Pill 2 - Content Marketing Is A Must

I finally finished my posting about the Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing -It's Going To Take Money. Now let's talk about

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Content Marketing Is A Must

I am sure you have heard, "BUILD YOUR LIST!" Probably most of you have heard, "BUILD YOUR BRAND!" What is the best way to do that?

There is no better way to build your list and your brand than to create content. Through content, people get to know, like, and trust you. And this is essential for your success. Just ask @jongolson and @blainjones.

So many people are afraid of creating content. They have many excuses. I am not good enough. My English is not that good. Nobody wants to read what I have to say. The excuses are endless. As long as you let excuses stop you, you just won't know and you certainly won't get any better. Here are some hints for good content.

You Need a Good Headline

Your headline is the first thing readers see. If it doesn't interest them, they probably won't open your post or email. Here are some guidelines I have seen in copywriting books I have read.

  • Heads line should be 7-8 words
  • Numbers in headlines for list posts
  • Make your headline a question to create curiosity (who, what, when, where, or how)
  • Make the first word 'The' or 'This' (indicating Specificity)

Try and explain your content following these guidelines. Certain words can help too. words like you,because, free, now and intantly can helpt too. Use a headline analyzer like CoSchedule or Advance Marketing Institute can be a big help with headlines.

Intrigue readers with your intro

Your headline attracts readers. Your intro has to make them want to read your content. The intro should be the 3 or 4 sentences for a post, For landing pages, the subheadline is the intro. It should pose a question, state a problem, or something else to draw your reader into your content.

Don't Forget Visuals

Visuals make a huge difference in how well your content is received. Think about it. Do you enjoy reading posts with visuals or without? Why? It is more interesting. Statistics I have read say an image approximately every 100 words was most successful.

The type of images depends on your content. I read a post today that showed beautiful pictures from around the world and talked about the beauty in nature.

Your Own Graphics

Making the time to create an original graphic will reward you. A tool like Canva is easy to use and free. You can make great graphics with Canva. @bradleyarrow creates great graphics and I think I remember reading that he uses Canva.

Use charts or graphics when it will help explain your content or support your point. Use screenshots to show how something works or to verify your portion. Use infographics to explain complex data or complicated concepts rather than using words. For all you ClickTrackProfit members, you are familiar with the fantastic infographis available to you.

The Magical Referral Gennerator

Easy-to-read Format

Finally, use an easy-to-read format. This includes

  • Use a font between 14-18pt
  • Break up the text, keep paragraphs short no more than 5-7 lines
  • Use bullets to highlight key points
  • Add visuals to break up text
  • Include subheadings where appropriate

I hope this post helps you with your content because Content Is King

A great place to practice creating your content and get paid for it at the same is the Hive. Check out this free Hive Guide to learn more.


See You At The Bank,
Bob Caine

If you would like to read my other posts about the 10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing here are the links

10 Common Misconceptions, Myths and Facts About Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 2
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 3

More Pill Post on the way. Stay tuned

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