Body Weight Exercises That You Can Do Almost Everywhere | Home Workout Routine

Photo edited via Canva

What's Good Hivers!

Hey! How are you feeling today? Are you feeling down, low on energy and stressed out of work? I'm starting this blog to check on you for you to check on you. πŸ™‚

I know each and everyone of us have our own struggle and we're busy most of the time and because of this we tend to just rest or sleep during our off time. Because of this, we tend to slack and give no time for us to keep ourselves healthy by doing sports or hitting the gym.

We really should though, do you agree? having a balance diet is good, Now, imagine combining it with constant physical exercise? Wouldn't that sound great? You see, having a constant exercise benefits our body a lot, from Immune booster,You will be more energetic, Better sleep, Clears your mind, Feeling more confident, and the list goes on. So why not give it a try right?

Honestly, you don't really have to be a `Gymrat` to be fit, you just have to Do it. On this post I'll be sharing some exercise routine using just your body weights, where you can just do it at home, or during wee ours at work.

Did you know?

Celebrity Athlete Lebron James spends approximately $1,500,000 on his health and performance annually. This is a combination of technology, Fitness trainers and Strict diet.

Because of this, even at his late age before retirement he can still play at the highest level and be competitive compared to other younger players.

Body Weights Exercise

Here's a question. Do you ever miss brushing your teeth in a week? or Taking a bath? Definitely as soon as you open your eyes in the morning the first you do is check your Phone? Why do I ask this? Well this is what I can call 'Passive habits'. Basically these are the things we have grown into and have become a Routine.

So why not let's add some to that routine and change our habits for the better. Ready?

The Complete Human anatomy by default have Set of hands, Feet, under our Skin > Fat > and Muscle. I would say, we have this for a reason and if we do not use it well, from our inside to outside we will be Physically weak, and it would manifest to our body then we'll get sick easily. For this reason, that is why I'm promoting for us to have Physical exercise. The following exercises I'm sharing are the most basic exercise that you can do and add to your daily routine.

Push Ups

Push ups are one of the most basic and fundamentals of working out, it is one of the best exercise you can do to gain strength and motion. Over Quantity, Quality push ups are better in my opinion. You can do this by doing a proper execution and targeting the muscle groups that it affects during the exercise. To do a proper the proper position held you hands vertically aligned to your shoulders, prevent from arcing your back and tight in your butt. In doing this you focus on more on your Chest, Triceps, Core Muscle, Legs.

There are different Push up variation that you can learn for more explosive exercise, but for now you should focus on the basics and gaining strength and you can do the others as you go on with your fitness journey. For beginners try to do 10 repitition in 3 sets with rest in between.

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Photo Source:@workoutnotion

Try this Push up challenged set by workoutnotion from Instagram do the routine every waking morning. πŸ˜‰

Pull Ups

One of the best Strength builder is Pull ups, this helps you build you Back specifically your laterals, shoulder, Bicep, Grip and Core Muscle. This will help you further especially doing some Weight exercises later on. to start doing Pull ups especially if you're a beginner is to do a Hang Hold, and try this for 30 seconds for 3 Sets, this will help you to have a decent strength so you can later on do a proper Pull ups, after a while try and pull your self towards the bar. For beginners you can try pulling yourself 5-6 repitition in 3 sets, and gradually increase repetition as you grow stronger.

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Photo Source: @beirutsportsfestival

Plank Exercise

Planking offers great benefits on your Arms, Core, Glutes, and Thigh Muscles. Just like the Push up, this is a isometric still exercise. To do a proper Plank position by extending your whole body on the ground, square up your hands, vertically align to your shoulder, with your glutes and core intact, without arcing your back. Do this 30 seconds and gradually prolonging the exercise to 1 minute with 3 sets in a row, with 30 second to a minute rest in between.

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Photo Source:fitabhi09


Squat exercises primarily strengthens your hamstrings and glutes muscle group (Leg and Buttocks), and it also help to build muscle and strength on your Core. Personally, doing this exercise especially with weight training truly sweats me out. You can do the basic Squats by squaring your feet apart slightly away from your thighs, feet facing outward, straighten your back, bend down, fully on a seating position as you go back up to standing position, squeeze inward your glutes before going back down. Do this exercise 15 repition, 3 sets in a row with rest in between.

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Photo Source: @adyarpink


These are the most basic and fundamental of all exercises, you can do it anywhere you may want it to. No need for weights, all you need to do is.. Well, just do it. Doing All of these consistently would definitely give you results, and as results are shown, you will feel more energetic, more stronger, more confident for yourself, you will then love yourself more than ever and if so happen you decided to join and have a gym membership, you will have more advantage for yourself. You will get to do the exercises with weight training easier than not, Your body would tolerate muscle soreness more since you have been doing your home workouts, and you will be able to achieve your desired physique easier. So, I hope you've learn something today, and I hope the you can do exercise today and so on, and be healthier.

And before I go, I have reached my #Actifit 10K daily activity today, I did some Endurance training today, Jogging, Running, Walking, Shot some hoops playing Basketball, Bodyweight exercises at the Park done some Chin ups, and Push ups!


@actifit, is a social cross-chain platform initially relied on Steem blockchain and expanded to the new fork Hive blockchain, Actifit App Let's you monitor and track your daily fitness activity, it's a #move2earn platform that rewards you every step of the way! You can download the mobile app on Andriod and IOS sign up here!
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Tag someone you want to encourage to do Workout with you! πŸ€—

Did you miss some of my fitness post? I gotchu! You can revisit it here! Enjoy! πŸ‘‡
Actifit Report - Workout: Chest Day Saturday!
Manpo-Kei - 10,000 Steps a day Marketing Strategy
Fitness: Promoting a New Lifestyle to Create a Better Self

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