DataViz: Weekend Engagement

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to finally share something I've been meaning to put together for a couple weeks! Some visualizations of how the Weekend Engagement series is going!


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Let's Get Talking

Before I get started, I just want to sincerely thank G-Dog and all of the sponsors like Taraz and those who sponsor it every week. Without the sponsors, this wouldn't be possible, so thank you! This series really brings a lot of humor, joy and engagement to so many of us across the blockchain. I know it's expanded my followers and the ones I am following for sure! That's such an awesome product of this weekly series, we all hope it can continue for as long as it can. We know the best things don't go on forever but until it stops, you bet your ass I will be in that post every weekend!

So I've been meaning to put this together for a while and I finally got the time to do it! I took full advantage of a period of minor slowness at work and spent time going into each of the posts for the past 14 weeks of the #weekend-engagement series to put together some data to analyze! Let's see what the data shows!

I am focusing on engagement more than rewards, since that's what it's about for the series!
I looked at:

  1. Total Number of Comments
  2. Depth of Comments per Reply (If I drop a comment on the engagement post, I then counted the number of replies that original parent comment got, including replies to replies, regardless of how it spiraled [and it did, in hilarious ways!])
  3. Number of Unique Comment Threads (each new person to comment on the parent post, excluding any replies that comment got) (also to note, I ignored automated comments like HiveBuzz or PoshBot, and even lame ones like 'nice post' that occur here and there)

So for the first section, I put together some basic line graphs that I think show some cool representation of how prolific the comment sections are to the post! Perhaps we could even add a @hivebuzz badge for the post that got the most comments on the blockchain for the day? That would be really cool in my opinion! (@arcanage what would that take?)

As anyone who has participated in the Weekend Engagement series knows, the comment section for these posts can get very long and full of absolute gold, which is awesome! It looks like Week 4, the draw yourself topic was the one that got the most comments! It was a fantastic topic full of hilarious responses, if you want to reminisce and check it out!


The next measure I took a look at here was to see what weeks had the most number of unique comment threads. It was a close battle between week 4 and week 14! I think it's great that the most recent week topic, which was "Who to follow?" got almost the same number of different comment threads! That means there were almost 60 or so different recommendations for new people! Some great stuff there!


This next one combines a few different measures into the same line graph. It is looking at the number of comments made, the number of different comment threads (the number at each of the different peaks) as well as the depth of comments (thickness of the lines). The thickest and darkest lines received the most comment replies as well as unique threads. What was interesting is that in week 11, photograph your favorite thing it had fewer comment threads but it had a greater comment depth (number of people replying to the parent comment) than it did in week 14 which had more comment threads.


Similar to the graph above, this one just shows the numerical value of the comment thread with the most replies. Week 4 was one that spiraled in hilarity with 81 replies to a parent comment! That's some great spin-off if you ask me!


So I was playing around with this new one. It was a combination bar and line graph that I think was a cool way to look at it. This was looking at the total comments by week against the total unique comment threads on the post. It's a similar way to see the data included in the chart two above but I think this one is a bit easier to visualize. We can easily see that some of the best weeks had the most unique comment threads as well as highest number of comments. It's interesting to see some weeks such as week 3, What is it? topic (with some hilarious exposing of the male cluster of cells of the 'mast' variety [little science trivia for someone who's interested!) had some pretty significant numbers for different comment threads but when compared to other weeks, had fewer overall comments such as week 9 spirit animals and week 10 draw yourself doing something in your country.


This next one is just a visual difference between the number of comments on a post compared to the depth of thread comments each post received. Week 4 is clearly taking the win for the best in all categories overall which is pretty awesome. Let's take a look though to see what the topic was for week 11 to see what garnered so many different comments in the same parent comment! That one is photograph your favorite thing. I remember some of the interesting sentimental things people were posting like books, photography abilities and punching bags among many others. This one brought the second highest depth of comments, there was a lot of love going around that section!


To round out the end with something a lot less complicated looking but equally impressive is seeing the totals of all of it. The 14 week Weekend Engagement series has brought almost 5,000 comments (4,713) to the blockchain! That's a hell of a lot of awesome comments! There are over 500 unique comment threads and the depth of the comments for the most popular comment threads is just shy of 500! I think that's really cool, to show how much of an engagement we are doing for the fun brain-child of uncle G-Dog!


Whatcha Think?

I had so much fun and so many laughs going through each of these posts to collect the data for this little Viz project I put together. I hope others will take a little time to check out their favorite topics, we could even drop some comments after it all! I know I definitely did when I looked at something truly hilarious or memorable in the past posts!

Have you gotten in on the Weekend Engagement? What are your favorite editions of the series? Personally, my favorite is number 3! What is it? The other editions in the series are here:

1 - Leave a comment
2 - Open for anything!
3 - What is it?
4 - Draw yourself
5 - Mystery Item
6 - Draw your ideal job
7 - What would you do?
8 - Who were you?
9 - Spirit animals
10 - Draw yourself doing something in your country
11 - Photograph your favorite thing
12 - What would you send?
13 - Ask Me Anything
14 - Who to follow?

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