Are You Using The Best Colors?

This wasn't the post I started out to write but technical issues kept me from doing the post I intended. I should be ready next week.


The Psychology of Colors

This is something you may do without even realizing why you do it.

Using the right colors will help your customers KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you, Having the right color scheme builds customer trust and gives them a positive feeling about you.

Let's look at the psychology of colors


Sporty cars are often red for a reason. Red grabs your attention and creates strong emotion. Red makes you want to take action. Red signifies

  • energy
  • power
  • passion
  • courage

Use red to portray speed or strength for your business.


Happiness and optimism are identified with orange. Orange is a fun color. You can use orange to show you like to have fun and are not too serious.


Yellow is bright and sunny. People feel joy and happiness from yellow. Mr. Positivity, @bradleyarrow, could use yellow for his positivity.


Makes people think of nature. It works well for health or eco-friendly businesses. Green is working well for @jimmy.adames even though he works out in orange light.


People trust blue. It is liked everywhere. Blue can be used on almost any site because of its versatility. Think of a blue logo. Which one popped into your mind. Was it Facebook?


Purple portrays royalty. Also, wisdom, confidence, and creativity are associated with purple. Purple grabs peoples' attention. Purple can make you stand out. Remember @jongolson and the purple cow.


Pik is associated with femininity (no surprise). It is also associated with enthusiasm and creativity. It represents hope and can reduce anger and pain with comforting feelings.


Brown is earthy. People associate brown with wholesomeness and warmth. It works great with vintage themes and relates durability, safety, and reliability. If you want to be considered reliable use brown like UPS.


Black is associated with high-priced brands because it symbolizes high quality. Black is minimalistic and combines well with other colors.


White is also minimalistic and represents purity. It is usually combined with another color. What white logo pops into your mind? It's Nike for me.


If you want to show maturity and authority, gray is your color. Gray is a serious color. Law firms use a lot of grays.

For what statistics are worth, according to a study by Reboot Online, the most popular branding colors are

✅ 34% of brands used black in their logos
✅ 30% of brands used blue in their logos
✅ 30% of brands used red in their logos
✅ 9% of brands used yellow in their logos
✅ 7% of brands used green in their logos
✅ 6% of brands used grey/silver in their logos
✅ 5% of brands used orange in their logos
✅ 2% of brands used brown in their logos

I am not sure what their criteria were for including a brand but I am surprised purple didn't make the list.

I hope this gave you some food for thought. Let me know if you found it helpful.

See You At The Bank,
Bob Caine


A few of you ask about my splash page and if I ever got it finalized. Here is what I am using right now. Please let know what you think. Thanks


You can click here if you want to see it full size.


If you would like to read my other recent posts about Affiliate Marketing here are the links

7 Reasons Affiliate Fail
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Slow Down
Adjust Your Binoculars
Too Many, Too Fast
Too Many, Too Fast Again But Different
You Are Not Done Yet

10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 2
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 3
Content Marketing Is A Must
It's Going To Be A Lot Of Work & Effort
Relationships Are Your Biggest Asset
Most Will Give Up In 3 Months
You Won't Get Rich In 30 Days or Less
Building Your Email List Is Priority #1
If People 'Hate On You', You Are On The Right Path
You Can Never Stop Learning
Consistency Is Key


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