Examples of the emails that I designed for Listnerds

Examples of the emails I sent in Listnerds.png

Content creator but zero HTML knowledge

So let me first set this straight, not only did I join Listnerds with 0 knowledge in the email marketing industry, but also did I have zero knowledge about HTML. I can make my Hive content look ok, but the only code involved in that are the ones that make your text italic, bold, or headlines. Some * & # is all it takes. I yet have a lot to learn about designing things in Canva, as well as making the most out of my content on Hive and utilizing Canva Pro more for that, instead of only header images and text dividers.

I'm happy where I'm at now, and have created some sort of own (recognizable) style for my readers, which is still custom-made for different niches, while series have a returning header image. But let us now have a look at the content that I've been spreading in the past two weeks or so on Listnerds via the emails. Because those that aren't Listnerds members, would not see this otherwise. Forgive me for showing you all kinds of sizes, I'm still playing around with that to find the ideal size that I can re-use over and over again.

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The first email design I created

Since @finguru wrote his awesome tutorial about how to format your Listnerds emails like a pro, I felt inspired and that this was the right time to step up my game and send out custom-made emails instead of plain text links to a Hive post or whatever I wanted to share. I went to work straight away by browsing through the email templates on Canva. It's hard to find a suitable one, especially if you have no idea how your end result has to look. It's easier if you have a clear vision about that I guess. I was clueless though. This is the first one I sent out, and let me tell you it had a 100% click-through rate until 63 openings I think. It did very well.


After receiving awesome feedback, of course, I felt very motivated to continue this journey and make myself more comfortable creating my own designs. I have to admit, that it probably helps that I create a lot of content for the @cinetv Twitter account as that was actually my first step into a new world where I try to make the content look more appealing visually. The response on CineTV Twitter has been amazing and very motivating to keep going and be creative.

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Restaurant Review Email

This email led to a post that was past the payout window but I felt the need to share about how easy you can to monetize your dinner/lunch or homemade bakings etc. From my reviews, this post had the most appealing pictures to grab the attention so I decided to put this one in the email and was not aiming for any votes as you can understand, but I probably inspired a person here and there to see if they can monetize their foodies experiences.


I believe foodies content is an excellent way to start getting familiar with the Hive ecosystem in case someone is still searching for their own topics, the communities they think have like-minded people in them, etc. Everyone eats breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner (depending on your diet, haha!) so I bet everyone could share something foodies related if they enjoyed it, or try something new. Therefore I will keep sharing content within Listnerds as most of my foodies-related content is doing well.

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Twitter Followers

Although my personal Twitter is not my priority, I spend far more time on the social account that I run for a few Hive communities, and I consider that my job, therefore it has to be right. My personal account has never really had so much attention if you think about the shared content. I just drop the link and an intro, some tags, and press send. But if my Twitter followers grow, I will probably slowly start to integrate my Hive/Listnerds/Social Media Manager etiquette into my personal account so I figured let's give this a try and see if I can gain a few followers.


It's a very simple design as I don't have a huge message, and I put in a reward for following up on my email. I believe I gained 3 new followers. Not bad because I think I already follow a lot of people from Hive I connect with. The email is linked to another Hive post as Listnerds doesn't allow Twitter links. I wanted to share this simple email as well because this one also got verified.

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CineTV content

Being the community's social media manager, I obviously feel dedicated to spreading the word about our awesome and growing community. I love my work for CineTV and I love the team members as well. I can seriously say that I wouldn't want to trade any of them in. And if a team spirit is great, you can move mountains! And so we will! Keep watching! Let's get to the CineTV designs I've made so far:


First up, a very simple smaller-sized design that linked to the post on the CineTV frontend. I think this one was simple but effective. It got verified. Next is the one where I share a few of my favorite writing prompts on the CineTV Twitter account:




I rarely find time to write something within the prompts myself so I decided to share a few of my own favorites every week with the Listnerds members to hopefully inspire them and see some fresh content come in.

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Community highlights: Hive Stock Images & Ecotrain

I also think it's important to spread the word about the awesome communities that you can find and join on Hive. Therefore I will keep highlighting them in my emails as I think they may be useful for others.


So the Hive Stock Images is probably clear why I pointed that one out, I think plenty of people struggles to find stock images, why not point them in the direction where you can find them within the ecosystem?


I also dedicated one to the @ecotrain community, in the hope that @eco-alex would see new faces in his weekly questions. I think more people can use a bit of positive influence coming from the community members there. I've always felt super welcome and if you want to know anything about sustainable living, I bet you can ask and find plenty of people answering! I've personally learned a lot there, so therefore, I spread the word!

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The Engagement League

This is the one I shared today about the Hive engagement league by @abh12345. I know that Listnerds is an engagement machine for many, so why not point them into this direction as well, in case they didn't know about it yet?


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Of course, I couldn't let the Polycub topic just slide as @leofinance has a feed filled with articles about PolyCub, so I also made sure to send out an email about that.


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Team member shout out

I was already very proud that @Amirtheawesome1, who happens to be awesome in general, jumped into the enterprise members club within the first days after he finally got active. I knew he was going to see what I see, and enjoy the ride while making the most out of it, and so he did. After a week into the enterprise membership, he wrote his thoughts down, and I decided to give a shout-out to that post.


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I tried to show you some diversity in my emails so that it's clear you don't need to stick to one niche. You can start mailing about all kinds of topics and create all sorts of emails that look more appealing than just plain text with a link. It's really just more about adopting a habit than trying to figure out something complicated. Check out my guides for formatting instructions. And I hope that if you found Listnerds thanks to one of my posts or guides, you sign up using my referral link so that I can welcome you in my team. I have a special Discord just for team members where I will be sharing resources and we can all help each other out where needed, ask questions, share knowledge, etc. I only invite the active team members, and you're welcome to ask for the invite any time, even if you just started after some inactivity.

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More Listnerds Content

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  • Header Image
  • The text divider is my own design, where I sometimes use images from Canva Pro or in other cases, my own images.

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Let's Connect

If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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