
Mat Pat Retiring From YouTube video. Bill and Hillary Clinton went to Haiti and went through like a voodoo ritual where like demons possessed them and inspired them to run for President in 1993? TO EVERYBODY I SAY, GET ME TEN THOUSAND MORE MEMBERS IN THIS DISCORD SERVER RIGHT NOW OR BEFORE 2025 OR WHATEVER IS EQUAL IN VALUE, GET ME WHAT I WANT BEFORE I CAN GET YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT, THIS MESSAGE GOES OUT TO ROY TOO WHO FAILS TO COME WITH ME TO OATMEAL LAND, ONLY OATMEAL HEROES CAN SAVE THIS SERVER FROM THE TROLLS WHO OWN THIS SERVER NOW FOREVER, I LOST, THE TROLLS HAVE WON, SEE MY BLOGS/VIDEOS/ETC FOR MORE INFO, GOODBYE FOREVER EVERYBODY, GOODBYE. I've abandoned my Discord Server because it's full of 400+ inactive level-1 audience members (over 99% are right now)/trolls/haters who will keep custody of my beloved child until enough level-2 builders and level-3 heroes can take over assuming that day comes or goodbye forever. Fish accuses me of allegations but then has the balls to say the burden of proof is on me, those interested can join my Discord Server and debate this weirdo troll who is too lazy to talk to alleged victims who I link to thousands of people in my blogs.

Nice Peter uploaded his first Epic Rap Battle of History in 2010 which was Darth Vader vs Hitler and they are still uploading to ERB to this day in 2024. Ray William Johnson and iJustine and others are still out there making videos. Mat Pat said he wanted to spend more time with kids. Actually, more time to work on other projects relating to like film. Similar to what Ray William Johnson @RayWJ started doing when he stepped down from =3 on YouTube some years ago despite being like the Jay Leno of his genre.

Fish loves to say Team Oatmeal is full of non-sequiturs. Feel free to go to debate school, learn how to debate by going up against this Fish in my goddamn Discord Server. Who wants to debate Retarded Fish who is one of the biggest trolls to haunt my Discord Server. I would sometimes say, write, or do the craziest things possible for shock value as a way to get attention so that I could get more clicks, more views, so I could grow an audience or whatever. Often times my problem would be an inability to keep people after the initial hook.


1995 - Power Rangers 464299cd9a2f0ca93c8171cf7231056b2b5de165.jpeg

Power Rangers 1995 Movie

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-01-11 - Thursday | Published in January of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:25 AM
Mat Pat Retiring From YouTube

Been watching Mat Pat and his game and film theories on YouTube since like the early 2010s
I enjoy watching videos because I love theories, philosophy, conspiracy, mystery, surprises
YouTube was expanding in the 2000s
Been watching Mat Pat since the early days
Started watching Fred as early as maybe 2008
Was also watching Smosh
Starring not Nintendo's Mario Bros
Not Dawson Creek
Their If [INSERT THING HERE] Were Real series was amazing
Been watching Ray William Johnson =3 since maybe 2009 or at least by the early 2010s
Been watching PewDiePie since the early 2010s
I enjoyed Vsauce videos
In 2006, iJustine uploaded this Oatmeal video
2 years later in 2008
I mean, 3 years later in 2009
Episode 20 of Ask iJ, uploaded on the 6th of December of 2009
I asked her this question
Do you like oatmeal
She's like haven't you seen my video from 2006
Been watching iJustine since at least 2009
Started watching John/Hank Green's Crash Course at least by 2013
Been watching Watch Mojo at least since the early 2010s particularly for their Top Ten videos on movies and other things too
First Epic Rap Battles of History uploaded in 2010 to Nice Peter
Darth Vader versus that other guy. Been watching ever since
Been watching John Campea on AMC Movie Talk since at least 2013
Started watching Alex at least by 2016 if not earlier
Red Letter Media since like the early 2010s, they hooked me with their reviews on the Star Wars prequels
Eventually stopped watching John Campea
Moved over to people like Geeks + Gamers Jeremy Griggs as early as like 2018 with his review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and Nerdrotic
First discovered Chrissie Mayr of the Simpcast on Friday Night Tights
I say all that to give you context to some of what I would watch on YouTube past 3 decades which included Mat Pat of Game/Film Theory
I especially enjoyed the theories on Mario Mario
Mat Pat said not anybody can be him but like with Doctor Who, we can have new theorists
I say not anybody can be Joey Arnold but we can have new Oatmeals

