in fighting the real invisible enemies of humanity.

She explains why she is not a civic nationalist.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-29 - Tuesday | Published in June of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-06-29 19:50:20 Cara Castronuova.png

Check out Cara Castronuova.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Home | Directory | Accounts | Oatmeal Brother | Oatmeal English | Oatmeal Health | Oatmeal Joey | Topics | Timeline

When the white people came to America, if it was a sin, then pack your bags and leave, if the white people stole land from the Native American Indians and the black people, then the solution would be to return to homelands, to Europe, to go back to wherever the evil white people. If somebody is teaching this in school or anywhere, that person to lead by example and deport themselves out of the United States for once and for all, problem solved.

Governments knew people would be pretty mad if they were to build a prison around them, so they went to Big Tech and said, "How about you do it, they'll let you into their homes and let you put them in Facebook Jail. They'll sign contracts with you saying it is ok if you spy on them which we can't do due to the 4th amendment but luckily that silly amendment doesn't apply to you. You guys can make your services free since the people are the service. You'll make them dependent on you and then you can show them who's boss. They'll be begging you to keep them enslaved. We can't do all of this but you guys can on our behalf. That is why we are funding you guys so much. And don't worry, people are too dumb to believe any of this and that is how we are going to get away with it, because it is so crazy and too big to fail."


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Bad White Settlers?

2021-06-29 - Tuesday - 11:51 AM - Globalism Log - Gab

When the white people came to America, if it was a sin, then pack your bags and leave, if the white people stole land from the Native American Indians and the black people, then the solution would be to return to homelands, to Europe, to go back to wherever the evil white people came from. If somebody is teaching this in school or anywhere, that person to lead by example and deport themselves out of the United States for once and for all, problem solved.

17 Kernels of Popcorn

2021-06-29 - Tuesday - 03:16 PM - Globalism Log - Gab

Top American leaders state if you believe in mothers and fathers, borders, fair elections, free speech, self-defense, etc, then YOU ARE A TERRORIST AND YOU WILL BE IMPRISONED. In 2021 in the United States, hundreds of normal people like you and me are ROTTING IN PRISONS, JAILS, DUNGEONS, PRE-TRIAL HOLDING CELLS, RIGHT NOW, PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME, we can sit here and ignore these warnings and then end up locked up too. Doing nothing with 17 kernels of popcorn all over your face will only accelerate globalism, if you're not getting involved in fighting the real invisible enemies of humanity.

Covid Log

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2004 WOLBI Hangers Joey.png

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Free Britney Spears

12:00 AM - Facebook

You should not be in a CONSERVATORSHIP if you're an employer, if you're making money and providing income to dozens of people, this includes BRITNEY SPEARS who was put in a CONSERVATORSHIP which is intended for people who cannot provide for themselves, legally speaking it is supposed to be for those who cannot take care of themselves and yet Britney takes care of not just herself but so many staff, cooks, dancers, lawyers, body guards, etc. And yet under a CONSERVATORSHIP since 2008, Britney could not do anything she wanted to do with her own money, property, medicine, body, etc, without getting permission from her own father. But she aint no girl. She is grown woman who can make decisions on her own. If they can do this to Britney, they can do it to you through the veil of LOCKDOWN.

Is Britney Spears a man?

12:58 PM - Facebook

I hope not. I doubt it.

Well, some people do put on wigs. A good rule of thumb is to study their hips and throat. I would start with the hips and look for a third leg. Also, see if they had children. See what kind of medicine they take. See what they looked like as children. You can sometimes study a person's smile and take notes. One big example is Big Mike. But not every person is a man.

03:02 PM
I saw a picture Rom sent about a guy named David Ballamy.
who is ballamy? i dont put any ballamy in my sandwich

09:03 PM
In 1976, Shavarsh Karapetyan, an Armenian Olympic swimmer, had just completed a 12-mile run with his brother when they saw a trolley bus crash into a dam reservoir. The trolley bus sank 80 feet offshore at a depth of 33 feet. Shavarsh immediately dove in and swam to the bus and despite zero visibility, managed to kick in the back window, injuring himself in the process. He proceeded to save twenty people trapped in the bus, one at a time, for hours.

The combined effect of the cold water and his inquiries from breaking the glass window led to his hospitalization for 45 days after the incident, during which time he developed pneumonia, sepsis, and lung damage which ended his athletic career.

