
8099 TikTok, 2094 Discord. Fluoride in drinking water lowers your IQ. My invite link was used 6,592 times and then there are many other links too going back to 2019 meaning way over 7,000 clicks on invite links to join this Discord Server over the years.

I want a minimum of 100 Super Gods and at least 1000 regular gods or more than 1000 normal gods and over 100 Super Gods but we currently only have 31 regular gods.

My Discord Server hit over 2,000 members. Pole beans, tomatoes, blackberries. Front lawn mowed. Videos: RV video, Darth Lazer. Watched: Borderlands, Emily in Paris 201-203, Alex Jones, Tim Pool

Locked out of Elon Musk's Twitter X for saying hello

Screenshot at 2024-08-27 03-24-44.png
Girl in Wild Cards, season 1

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-08-28 - Wednesday | Published in August of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-08-28 - Wednesday - 01:48 AM - Discord Log

My invite link was used 6,592 times and then there are many other links too going back to 2019 meaning way over 7,000 clicks on invite links to join this Discord Server over the years. A trial lacking defense is called a show-trial.

12:22 PM
My Discord Server now has 2094 members.

01:08 PM
Roman @ pacinorome ID 632238528801144863 in my Discord Server said this about finding me on TikTok: "Who even is this guy he showed up on my fyp and manipulated me into joining this server with his hawk tauh." Then Roman left my server. 01:16 PM: Those with the power to promote/demote gods are free to do so, the difference would be that the higher the role the more critical it becomes to make the best choices possible regarding them and those with even higher roles might overrule in this pyramid scheme or hold trials. In 2024, apart from me, as of right now in August, people with the power to demote/promote gods include Ian, Roy, Zombie, Aliana, Loner; total of 6 people including me; I think Roy/Zombie/Aliana/Loner didn't promote people to gods yet; but Ian may have/Ian did demote gods. I want a minimum of 100 Super Gods and at least 1000 regular gods or more than 1000 normal gods and over 100 Super Gods but we currently only have 31 regular gods. Right now, we have 6 super gods: me, Ian, Roy, Zombie, Alliana, and Loner. And we have 31 Regular Gods right now. We must have at least 2000 prisoners at all times, a minimum of 2000 people in the prison or more. We have 1975 prisoners right now. It is always fun to threaten to throw people in prison, the worst of the worst and inactive people can always be thrown back into prison for fun. I want a minimum of 1,000 Regular Gods at all times. I want a minimum of 100 Super Gods at all times. Currently at 31 Regular Gods. And 6 Super Gods. I would prefer not to demote Jade until we can prove she is like a bad person or something.

31 gods
6 super gods
4 super duper gods
2 infinity gods
1 infinity plus gods

09:11 PM
Admins and up can use activities and can be demoted for abusing these privileges.


02:54 AM

Fluoride in drinking water lowers your IQ.

12:24 PM
My TikTok now has 8099 subscribers.

Bus Life

2024-08-28 - Wednesday - 05:00 PM - My Life Outline Log

Talked to mom about how she rode the Greyhound from like Lake Oswego with Katie to see Ann in Seattle around like 1983 or early 1980s. Well mom did say my dad had a small brown truck he like crashed or wrecked in 1983 before they moved to Forest Grove probably that same year of 1983. It was the reason they had to move so they could be closer to a bus so my dad could ride the bus to work in Portland in the 1980s through to the early 1990s. So mom also started riding the bus more often starting around that time of like since 1983 and not so much before 1983 minus like a few times. My dad crashed the truck like in 1983 probably because he was drunk and he would get into tough situations like that. So dad probably met potential employers or like yard clients on the bus I would imagine. Dad probably got something out of it even as it takes like an hour to ride the bus into Portland from Forest Grove.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc


2024-08-28 - Wednesday - 12:25 AM - Borderlands - 2024 Movie

Joke intro monologue thingy, female narrator. Kevin Hart as Star Wars Luke Skywalker rescuing Princess Leia but stupid helmet with no air holes jokes and mirrors George Floyd who was another black guy but could not breathe with the cop on him and he died. Robot as the comic relief like C3PO. Sand world like New Hope and Mad Max. Chase to escape the other people trying to get the girl. In a car through a monster. The girl wears bunny ears like Alice in Wonderland, follow the white rabbit and she is Leia.

Emily in Paris 201-203

2024-08-28 - Wednesday - 02:24 AM - Emily in Paris 201-203

Birthday party for Emily. Drama. Sauna. Train. Affairs. Smoking thing. Pizza.

Here is a list of what I'm watching


2024-08-28 - Wednesday - 12:25 AM - Borderlands - 2024 Movie

Emily in Paris 201-203

2024-08-28 - Wednesday - 02:24 AM - Emily in Paris 201-203

11:43 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 8/28/24 • KEY DEVELOPMENTS - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:01 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 8/28/24 • KIRK ELLIOTT ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL NEWS & ANALYSIS • Infowars

02:21 PM

06:59 PM
Grand Jury Empaneled In Trump Assassination, Maybe 2nd Shooter Or CIA w/ RC Maxwell | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I try to publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc and others are encouraged to help me share my content everywhere which includes my daily blog. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:10 AM. Had a dream where I went to my first original main church, CCBC. Maybe Pastor Dave Weber or whoever was there, it was like the summer probably on a random day. I looked around mostly like upstairs or I at least peaked in. But eventually walked in. I thought maybe Dave or somebody was cleaning like vacuuming in a room up there. I didn't say hi. I don't think anybody saw me. I was downstairs through the side door near the main door and was greeted by two people. First being like Cindy Ingram who like had her hair cut short and looked attractive. Also her mother Lois who also look amazing as well. Sort of reminds me of The Way Home with an attractive grandma. In that big dining room were probably mostly like 100 teens watching a movie that was projected onto a wall. Some of the youth were black. I sort of looked at the film a few times. I don't think anybody invited me to stay and I was planning to leave after like a few minutes and then maybe did. I thought maybe nobody would be there but they had that like movie night or whatever. The end. RV video, Darth Lazer, 11:30 AM. Breakfast, 11:39 AM. Lunch, 02:21 PM. Yard work starting around like 03:00 PM. Pole beans, tomatoes, blackberries. Compost. Dishes while talking to mom about life, see notes above. Coffee. Mail. Done with all of that around like 05:20 PM or so. 3 RV videos about hawk tuah honey into my oatmeal, subscribe so I can meow to you next time I go live, and the Hawk Tuah Challenge is find ways to keep people from leaving my Discord Server. Front lawn mowed. Back here around 06:40 PM. Then talk with mom about the differences between like the New King James Version of the Bible which came out mom said in 2000 or maybe before that and another version from like 1881 which was a revised version of the King James which was like a New King James but mom said it appears to be better than the new new King James Version. Dinner, 07:20 PM. Dishes again for like thirty minutes or more. Back here around 08:30 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, orange, 11:39 AM. Lunch: rice stew soup with a tomato, 02:21 PM. Dinner: soup stuff with pepper jam and tomatoes, and then blackberry cobbler, 07:20 PM.

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