Listnerds - Building Something Great Together!

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Building something great

As I wrote in my first Listnerds newbies guide, I'm here to build something with my team. I'm not only looking for my own account growth when it comes to onboarding people on Listnerds. On the contrary! My aim is to empower as many people as possible and make everyone aware of the fact that Listnerds can be utilized in so many ways that I can't even narrow that down quickly. Since the first days that I started sending out emails, there hasn't been one day that I haven't learned something new or a new idea popped in my head on how I could use Listnerds mailings as well.

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Seeing opportunities

I have to admit that I'm a person that can find ways to monetize about everything, that's not being cocky btw, just facts. I admit as well that it can drive me nuts some days as my list of ideas and plans always gets longer, instead of shorter, even when I finish several things.

I just try to see this as a good thing, and a benefit because I can go with my flow every single day without having to focus on one niche. That's something that I can't deal with, lol. I have to have several things to focus on but ideally, these things can be perfectly aligned and fit together as one big puzzle. While I've had several projects parked for a few years, I'm now starting to pick those things up again, as in thinking about how to implement those things in my Listnerds journey.

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Only so much time in a day

We all know the feeling of having not enough time each day to do all the things we wish to complete that day, and that's why I'm keen on being efficient and hate it when I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of these days that things don't flow due to all kinds of reasons, but when I'm in control of my thoughts and feel a good flow, I try to avoid wasting time on repeating tasks if I can. This way I have more time to focus on the things that I find important and that will help me grow personally or professionally.

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The reason for my guides

That's one of the reasons that I started writing the Listnerds newbies guides immediately. I felt that I was going to make this work and that soon more members would join and they'd all face the same questions that I faced when I started from scratch. Because Listnerds was totally new to me too. I had no experience in affiliate marketing or email marketing, and just started the journey by going all in, and experience it all to see if it was for me. Turns out, I've been quite successful at it and I'm now even more pleased that I have a bunch of newbies guides lined up for people's questions.

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I want to have a short line with my team members

For the people that joined my team by signing up through my Listnerds link, I want to be available for questions even when I'm not checking my Hive blog comments and the easiest way to do so for me is by opening a Discord server for the team. This server will be invite only for the members in my team and their downline as well. The reason that I want to keep this exclusively to my team members is simply because I hope to motivate them to start building their own list and show them some tricks here and there. The newbie guides will of course, always be available for everyone, including the previous parts that are linked in every last edition. Team members will be able to search through the Discord server by using the search option and finding their answers quicker than having to read through the guides that are published.

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New giveaway

After the successful HivePunk giveaway amongst my team members, I'm preparing to do another giveaway that will include another NFT, but not a HivePunk this time. I'm excluding inactive team members for this giveaway though, as I want to reward the people that are actively involved in building something on Listnerds only.

I don't mind if you just started to become active, if I notice activity while the giveaway is ongoing, that's enough to be eligible for the prize. I know picking up a new habit takes a while and by postponing something it will only take longer or eventually you will fail to pick it up. I'm hoping that throwing in some giveaways will trigger you guys to start being active as you're missing out!

Some of you that joined are awesome content creators, and I KNOW you will crush it and tell me I was right soon if you just start the journey. But it's you that has to take the step, I can only show you the way..

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No experience in the industry

I want to keep emphasizing that I didn't have any experience in this industry either, and frankly had a very bad opinion about it until @jongolson & @blainjones stepped up and made their own version connecting Listnerds with my favorite community: Hive. I too had my own thoughts and did not think highly of sending out emails in bulk. But I hope it's worth at least something if I keep telling you about my experience so far and that I'm seeing this world change for the better, even in this short period of time.

Content creators of all kinds can crush this! What do you have to lose?

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I have to say that I feel an enormous amount of gratitude towards each and everyone of you that has supported my Listnerds journey one way or the other. I'm thankful for @hetty-rowan's words that convinced me to check it out again, and I'm thankful for the support of all the Listnerdies (lol, I love saying that) out there from team members @jongolson @blainjones @elianaicgomes that have been supportive from the first guide I published to all the new eyes I found on my content, leaving all these awesome comments. You know when I'm talking about you, you are with too many to tag here, lol. I don't want to accidentally leave anyone out, so here's a big THANK YOU to all of you at once!

I always try to answer each comment, but in case I missed one, know that I have read it 99% of the times, just forgot to come back to comment. They are arriving in bulk nowadays (comments) so this happens sometimes.

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Join my Listnerds Rockstars team today

I've created a server on Discord for my team members and called it Listnerds Rockstars. Why? Because we will all rock this and together we have more knowledge than facing this journey alone. If you signed up and want an invite to the team server, let me know, preferably by leaving your Discord ID here so I can invite you.

Looking forward to seeing you guys in the server!

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  • The text divider is my own design, where I sometimes use images from Canva Pro or in other cases, my own images.

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If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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