For years, his story wasn't known, until an article about the event identified him by name in 1982. In 1985, he happened to pass by a burning building and rushed inside, again saving people trapped inside one at a time until he collapsed. He was again hospitalized with severe burns and lung damage.

He's still kicking it at 66. Just an awesome person I learned about today and thought I'd share.

11:26 PM
Somebody asked for help on Facebook. I told a person what to do. That person marked my comment as spam or something very bad. Wow. Remind me not to answer any of your questions. Because you are brain dead.

Free Yourself Mate

2021-06-29 - Tuesday - 11:43 PM - Banned Log - Facebook Log - Gab

Some people on Facebook are so dumb that when they see a link to a website they never heard of before, they mark as spam, that is what happened to me. I am being punished because I know something other people don't know. That is crazy because it means people are that blind. It crazy because the man was asking for help with making money. Somebody said Fans Only. So he laughed that one off. Some people joked around with him about porn. He was ok with that. So, I mentioned Hive Blog or Steemit or websites where you actually make money posting. It is actually similar to Fans Only but with cryptocurrencies. There are so many different websites, apps, fund raising things, online offline, we can talk for hours about the different things people have and use. I don't even know the half of it and I've studying these things for many years. But it is crazy that my Facebook and YouTube may be gone soon. My YouTube was recently flagged for spreading medical misinformation. I've been banned on Twitter as well. Hey folks, this is not the first account I've had on Facebook. I can't tell you how many profiles I've had. Well, maybe I could try to count how many. But it doesn't matter right now. What matters is that we can help each other out and make the world a better place. Sadly, it still surprises me how many dumb people you can run into. So, I guess I can't tell people good advice on Facebook because they are brainwashed. Well, what makes things crazy is that I thought he was not stupid. That is what makes me perplexed. I thought he was smarter than that. So, it surprised me. Well, he probably blocked me and I am not going to spend five hours trying to find him. I can find almost anything given enough time. But I think I am just going to post this and move on. That is all I can say. I try very hard to help people see what their options are. I mean, at least have the balls to say no thank you or better yet nothing at all. To flag a comment because you think it is a bad website or something is insane. Like I am not from Africa. I am trying to hack your computer. I can go on and on with this rant but I think you get the point. Facebook neutered people's ability to use the Internet. Like, people don't know the Internet like they did 20 years ago. Like, it has evolved. No, it has devolved for too many people. Well, that was the goal of Facebook. See, the problem is that Facebook is like training wheels and you need to learn how to ride your bike through the Internet. Instead, you are stuck in the kitty pool. Like, the water is not that deep here. Come to the deep side of the pool. Facebook is the domesticated version of the Internet. The Internet is a jungle and people are so afraid of walking through some tall grass. People are afraid of breaking their nails. So, they stay tucked under the covers of Facebook. They have Facebook read them bedtime stories each night. Facebook is the mother and father of like 2 billion people or more. Facebook is keeping people from taking advantage of what the Internet has to offer to the world, there is so much you do NOT see because you are stuck under the CONSERVATORSHIP of Facebook just like Britney Spears was stuck under the CONSERVATORSHIP of her own dad. That is insane. Free Britney. And Free Yourself Mate.

11:54 PM
I cannot be myself on Facebook, meaning this is not me.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

12:07 PM
The problem is Apple. I use Ubuntu and I access Parler through Firefox and Dissenter and I have no problems, I am not being censored using certain words. People should not use Windows or Apple or Android operating systems. People should use Linux or Unix or Ubuntu or other types of operating systems.

Do NOT use iPhones because it uses Apple software which is full of Trojan horses and crazy things just like Windows, they are big tech. Use alternative tech to get away from tech tyranny.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

Why are people feeling sick after London?

2021-06-29 - Tuesday - 12:26 AM - Health Log - Facebook

We have to treat the shedding like as if it was cancer and find ways to get it out of the body. But it also causes autoimmune responses which means you would have to somehow find a way to undo that to fix the immune system from becoming allergic to your own body.

Charlie Mai, my head was pounding a little this morning, so I took 4 capsules of Magnesium.

We have to fight against the morgellons fibers.

