You Can Never Stop Learning

For some reason, I just couldn't get started today. It makes no sense since I had things that had to be done by 7:30 am. I got them done and then my motivation got up and left. Maybe I started too fast today. Doesn't matter I am back on track now. Today, I want to talk about

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You Can Never Stop Learning

How big is your TV compared to your personal library? Jim Rohn famously said that those that find the most success have huge personal libraries and are always learning. Those with the big TVs... Well...!

I tried to find out when Jim Rohn made that statement but the best I can do is that he probably said it in the 1960s. I was curious because I wanted to know what he considered a library. If it was said in the 60s, a library would have been only books and maybe records.

Today, the world of learning has expanded so much because of the internet. I have a friend who likes doing everything he possibly can himself. It saves him money but he really does it because he likes doing it. He will spend hours on the internet researching how to do something. For example, a few weeks ago, he changed the head gasket on his lawnmower and then tuned it. He learned everything he needed to know from YouTube.

I love learning technical things like programming to make my website better. I also like learning, mostly from books about copywriting. I figure knowing how to write the best possible email I can write will be very helpful in my internet marketing.

My point is we all have things to learn. It doesn't matter if you are learning something to help you personally, spiritually, or for your business, you need to keep learning.

I would highly recommend you set aside 30 minutes or more every day to learn something. Read a book, watch an educational YouTube video (watching puppies or kittens doesn't count), take an online course, do more lessons in ClickTrackProfit. It doesn't matter the media. It matters that you do it.


See You At The Bank,
Bob Caine
Get 100% Real Buyer Traffic


If you would like to read my other posts about the 10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing here are the links

10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 2
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 3
Content Marketing Is A Must
It's Going To Be A Lot Of Work & Effort
Relationships Are Your Biggest Asset
Most Will Give Up In 3 Months
You Won't Get Rich In 30 Days or Less
Building Your Email List Is Priority #1
If People 'Hate On You', You Are On The Right Path


My Goals Status

Here is my goal status as of March 22nd. I am shooting for

$100 HBD
5000 Hive
150 ListNerds
60,000 CTP (10,000 in ListNerds)

by June 30th. (I think I may have to increase my ListNerds goal)

Hive goals 22-14-03.png

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