Happy Caturday Everybody!..........My Actifit Report Card: November 11 2023

Happy Caturday everybody! Yes, it’s Caturday, but more importantly, it’s Veterans Day, when we commemorate the veterans who have served our country. Thank you to all veterans who have come before and who are now serving. 🙏

It’s also another special day! Happy birthday to me! 🎈🎁🎉 As a kid, I always got my birthday off! It was a special day for many reasons.

As I mentioned last night, we were having a wind storm which did indeed take out the power last night right after we had finished streaming a movie. Talk about good timing! Anyway, the morning was spent dealing with the genny and getting showers and whatnot. @silvertop ventured out to see what was causing the outage as I showered. A big- and I do mean big tree of our neighbors had fallen. It was a dead tree that the neighbor had called about having the utility company come take down a couple of years ago. Their response was they’d wait until it fell. He inquired about having a tree service take it but it was ridiculously expensive. It needed special high lifts to do it due to its size and location. Now, they’ve slapped a ‘road closed’ sign and apparently have no plan to come move it and reconnect the power lines. Our road has one way in and one way out. All of the residents are trapped with the exception of the first 3 on the road before the area the tree fell. We are one of those folks. What makes it bad is a lot of the neighbors up the road are elderly. If they needed emergency services, they couldn’t reach them! I called the utility to explain this as did at least one other I know of. The tree is still there. 😏

So, we headed to Lynden to partake of my free birthday coffee from Starbucks and then I had wanted to walk through Hobby Lobby. Well, it’s a big store, lol and we were there a while. I got a couple of very large coffee mugs for our mochas and lattes. One Christmas gift for our daughter in law. We went to Grant’s Burgers for a lunch/dinner and the to get a slice of cheesecake dipped in chocolate (my slice of birthday cake).

Here’s some kitty eye candy for you.

Some Christmas eye candy….

And my mug with a lovely mocha in it!

That’s gonna be it for today. Take care and have a blessed Sunday. 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Dancing,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


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