Look no further...Plus 10 hive for a comment

On Monday this is what my week looked like; A seemingly hopeless maze of twists and turns with no way out. I went into it hoping for the best and soon realised it wasn't going to be the greatest week I've ever had. I won't go into it here however suffice it to say that my week is better left behind me and here's the good part. It is!

That's right folks, it is officially my weekend!

Ok, I'll be honest, it's only mid-afternoon Friday here, but it's close enough for me. I am officially declaring it the weekend y'all.

We will begin with fish and chip Friday for dinner tonight, a long-held tradition in my household. It's a simple concept...On Friday, have take-out fish and chips for dinner. Having said that, fish and chip Friday has been known to occur on other days of the week also.

We have no real plans this weekend; It's a whatever weekend and anything is possible. I can see us not doing too much at all quite frankly although I am going to head to one of the ranges nearby on Sunday morning to catch up with a few friends; Faith will come and I'll bring some guns of course.

Isn't it funny how a week can look so complicated, be so complicated and annoying, but as soon as Friday rolls around it all seems just a bad dream; The power of the weekend, or just the feeling of relief; Denial of the bad whilst embracing the good? I don't know but what I do know is that I need look no further for the salvation that is the weekend, oh glorious and much-loved weekend. Come at me!

What are you guys up to this weekend? Please tell me you have something cool planned. Something so awesomely amazing that it's going to blow my mind and yours! I don't want to hear about boring weekends like mine so if you don't have something awesome in the pipeline just make it up!

I'm feeling happy and generous so...

I'll even pay 10 hive for the best comment I receive before the weekend is over. That's right, just make up the most outrageous weekend ever, claim it as your own, and you could take away 10 hive, from me, on Monday next week. Be creative.

So, take care y'all, have yourselves a great end of the week and I'm sure I'll see you guys and gals around over the weekend. Don't forget to make up something good for the comments below! The crazier the better.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Image: I took this at a place called Hampton Court Castle, (Hope under Dinmore, Herefordshire, UK)

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