Latest Listnerds Update | Earn Listnerds & CTP tokens by opening emails

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CTP & Listnerds stakes

Inside the Listnerds platform, we have very decent staking rewards. I don't know the percentages but I do know that it brings a smile to my face every single morning, and nowadays it's actually the very first thing I check when I log in to start working. Staking CTP will give you the power of voting and the ability to verify emails so that authors can get rewarded. Listnerds are currently only spitting out very juicy staking rewards.

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The new Listnerds: a blockchain-based mailer

If you've been an active Listnerds member, you've already experienced that the world of email marketing is going through a massive change not only because of the reward system but maybe even more importantly because of the huge improvement of the overall content landing in our mailboxes on Listnerds. I'm biased obviously, as I wasn't in this industry, but I've looked into it in the past, immediately being put off by the boring content that I would need to consume to get a tiny reward of maybe 1 cent. Content that I would otherwise never consume, and even more important: I'd never buy any of it. I would only click it for the rewards and move on to the next. To me, that just takes away the whole purpose and it's just wasting your time, even if you get rewarded. I prefer not to spend my time on reading things that I dislike or have 0 interest in. I have better things to do and value my time much more than I used to do some years ago.

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The opening rates on Listnerds

We all see how many openings we have when we send out emails, and how high the CTR (Click-Through Rate) is of the openings. Unfortunately, sending out 1000 emails does not mean close to 1000 people open it, more like less than 10% of that usually. And then we have another aspect that's important: the amount of votes. If you receive 20+ upvotes (downvotes are deducted) you will get verified. This is the proof of mail concept that Listnerds introduced and I love it! But when the opening rate of your emails is below 10%, you would have probably guessed that from that percentage, not everyone takes the time to vote (verify) an email.

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The solution: rewarding the readers and shaking things up!

To motivate Listnerds members to open the emails, and click on the links, they have added a wonderful new feature by adding another chance of getting rewarded: The Shaky Shake. Every time you now open an email, there's a chance of you earning some extra rewards.

You will not only receive MAIL tokens for each mail you open but also a change of earning 3,5,10 Listnerds or CTP tokens every time you open one! Let that sink in for a bit.

10 Listnerds tokens are selling at 2 HIVE each. I know Hive is currently a bit below the dollar mark, but for easy math and believing that Hive bounces back up, let's just say that 10 Listnerds is 20 Bucks worth of extra earnings.

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What are the odds?

A chance is a change and not a guarantee, but the odds have been around 10% according to @blainjones when testing the feature. Click here to watch the Cryptomaniacs podcast with @jongolson & @blainejones where they show you the new feature and discuss some other important topics as well.

You can increase your odds by delegating minimum 100 HP to @Listnerds btw. I'm not sure yet about the exact odds when you add 100, 200 or more HP, we will find out when it's been live for a bit, I guess. I personally made sure to delegate 750 HP to the account.

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I've been lucky to test this feature for a couple of days and I can show you what it looks like when you are a lucky winner:

Depending on the amount of tokens you've won, a colored edge appears and your email box starts shaking when it happens. Blue means 5 CTP, Green means 5 Listnerds and Gold means you won 10 of both!

On the left side of the Close button you will see the amount and which token you've won.

The tokens arrive in liquids, so you can do with them as you please. My advice is to grab this opportunity to build some stake though, you won't regret it!

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My first thoughts on this extra reward system

First of all, I think it's very cool of @jongolson, @blainjones & @elianaicgomes to use half or their self-bought stakes to reward the Listnerds members with such great prizes. Like Blaine, I don't feel much for playing Splinterlands anymore myself, but I miss the openings of Gold fold legendaries. The moment the card starts shaking is so exciting, especially when it turns gold. So finding a gold reward in Listnerds gives me as much joy as I got from opening GFL in Splinterlands in the past. I bet the shaking and gold edge idea was inspired by that.

I'm quite sure opening rates will go up now that even free members have the chance to get rewarded for showing up and reading emails. This is awesome and will add to the user experience. I'm very pleased with my Listnerds journey so far and hopefully, this new feature will make you jump on board as well!

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Giveaway for my team members

If you use my Listnerds referral link, you will be part of my team, active members of my team will be offered an invite to my team's discord server to provide each other of tips, ask questions, and share resources. I will also be doing giveaways for my team members only. The next one will be announced somewhere this week.

Let me know in a comment that you signed up with my ref, after I verified that, I will make sure to invite you. Let's build something great together!

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More Listnerds Content

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  • The header image is my personal design made in Canva Pro I don't give permission to use any of my designs unless I've given permission directly.
  • The text divider is my own design, created with Canva Pro with the usage of images from Canva Pro or in other cases my own images. The text divider designs are also for my own use only, unless I've given you direct permission to use them.

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If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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