Listnerds Newbies Guide | How-To Auto Scale Your Emails

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Make your email enjoyable to read

I will get to the auto-scaling part later in this guide, as I will first walk through some other tips as the auto-scaling is actually the last step before you check & sent the email. Creating an email can be daunting but creating a good-looking email can be even more daunting. I have to admit that I feel quite spoiled using the Hive blog editor as it just takes knowledge about a few simple codes to center your content, create bold or italic text and add some images. These few things as well as making sure you chop the text into paragraphs with a title will improve the reading pleasure a lot.

Of course, if English is not your native language, it's recommendable to run your content to a spelling checker as well. But what's easier is to add the Grammarly extension to your browser instead so it instantly notifies you of a spelling error and also suggests you the correct spelling. If you use these few simple tips and apply them to your Hive content as well as to your emails when you create them, your readers will enjoy reading your content even more and be thankful.

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Visually more appealing

Let's go a step further. Besides making your content more enjoyable to read, you can also make the content look more visually appealing. I will admit, that I was a total noob when it comes to coding HTLM into the email editor. I have done some simple coding way back in the past on my website at the time, but that's been buried far into my memory, lol. This means that it was a huge win for me when @finguru shared his knowledge about how to embed your images in the Listnerds editor. Sharing this thing that was probably already normal to him when writing content, was a HUGE tip to improve my formatting skills, and I'm super grateful when someone takes the time to share their knowledge. After all, this means we can grow together and improve the platform and the way it's used to market anything and everything you can imagine.

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Useful formatting tips and links to guides

If we look back at some of the previous guides I wrote regarding sending out emails, there are quite a few things that you can do to make sure your email gets noticed and is received well. Let's walk you through the guides so you can go back and read more about each topic. To grab the reader's attention, it all starts by having a catchy subject line for your email. But for the author it's probably one of the last steps to take before hitting the send button.

Here are some useful guides for you to make your email look great. First, start by creating nice graphics in Canva. I personally upgraded to the PRO membership as I use it every single day for my Hive content, Listnerds as well as my social media work but a free membership will get you going already! After that, read the instructions about how to embed your images into HTLM emals here.. Now I want to add one last step to this and that's how you can add a tiny bit of code to make sure your email gets auto-scaled depending on the screen size. I will just show you the code as I explained it to you in the embedding guide:


and now the tiny bit of code that you need to add to make your email auto-scale:


As you can see, you just add "class="img-fluid" exactly where I showed you, to be sure it's correct, you can compare your code. Once you've done it a few times, it will be easy and you will now be able to send out auto-scaling emails depending on the screen size of your reader. How great is that?

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Higher chance of getting your emails verified

If you embrace these steps mentioned above, there's a great chance you will see more emails getting verified and start earning Listnerds every single day. That is if you upgraded to the business or enterprise membership which I think is well worth it. It all may seem a bit overwhelming, but coming from someone that has no experience, it should be worth something when I tell you if I can do it, so can you! In this case, it's just a matter of documenting it correctly and applying the steps a few times. After a few times, you won't even check if your code is correct and know it's done right!

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Does it really matter?

I believe it does! I will take myself as an example. When I browse through my Hive feed as well as the new emails on Listnerds, I always first pick the authors that I know will make an effort of sharing good content that I love to read. Whether I love to read it or not is not defined by their formatting skills only, of course. I can love reading an author because of their writing skills, their humor and therefore support them by verifying their email.

Next up are those that usually have a good message but can still improve their emailing skills and/or blogging skills, they deserve a chance IMO and maybe with some tips and motivating and/or showing them the way, you may have yourself a kickass content creator in the (near) future! I believe sharing knowledge is super important as we can all grow from it.

So if you ask me, YES! It matters!

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Team Discord will be a source of information

I created a Discord for my team members (=downline) where we can discuss Listnerds questions directly as well as sharing tips or our useful content that may help others. I'm also going to throw in giveaways for my team members again soon and the next one I got lined up will be pretty cool if you ask me! It won't be a HivePunk, but another NFT! To get an invite, please reach out to me on Discord following my ID below int he footer of this guide after you used my Listnerds ref link to join Listnerds. This way you are part of my team, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you will grow and make the most out of your Listnerds experience! The Discord is still pretty empty but I'm trying to add a channel every day so it will be a source of information as well as inspiration in the future!

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  • Header Image
  • The text divider is my own design, where I sometimes use images from Canva Pro or in other cases, my own images.

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If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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