Unknown & Known Reasons!

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is The Worst Reasons


Our lives are filled with numerous instances when people come and go. There are reasons for people coming into our lives and for leaving. Sometimes we know the reasons, and sometimes we don't. If someone doesn't want to share their reasons for leaving, it's their choice, and we shouldn't dwell on it too much. No one can stop someone who wants to go; this is what I believe.

If I talk about my personal life, there have been very few such incidents, almost none. The most significant event for me was my mother passing away, and since the reason for her departure was natural, I won't discuss it here. I've already written about it many times.

In my life, I've had two close friends whose lives have been like an open book to me. There have been events in their lives where I've witnessed people coming and going. For some reason I know, and for some, I don't. Today, I will share the reasons I do know with you all. It's my duty not to disclose their names, and it wouldn't be fair to them either. I hope you all understand.

So, let's start with a friend of mine who fell in love with a girl at an early age. He was with me in school, and we had just gotten new mobile phones. He befriended this girl in a chat group, and over time, their friendship turned into love. However, I had a feeling that this love wouldn't reach its conclusion. The reasons were that they were quite young, and there were certain things I learned about that shouldn't exist in any relationship.

Their love continued from school life to college life, and even during university, they remained in touch. They might have even met. But then, suddenly, their contract ended, and the girl got married. The reason why they couldn't marry each other is still unknown to me. Today, that girl is a mother, and my friend is still single. He hasn't married yet. I hope he gets married soon.

There was another incident that caused two friends to drift apart. It happened like this: one friend called the other and asked him to come over. The other friend had guests at his house and needed to arrange food for them, which was an important task. Due to this, he got delayed. The friend who had called got angry and the friend with the guests, despite the situation, left everything to go to him.

The friend who had called said it was all about priorities, feeling that his friend was giving more importance to the guests at home. In reality, it wasn't like that at all; the delay was simply because of the guests. This misunderstanding led to a fight, or you could call it a fallout, between the two friends, which still exists to this day.

I don't know what to name this reason, but that day was one of the worst days in the lives of those two friends.

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