West Coast Camp Camper

My favorite childhood camp of all time was Word of Life's West Coast Camp which I attended as a teenage male camper for five consecutive summers, either the last or generally second to last week of July each year from 1999 to 2003 in Lassen Pines, California, USA.

I was born in Forest Grove, Oregon, as described in my biography. I was homeschooled. In the 1990s I started attending Word Of Life's Olympians. This children Bible club is similar to AWANA which I also attended. After completing Olympians during the spring of 1999, I was invited to attend this West Coast Camp. I also started attending the youth group at Community Baptist Church in Hillsboro, OR. That church was able to rent out a yellow school bus and transport 20 to 50 people each summer for seven days, from Sunday to Saturday each year. I don't think we had more than 100 people on that bus. How many people can you squeeze on a school bus? If there where less than 30 rows times two aisles times two people per seat. That would be like 120 people. But minus ten or less rows in the back for baggage. Probably closer to five rows or less. Not sure exactly.

So, I looked forward to going to camp each year. I enjoyed the water. I enjoyed buying candy at the store. One of the things I enjoyed the most was go-cart racing. I was able to get like $20 from my parents like each summer or at least some of the summers. I don't remember how much I got exactly. I enjoyed the music. The seminars were pretty good too. I especially remember Ric Garland, he was one of my favorite speakers. Another speaker who was amazing was Marshall Wicks. My brother Rick Arnold @rsarnold316 attended camp with me in 2000 and that was fun. I was able to encourage him to go.

West Coast Camp

1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003


Remembering the 1990s | Remembering the 2000s


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West Coast Camp Camper

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-20 - Saturday | Published in February of 2021

Rick, Joey

This photo is of Rick & Joey Arnold prior to attending West Coast Camp in 2000

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