10 Common Misconceptions, Myths and Facts About Affiliate Marketing

What follows is based on a handout from the ClickTrackProfit training. To me, this is @jongolson at his best, In the next few posts, I will talk to you about most of the topics individually.


Here is Jon's list of the 10 most common misconceptions, myths, and facts about affiliate marketing.

  1. It's Going To Take Money – Hate to say it, but if you think this is going to be a free ride, think again! But there is good news...Building an affiliate marketing business does NOT cost a fortune! TRUE

  2. Content Marketing Is A Must – Build your list and BUILD YOUR BRAND! And there is no better way to build your brand and get people to know, like and trust you than...Creating content! On the Hive this is especially true.

  3. It's Going To Be A Lot Of Work & Effort – Again if someone is trying to sell you on the idea that it's easy and won't take any effort...Runaway! This is a BUSINESS and businesses require effort and dedicated work! Business or Hobby, work is required.

  4. Relationships Are Your Biggest Asset – Remember, people, do business with those they know, like, and trust...So the more people get to know you, and you add value to the relationship...You will become a success! Get people to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you will make it easier

  5. Most Will Give Up In 3 Months – Or less! The 'Internet Marketing Vortex of Doom' is real. People join projects, give up, join another, give up...Almost on schedule! Don't be a statistic...Stay the course! Don't know about you, but I have been here

  6. You Won't Get Rich In 30 Days or Less – Again if someone is pitching you this...Runaway! You are building a business and businesses, legit businesses, take years to develop. So True

  7. Building Your Email List Is Priority #1 – The money is in the list. The fortune is in the follow-up! Nothing but facts...And nothing to debate. Those that put off building lists, never achieve success! The first sentence says it all. The money IS in the list.

  8. If People 'Hate On You', You Are On The Right Path – Churchill famously said and we're paraphrasing...'If you have someone that hates you, it means you have stood up for something in your life. Welcome to haters. They become fuel to your determination! That hate probably comes from jealousy or envy.

  9. You Can Never Stop Learning – How big is your TV compared to your personal library? Jim Rohn famously said that those that find the most success have huge personal libraries and are always learning. Those with the big TVs... Well...! Very True

  10. Consistency Is Key – Keep on, keeping on! The secret to all this stuff is to take action, every day! And continue the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next....... Again, this is especially true on the Hive.

What do you think about these 10 Affiliate Marketing facts?


I will talk more about them in my next post.

See You At The Bank,
Bob Caine

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