You Are Not Done Yet

Bad storms have been in my area all day. I have lost power twice already. This post is going to be short so I can hopefully get it done.

Today we look at the 7th reason so many affiliates fail. This is one you may not have thought of before.

7 Reasons Affiliates Fail.png

Create A Journey

You have sold someone your product. What is next?

Try and sell them the next product? Forget about them? NO

Now you need to take them on a journey. A journey about the product they just purchased. Why? so they will KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you.

Now that the own the product you want to

  1. Share your experiences with the product
  2. Tell them any tips or techniques you have learned
  3. Ask questions of the purchasers
  4. Get their feedback on the product and use it in your emails

Do not just leave them hanging. Is the product saving you time or making you money? Tell them. Did it solve a problem for you? Tell them.

This is where features of your autoresponder can help you a lot. About 2 weeks ago I talked about your autoresponder being the most important tool in your tool belt. Now is when that tool can really prove its worth.

You should be able to identify your buyers and what they bought. These are the most valuable people on your list. They purchased once, they are likely to purchase again if you treat them right,

Different autoresponders will give you different ways to identify buyers and their purchases. Taylor emails that address their specific products. One of the more common ways to do this is called segmentation. I way to group people on your list with certain characteristics.

Use your first product as a training tool to learn the skills you will need over and over. Learn these skills thoroughly because they will pay you back handsomely.

See You At The Bank,
Bob Caine



If you would like to read my other recent posts about Affiliate Marketing here are the links

7 Reasons Affiliate Fail
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Slow Down
Adjust Your Binoculars
Too Many, Too Fast
Too Many, Too Fast Again But Different

10 Common Misconceptions, Myths, and Facts About Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 2
The Hardest Pill to Swallow in Affiliate Marketing Part 3
Content Marketing Is A Must
It's Going To Be A Lot Of Work & Effort
Relationships Are Your Biggest Asset
Most Will Give Up In 3 Months
You Won't Get Rich In 30 Days or Less
Building Your Email List Is Priority #1
If People 'Hate On You', You Are On The Right Path
You Can Never Stop Learning
Consistency Is Key


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