Worse Than Demon Possession

2021-06-29 - Tuesday - 12:50 AM - Globalism Log - Freedom Log - Gab

The game they play is a war on logic, they sprew lies, they get people to spread the lies. When you sign onto evil, then you hold on tight even when the lies are exposed, they initiate a snowball effect in getting more and more people to sell their souls to this evil, we are talking about teachers, doctors, Hollywood, reporters, scientists, politicians, etc, they get hooked in and they become dependent on the very system that is destructive. But they continue to promote it as it becomes their identity. It's an addiction, a dependency more entwined than demon possession is to one's own psyche.

09:45 PM
YouTube hit me with a strike saying I was spreading medical misinformation. Thousands of doctors who are censored on YouTube will tell you the truth. YouTube is pushing misinformation and that is why people go to Bitchute and Rumble and other websites.

Community Guidelines strikes
Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines.
Because it's the first time, your account isn't affected. You're only warned once and this warning will remain on your channel.
If this happens again
Your channel will get a Community Guidelines strike.
You won't be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.
Content removed
If you think we made a mistake, you can appeal this decision
Warning on June 29, 2021
2021-06-28 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 756pics

Oatmeal Joey Arnold can be found at @joeyarnoldvn and you can Google my name, @joeyarnoldvn as well. He was homeschooled. He taught English in Vietnam for 5 years, 2012-2017. Making the world greener with one original green oatmeal at a time, with hope over dope, love through action, and joy over circumstances. Joey was once on Comcast's WANTED Adventure Host on channel 38 back around 2009, 2010. That is where he met Brent Goth or Groth, the founder of Mea Omnia. Joey was a Salvation Army and Word Of Life children and teens Summer and Winter Camp Counselor for five years. He was a web designer. He was a filmmaker since he was almost eleven. Joey loves Star Wars, Star Trek, free markets, video games, movies, great stories, love, life, action, comedy, history, health, religion, science, family history, science fiction, education, entertainment, encouragement, how-to videos, family first values, review videos, spoilers, natural remedies, etc, etc. For more information, don't even think about looking up his name, searching or Googling his name, investigating, looking up his name, on other websites, search engines, etc.

Medical misinformation
Appeal submitted
Jun 29, 2021

@Roy Merrick youtube gave me a strike for medical misinformation and that means this channel will likely be destroyed very soon meaning u will not be able to write to me oh nnoooooo

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Dr. Charlie Ward


Legally speak, they made it ILLEGAL to find and declare cancer cures, remedies, it is in the law, that is crazy, that is insane, you should never give money to alleged cancer research because there actually are real cures to cancer but people are hunted down for telling the truth and the truth is hidden, banned, erased, etc.

Some of the U.S. Marshalls may be stoppng some of the trafficking, may be arresting some of the traffickers, the bad people.

On The Fringe


Make A Wish Foundation kids who they will die no matter what, they try to make them get Covid Vaccines to help save them even tho they say they will die and Covid Vaccines kill people.

Ron Gibson


When the white people came to America, if it was a sin, then pack your bags and leave, if the white people stole land from the Native American Indians and the black people, then the solution would be to return to homelands, to Europe, to go back to wherever the evil white people. If somebody is teaching this in school or anywhere, that person to lead by example and deport themselves out of the United States for once and for all, problem solved.

Tucker Carlson broke a story yesterday, a whistle blower was able to repeat back to Tucker information that could only come from private text messages which agencies like the NSA collected. We have been telling you this for many years. They spy on people in order to set them up.

Statistically, the people who commit suicide the most are the children of globalists, leftists, those kinds of people.

12:49 PM
The game they play is a war on logic, they sprew lies, they get people to spread the lies. When you sign onto evil, then you hold on tight even when the lies are exposed, they initiate a snowball effect in getting more and more people to sell their souls to this evil, we are talking about teachers, doctors, Hollywood, reporters, scientists, politicians, etc, they get hooked in and they become dependent on the very system that is destructive. But they continue to promote it as it becomes their identity. It's an addiction, a dependency more entwined than demon possession is to one's own psyche.

Ron Gibson


You can find Guardian Angels in New York.
So many doctors and nurses are NOT TAKING IT, they shoot it into the trash cans, this is so big, the numbers they share on fake news are fake numbers just like the 2020 Election had fake numbers.

Top Australian general accidentally told the truth, a Freudian slip, when he said Cookvid Vaccines will kill you, as many people are dying from it in the millions in the 2020s globally and not from the Delta or anything else but the sh0000ts.