Reddit thread:


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:03 AM

What were your favorite Mat Pat Game and Film Theories, let me know in my Discord Server. Mat Pat said no other YouTuber has had over four giant channels spanning different topics, genres. At least not at his scale of millions of subscribers per channel. I might argue and say not yet or something. 11:26 AM: Nice Peter uploaded his first Epic Rap Battle of History in 2010 which was Darth Vader vs Hitler and they are still uploading to ERB to this day in 2024. Ray William Johnson and iJustine and others are still out there making videos. 11:31 AM: Mat Pat said he wanted to spend more time with kids. Actually, more time to work on other projects relating to like film. Similar to what Ray William Johnson @RayWJ started doing when he stepped down from =3 on YouTube some years ago despite being like the Jay Leno of his genre.

11:46 AM
Sony/Berlin Lunar-X buying Mat Pat's world, Game Theory, Film Theory, etc, is like when @Disney bought up @starwars for 4 billion in 2012. Looks like Lunar-X may try spreading the climate scam to children. Internet says Mat wants to make alternate reality games (ARGs), do podcasting, and maybe even a Netflix documentary. Your video on this is great. Yeah, Digital Disney. Perhaps you're right, perhaps Disney is dissolving into other companies or Disney staff are jumping ship to start their own things. Maybe a mix of both. Are you familiar with @RayWJ videos? His videos were really big. But he oddly stopped one time some years ago. Possibly similar to Mat. Maybe different. I think my disc reader broke. 10:22 PM: I first saw and confused Britney Spears for Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina The Teenage Witch) who were both in You Drive Me Crazy which was one of the songs in Baby One More Time in 1999 and I really became a fan the next year when she appeared on Mars Titanic.

Discord Drama

2024-01-11 - Thursday - 12:13 AM - Discord Log.

Trolling trolls is my specialty, I started saying Plausible Deniability as to scam haters like Fish who owes me money/spreads fake news about me. Not sure why Roy mentioned PD. Let us know your thoughts in my Discord Server. 12:27 AM: Fish loves to say Team Oatmeal is full of non-sequiturs. Feel free to go to debate school, learn how to debate by going up against this Fish in my goddamn Discord Server. 12:38 AM: Who wants to debate Retarded Fish who is one of the biggest trolls to haunt my Discord Server. 12:41 AM: Fish loves mocking Christian Conservatives, feel free to go at him in my Discord Server. 12:46 AM: Fish is spreading fake news about me and about my Discord Server which has a NSFW channel which you have to be 18+ to enter and I don't tell children to join my server but instead I tell everybody in the world to join which many are anonymous as that's how the Internet works. Don't tell Fish who is secretly my lover troll that I'm openly mocking him on this secret secondary Twitter account, Fish is my Resident Ghost who haunts my Discord Server. 04:36 AM: The title I gave this video was click-bait as I was taking advantage of the YouTube algorithm and this was not the original title. Uploaded in 2011. Was renaming multiple videos multiples times to get additional views every time I changed titles to videos. 04:42 AM: I did many random things over the years, sometimes experimental, accidental, incidental, intentional, to get attention to then make points or whatever. I confess I've done a bad job many times with different things, didn't always explain myself, was all over the place, etc. 04:49 AM: I would sometimes say, write, or do the craziest things possible for shock value as a way to get attention so that I could get more clicks, more views, so I could grow an audience or whatever. Often times my problem would be an inability to keep people after the initial hook. 03:47 PM: TO EVERYBODY I SAY, GET ME TEN THOUSAND MORE MEMBERS IN THIS DISCORD SERVER RIGHT NOW OR BEFORE 2025 OR WHATEVER IS EQUAL IN VALUE, GET ME WHAT I WANT BEFORE I CAN GET YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT, THIS MESSAGE GOES OUT TO ROY TOO WHO FAILS TO COME WITH ME TO OATMEAL LAND, ONLY OATMEAL HEROES CAN SAVE THIS SERVER FROM THE TROLLS WHO OWN THIS SERVER NOW FOREVER, I LOST, THE TROLLS HAVE WON, SEE MY BLOGS/VIDEOS/ETC FOR MORE INFO, GOODBYE FOREVER EVERYBODY, GOODBYE. 08:33 PM: We will be rewarding top ten Oatmeal Parody Accounts every month or every so often depending on how awesome the parodies are assuming they are cool enough. Top ten Oatmeal Fake News Debunkers will be rewarded in my Discord Server and elsewhere every month or every so often assuming they are good enough, best of luck to everyone competing in the Great Olympic Oatmeal Games. Top ten Oatmeal Heroes & Agents will be rewarded monthly or every so often if they're good enough at helping me with getting people to join my Discord Server, with debunking fake news, or in helping me with other projects. Everyone who ignores my messages will not only be demoted in my Discord Server but eventually banned, those who are not actively trying to be heroes/make parody accounts/help me with everything, etc, judgement day is coming, you will pay. My Discord Server has three levels, first being the audience which includes fans, trolls, and haters. Second being content creators, grifters, advertisers, recruiters, scouts, builders. Third being supporters, partners, titans, heroes, Oatmeal Heirs, & contributors. 09:38 PM: I've abandoned my Discord Server because it's full of 400+ inactive level-1 audience members (over 99% are right now)/trolls/haters who will keep custody of my beloved child until enough level-2 builders and level-3 heroes can take over assuming that day comes or goodbye forever. 09:58 PM: Fish accuses me of allegations but then has the balls to say the burden of proof is on me, those interested can join my Discord Server and debate this weirdo troll who is too lazy to talk to alleged victims who I link to thousands of people in my blogs.

