Listnerds Newbies Guide | Enterprise Membership Rocks!

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To upgrade or not to upgrade

Most people joining Listnerds will first start opening and reading some mails before they purchase anything. I think it's safe to say that most won't even stake CTP immediately or buy Listnerds tokens for the staking rewards inside Listnerds. Which is fair enough and quite a normal approach. Probably smart as well. But I do admit that I personally regret that I was cheap skating for the premium membership instead of going all-in right away. But I had no clue that I was going to get hooked that quickly!

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Comparing the different upgrade levels

To see which upgrade fits your needs, you should have a look at the upgrade section in your Listnerds account. I'm not going to show a screenshot of all the comparisons but only show you the prices of the different tiers:


When I first checked the upgrades, I admit, I had no clue what my needs were. I just thought why on earth would I want to send out two emails a day, hell no I'm going to pay almost a hundred bucks and hoping that I will earn it back! And so I did what I always do (lol), go for the cheaper tier, in this case premium, as I was comfortable risking to lose 27 bucks.

If I wouldn't have loved Listnerds as much as I did from the first few days, I would have probably been fine with that, but within a week I was impatient for the days to pass until I could email again. Only for that reason, I wanted at least upgrade to business for the next month. I gave it some more thoughts and decided that I didn't want to regret aiming too low again, so I took a bold move and went all-in! Enterprise it was!

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My thoughts

You can read what my thoughts are in the previous guides that I shared, but I will also discuss this here. I have no regrets! I should have paid for enterprise at day 1 but at least I didn't sleep on it another month. When your emails are verified, you earn your membership back within the first days when the payouts come in. As verified emails are paid out after a week, you will have to wait for that moment. But from that moment on, you will see daily Listnerds tokens to be claimed! Honestly,

I don't think there's one single member out here that has bought the Listnerds enterprise membership and will downgrade. If so, it's probably because of a financial reason for not being able to pay upfront for the membership. Which can happen, obviously, because earnings come staked and take 10 days to powerdown Listnerds tokens. So there's not an easy "taking profits" option for those that would prefer that.

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Every 10000 MAIL tokens = 1 free SOLO email

You may not realize this but did you know that you can send out a SOLO email every time you have collected 10000 MAIL Tokens? Even when you don't have an enterprise membership? I didn't! I assumed enterprise members had that luxury only to be verified immediately once every month, until I checked it again and discovered 10000 MAIL Tokens give you that same option.

You can choose to buy these 10000 tokens, but if you have an upgraded enterprise membership, you will see 10000 MAIL Tokens every 4-6 days so it seems. That means you will have at least 5 extra SOLO mails every month on top of the free token you get as an enterprise member. Maybe good to consider when you're comparing the different levels and considering what's the best option for you!

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Adjusted opinion about SOLO emails

Remember what I said about SOLO mails the first time I tried it? I thought it was a waste of the MAIL tokens. But I should just rephrase that to it's not worth buying the tokens for that cause if you ask me, just wait until you reach the 10000 tokens from reading emails. And yes, that takes longer with a free membership and premium than the average 5 days with enterprise. But this way, it's truly a 100% earned bonus on top of your normal rewards, which I can now say, makes it extra cool!

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The enterprise earnings

You have read it before and will read it many more times from me and others, the earnings in Listnerds tokens being an enterprise member are too good to ignore. If you're a content creator you would see soon enough that you can use Listnerds to your benefits by just sharing your content. I will bring you more followers, engagement etc. Imagine earning 75-100 hive every single day when you wake up without doing anything?

That's how it currently is for enterprise members that have 2 verified emails waiting to be paid that morning. That's including the staking rewards btw, and you will see this go up every day. When you have a bonus email (SOLO) that will also be paid out that day, you are seeing triple email rewards + staking rewards. You do the math!

Proof of earnings of the last two days:


Tomorrow morning will be even sweeter as I had a SOLO mail go out today.
I can't emphasize enough how wonderful it is to wake up seeing these claims ready in the morning. Let me tell you, it's the best feeling!

One final note, I opened a team server for the people that signed up through my Listnerds link, in case you haven't done so yet, you can stil join and request an invite from me by sending me a DM on Discord (ID can be found below). The server will be open for your downline as well.

Maybe I will see you there!

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If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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