Top Australian general accidentally told the truth, a Freudian slip, when he said Cookvid Vackkkk1nes will kill you, as many people are dying from it in the millions in the 2020s globally and not from the Delta or anything else but the sh0000ts.

03:08 PM
French politicians SUDDENLY realized there were cameras and there beautiful lizard faces were showing, they felt like they were caught with their pants down except I mean diapers not over the legs but the mouth, so they quickly covered, Allah Akbar Time. Look mommy, those old people are naked, I can see their TEETH. Oh my God, I just saw a TONGUE.

Obama took over NetFlix, projects are being given unlimited money as long as the movies and shows confuses people, that is the goal, that is the brainwashing, YouTube stars are being bought up and paid for worse than Hollywood in some cases, they are throwing money at anybody who is willing to make humanity depressed, confused, retarded, angry, sad, ignorant, arrogant, apathetic, blind, lustful, but mostly incapable of analyzing logic, reason, evidence, scientifically, to destroy wisdom from the inside-out, to weed out any bits of common sense left from the masses.

Carbon is life.
This Australian general said, "The consequences of the [vaakch1nes] is worse than any of the potential side effects...."

An episode of Star Trek from the 1960s, aliens had so many wars among themselves on a planet, so many that they decided to have virtual simulated wars on computers and then have people go into rooms to be destroyed in real-life. Please tell me that is not real life, I will wait right here. Connect the dots.

A Taste of Armageddon, episode 23 of season 01 of the first Star Trek television show, the 23rd of February of 1967. What happened in that episode is happening all around the world in 2021, this year, right now, in different countries around the world.

"DEATH TO AMERICA" says the U.S. generals who are plotting to take down Americans.

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, evil United States generals and leaders had military go door to door to steal guns from Americans, this was 16 years ago, they have been taking away our firearms, our weapons, our second amendment rights, little by little and piece by piece for so many years. They do it under the radar so you stay asleep and let it happen. Ignoring bullies will only encourage those weeds to grow tall and wrap around and strangle your garden.

Military stole guns from so many Americans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and they are preparing to do it again but this time nationwide, this is a red-alert warning, it happened before and this kind of thing happens under the radar many times. But giant raids are being planned right now in 2021 all over the United States in so many states, go watch the Alex Jones Show at Banned . Video for more information and spread the word, you WILL WILL WILL WILL regret ignoring this message, I promise.

After Hurricane Katrina 2005, military were raiding homes, confiscating firearms, this woman thought she was going to die when they busted down her doors.

At the age of ten, Andrew Jackson was killing Red-Coats. Funny how Communism is also red. In Star Wars, the Emperor had red Imperial Guards.

Attacking Capitols, 15x in 5 Years

2021-06-29 - Tuesday - 05:06 PM - Jan.6 Log - Gab

In the last five years, Democrats have stormed U.S. state capitols over 15 times not counting Jan.6 which they also did. They blamed 1/6 on conservatives. Leftists not only endorse violence, they beg anybody and everybody to engage in active sedition, terrorism, insurrection. Jan.6 was an inside job, a false flag, a trap. Imagine how crazy it has been that while Trump was running for President and while Trump was President, these past few years, progressives were attacking capitols all over the United States over fifteen times and yet does that make the news? The answer is no. While cities were burning in the summer of 2020, some said it was in fact the summer of love as they promote and recommend rioting in the mist of lockdown. They told people to stay home unless if they were tearing down statues or going after those evil white people.

AOC is the hero they say. Jan.6 so bad but this thing so good they say.

AOC wears outfits costing thousands of dollars not counting the jewelry and she is always lecturing the big evil rich people.

06:13 PM
Multinational Takeover.

Ron Gibson


The Veteran Affairs (va.gov) would give military veterans the wrong medicine, drugs, treatment, for too many years, too many have died while others are left with crippling issues, many are then unable to walk, talk, breath, and many end up committing suicide, it is very evil and very bad, the very people who are supposed to be the ones defending the United States are the ones punished by these demons.

Governments knew people would be pretty mad if they were to build a prison around them, so they went to Big Tech and said, "How about you do it, they'll let you into their homes and let you put them in Facebook Jail. They'll sign contracts with you saying it is ok if you spy on them which we can't do due to the 4th amendment but luckily that silly amendment doesn't apply to you. You guys can make your services free since the people are the service. You'll make them dependent on you and then you can show them who's boss. They'll be begging you to keep them enslaved. We can't do all of this but you guys can on our behalf. That is why we are funding you guys so much. And don't worry, people are too dumb to believe any of this and that is how we are going to get away with it, because it is so crazy and too big to fail."