My Discord Server has three levels from the lowest to highest:

1. Audience

A. Fans
B. Trolls
C. Haters

2. Builders

A. Content Creators
B. Grifters
C. Advertisers
D. Recruiters
E. Scouts

3. Heroes

A. Supporters
B. Partners
C. Titans
D. Oatmeal Heirs
E. Contributors

05:25 AM
Do they classify Thalamus to be a sub-division of one of the three main sections of the brain? Wikipedia says basal ganglia is near thalamus.

Globalism Log

2024-01-11 - Thursday - 12:33 PM - Globalism Log.

1910 - Jekyll Island - Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Reacher 202

2024-01-11 - Thursday - 04:26 AM - Reacher 202

He punched a cop. I watched this yesterday. But sort of forgot. Watched it again.

12:13 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 1/11/24 • ELON MUSK TAKES ON WEF/UN/EU, News, Reports & Analysis

12:20 PM
Bill and Hillary Clinton went to Haiti and went through like a voodoo ritual where like demons possessed them and inspired them to run for President in 1993?

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Reacher 202

2024-01-11 - Thursday - 04:26 AM - Reacher 202

11:05 AM
Chrissie Mayr BREAKS DOWN MatPat's MYSTERIOUS Goodbye to YouTube! Farewell Game Theory

12:13 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 1/11/24 • ELON MUSK TAKES ON WEF/UN/EU, News, Reports & Analysis

01:11 PM

03:05 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Thursday 1/11/24 Elon Musk Takes on WEF/UN/EU Plan to Censor Free Speech Worldwide

04:58 PM
Alisa Childers, Debra Fileta: The Self-Image Crisis & Renewing Your Mind | Kirk Cameron on TBN

05:09 PM
Timcast IRL - US Launch MASSIVE Air Strikes In Yemen As Israel War Growing To WW3 w/Donald Trump Jr

08:25 PM
Rekieta Law - Idiotic Media Takes on Trump Immunity, Trump Speaks at NY Trial, Other Nonsense

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 10:50 AM. Weird dreams but I forget. Mom watching black crime show, head female detective type, I see woman in night gown running down stairs in apartment fainting into the arms of a man. Breakfast, 11:01 AM. Dirt buried, shovel, around 02:30 PM. Lunch, 03:00 PM. Mail. Compost tumbler. Vacuum around 4. Back here at 5. Nap around 6 for an hour or something. Dinner, 06:00 PM. Dishes, 07:00 PM for an hour. Jar into RV. More food, 08:00 PM, went into RV to get milk for my cereal, snow flakes falling, not sticking yet. But is snowing. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 4 tangerines, 11:01 AM. Lunch: rice and beans, very good, 03:00 PM. Dinner: meat or something, I forget, 06:00 PM or something. Corn flakes, 08:00 PM.

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