You Won't Get Rich In 30 Days or Less

I have to get this done early today. Really bad storms are due in a couple of hours. I don't want to get caught without power and no post done. Plus I think today will be fairly short. Today's topic is

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You Won't Get Rich In 30 Days or Less

I am going to start with a quick look in my inbox again. Check out these subject lines

  • Make #126,831.61 Per Month on Autopilot
  • COPY N PASTE $150 a day
  • *** Simple 3 Steps = $100-$300 Per Day***
  • I made $1600 in one weekend thanks to this secret

Those are just 4 subject lines in my inbox that reference making lots of money quickly. I am not going to say they are lies. I will say they don't tell the whole story. (I did open those emails and they contained nothing to convince me they were true.)

If you spend enough money on advertising, you probably can make those headlines come true, but did you make money? Probably not or at least not much. I believe you are much better off using subject lines that are catchy but don't exaggerate to the point they become questionable.

So how do you get your emails opened?


  • Personalized Subject Line - most autoresponders will let you personalize your subject line
  • Seasonal Subject Line - for eCommerce sites
  • Curiosity Gap Subject Gap - makes the reader wonder what they missed or forgot
  • Humor Subject Line - if the subject gets a chuckle, it will get opened
  • Be Grammatically Correct and No Mis-Spellings


  • Use all CAPS
  • Abuse punctuation - one ! is enough
  • Fake Reply - No 'Re:' at the start of the subject line
  • Lots of Emojis - 1, maybe 2, emojis is enough
  • No False Alarm - URGENT for example
  • Don't Make It Too Long - 20 to 30 characters should be enough
  • Use A Single Word - Trying to be mysterious by just putting 'Hi' in the subject line won't work

I am sure that is enough for you to get the point. There are many articles, videos, and books about writing good subject lines by highly qualified people out there you can study.

The point is that businesses, even internet businesses, take time to build. You want to attract people who will stay with you long term. Not people who are only attracted by a promise to get rich overnight.

You want people to get to Know, Like, and Trust you. You need to build that kind of relationship over time. If you want a solid, long-term internet business, you need to take the time to develop relationships.


See You At The Bank,
Bob Caine
Get 100% Real Buyer Traffic

If you would like to read my other posts about the 10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing here are the links

10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 2
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 3
Content Marketing Is A Must
It's Going To Be A Lot Of Work & Effort
Relationships Are Your Biggest Asset
Most Will Give Up In 3 Months

Building Your Email List Is Priority #1 - Coming Soon
If People 'Hate On You', You Are On The Right Path - Coming Soon
You Can Never Stop Learning - Coming Soon

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