Listnerds Newbies Guide | Sell your (digital) art on Listnerds!

Listnerds Newbies Guide - Sell your (digital) art on Listnerds.png

Email marketing new-style

It will probably take some time before people can actually comprehend that Listnerds is changing the world of email marketing forever and there's no way back once you've experienced how Listnerds works. I know for a fact that you will not regret your Listnerds journey, even if you're totally unfamiliar with the Hive blockchain so far. You will be overwhelmed at first maybe, but once you start reading the enthusiastic blogs or watch the videos of the old school marketers that have embraced Hive with both arms, I assure you that you will want to be part of this new crew.

Yes, this is where the cool kids hang out! And you know what? This is where you will learn a new trick here and there as well and everyone is very willing to help you out if you feel a bit lost in the big ocean of Hive and everything that it has to offer. I've made it my mission to share with you as many cool communities as I know off as well as show you all the possibilities out there on Hive. At least, all that I can think of!

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Traditional mailers and artists

As a creative person, I can totally see why using a mailer is not appealing to an artist at all. An artist loves to be drawn to someting when exploring it further, there needs to be something that triggers their brain to take action and I bet reading a few boring lines that are usually sent out through traditional mailers are not something to have a further look at. An artist would much rather be amazed, inspired by going through other people's work, I guess you can treat the mailing system the same way looking at it from an artist's point of view. I believe that with this revolutionary mailer on the blockchain called Listnerds, we are crossing a huge bridge and I think many artists will start seeing the potential of promoting their work on Listnerds. After all, they are also looking for sales!

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Tiny artist

Although I would not call myself an artists, but a creator instead. From creating content on Hive in the form of blogs till drawings, sometimes paintings or other DIY projects. I've created some nice things along the way which I'm proud of but I would never consider myself one of the talented artists on Hive. For that, I also feel I should finally learn digital paintings which is still quite an epic fail until today. But sometimes there's something that I'm proud enough for and want to share on Hive after I finished the work. And sometimes I even mint it on NFT Showroom so then we have ourselves a real NFT!

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Proof of Art

Today I wanted to use this opportunity to be the early adopter promoting (in this case digital) art on Listnerds via the new blockchain mailer system.


You can click on the image above to go to NFT Showroom, where you'll be able to buy my art for 20 Hive using your Hive credentials. Only three pieces are available. If you decide to sign up for the NFT showroom whitelist, here's my Referral link, I hope you can use it if you discovered NFT Showroom thanks to this guide.

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Listnerds is changing the industry forever

I personally see the bigger picture already and the huge potential of what's yet to come. This is without even knowing what the team is going to implement in the future. That's all just a bonus imo. I can see all my business plans getting a nice boost in the future thanks to Listnerds. And my business plans are super diverse and have nothing to do with email marketing, yet I see how to implement it. I'm trying to show you the way. Let's embrace this new world of opportunities we are offered thanks to Listnerds.

Imagine artists that don't have a huge following yet promoting their artworks via Listnerds and finding a new fanbase that happens to read an email they sent out. Or share your music NFT's that people listen to in the car while driving to work. Do you have a merchandise store and looking for more visitor, preferably those that buy something? Present yourself to the Listnerds client base and people will start to notice you, maybe even buy something at some point. All of this also goes for traditional art, I'm considering picking up art auctions again, promoting it on Listnerds in the near future.

Jump onboard if you haven't done so, don't sleep on Listnerds. Hop on board and experience it for yourself. I bet you will get inspired!

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  • Header Image
  • The text divider is my own design, where I sometimes use images from Canva Pro or in other cases, my own images.

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Let's Connect

If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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