Trip To Muree Is Memorable One !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Be A Travel Blogger

Life got so busy that I completely forgot to travel. There comes a time in our lives when we forget ourselves and start living for our family, and after that time, we also end up meeting our friends less.

The last time I travelled with my friends was four years ago. I had just bought my new car, and we went to celebrate that. The location we selected was one of the most beautiful places in my country. The place I am talking about is called 'Murree,' also known as a mountain resort city. This was my first experience travelling in my car. It was an unplanned tour, and we didn't even think about how many days we would stay in Murree. We just set off; there were five of us.

First, we reached Islamabad, which is the capital city of our country. Once we got there, we wanted to eat pizza, but the place we intended to go was closed. However, there was another shop open nearby, and since we were hungry, we thought we would try their pizza. Unfortunately, our experience was very bad.

After that bad experience, our mood was spoiled, but we were confident that we would easily forget it once we reached the place we were heading to. And that’s exactly what happened. As soon as we arrived in Murree, seeing the weather and the beautiful mountains lifted our spirits, and we forgot all about that bad experience.

After that, a great and memorable tour began that we could never forget. This city is at a high altitude, and the weather here is pleasant. People from foreign countries also come here to visit

The day we were returning from Murree, it rained heavily along the way, and there was also hail. Despite not wanting to, we had to change our plan. We then decided to go to 'Khanaspur,' which is another place situated at a higher altitude. If you search for it on Google, you will be amazed by its beauty. We waited for a while, and when the rain lessened and the weather improved, we turned our car towards Khanaspur. We stayed there for two days and rented a room in a youth hostel. We also had a BBQ there and played many games, taking lots of photos, which I don’t have with me at the moment, but I will definitely share them with you someday. This is a tour in my life that I might never forget, or at least I will remember it for as long as I live

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