They are telling people they cannot get haircuts or have visitors if they refuse to take the experimental and deadly c0gv1d fahcc1nes and they others they have to get these sh00000ts if they want to be hired for a job, sheep are lining up in front of the slaughterhouse like herds of buffalo over a cliff, the 2020s will be known in the HISTORY BOOKS as the "DARK-TWENTIES" (not to be confused with the dark ages) as a contrast to the 1920s which were known as the roaring twenties.

DELTA is not a plane this time but it may hit you they say. They want you to stay home forever. They want you to fear the government but indirectly through the DELTA. They hide behind the Wizard of Oz, the curtain of the DELTA.

Check out Cara Castronuova.

If you're only reaching out to a few of your friends on Facebook, you may be wasting your time, if you're not reaching out to new people, if your posts are private, if people are not passing it on, if you're spending too much time, if you're capable of reaching more people by other means, if there are better things you can be doing, if you're not very good at it, please evaluate your time, what you have to offer the world, who you are helping or not helping, you would be very surprised at how many options you have, many times people get stuck on habits, routines, people are often unaware of emerging opportunities which can mark the next chapters in their lives and that is why it is critical to evaluate each day, each week, each month, each year, each decade, it may be time for you to go to the next level.

Why are they suppressing 44,000 hours of footage from the thousands of security cameras from Jan.6, we should demand they publish all of those videos, all of those hours.

They throw hundreds of patriots in prison for Jan.6 and hand them iPads or other mobile devices so they can entrap them because then they contact their friends and family. So, they're spying on them, the devices are hacked, they're reading all text messages and hoping they say something that they can use against them.

Please follow Cara Castronuova.

Ron Gibson


They say CLIMATE CHANGE is blowing up buildings. Well in that case, perhaps GLOBAL WARMING caused 9/11 and we should then send soldiers to invade not Iraq but iSun.

Facebook does NOT want you to know about this girl:

Smuggling in people.

Check out a movie from 2007 named Vexille.


09:50 PM - 70 People from 70 Countries Imitate Americans | Condé Nast Traveler

Over 99% of the imitations here were of Californian blonds or hippies.
As an Oregonian, I'm offended.

Ron Gibson


Decertification July 2021

2021-06-29 - Wednesday - 11:18 PM - 2020 Election Log - Gab

States like Arizona are moving to decertify their 2020 electoral college votes which will then move Joseph Biden to under 270 and a person has to have at least 270 or more to be a President of the United States of America, the process towards decertification is happening in July of 2021, many states are watching Arizona. Next in line is Georgia. Also, stay for a big My Pillow event coming in August. You should pressure your state to audit ballots and then to decertify the fraud. Be on the right side of history. Don't sit on the sideline while history is being made.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Free Your Mind


Dr. Charlie Ward


On The Fringe


04:50 AM - Bibi & Tina - Die Serie - Season 1 Episode 1 - Episode 1. Not in English. 2 cute female stars. Smiling. Singing. Farm animals. If Pippi Long Stocking or Anne of Green Gables was a witch.

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson



09:50 PM - 70 People from 70 Countries Imitate Americans | Condé Nast Traveler

Steven Crowder

09:56 PM - Biden Is Way More Divisive Than Trump: Here’s How… | Louder with Crowder

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


To bed around 5. Dear diary, got up at 11:15 AM. Watering tomatoes, sprinkler to water backyard between garage and book shed. Mom said Larry looks like a boss of a gas station for the kind of outfit he had, it was black or dark, a certain style, so he could play that kind of role, kind of funny. Small potatoes harvesting, a few handful, outisde mom's room by gate, 2 fences, around noon to 1. Weeding between celery and peppers by raspberries. Hot. Sun. Bit of headache, took 4 Magnesiums. Nap around 4 to 6, but not the whole time, maybe just a few minutes or longer.

Food log
Breakfast: apple, coffee, 11:46 AM.
Lunch: noodles in soup, 01:02 PM. 3 PM.
Dinner: soup stuff around like 7 or 8, I forget exactly.

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2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn 434a Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA Ojawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp china Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk miya Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google 5  5 Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic mee 20 Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j devil trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg

Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies

Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection

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