
Jan6 Debate video, Alex Jones quote, Destiny, Zero Hedge. We should rename Jan6 Trump Day or Vivek says Entrapment Day. If men dated colors instead of women, they would still cheat. Today you might love the color red. But tomorrow, you might have a thing for green. Yeah, red may still be a solid ten. No doubt. But green is pretty too. Oh wait, I also love blue. Cardi B is just a color to men. If you thought 9/11 was bad, they're letting thousands of no-name people onto planes as of 2023. Ed @EdKrassen said Jan6 was an insurrection because Trump and many people were trying to stop the government from certifying the election which is not true, people wanted a simple recount like we did in 2000 with Bush v. Gore, unlike 2020 summer of love with BLM. Elon Musk should unban @CAMELOT331 and also @greenoatmeal and the Twitter email is rejecting my emails or is broken somehow.

Did Vivek say the Dems aren't running Biden, Gavin Newsom orMichelle Obama, but rather @NikkiHaley who is a fake Republican? Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said people went to DC for Jan6 because Trump told them to but actually many of them went because Alex Jones told them to go and beyond that they told themselves to go and everybody said no violence and be peaceful, Trump wanted a fair count. Was the 2020 election stolen? Mark Zuckerberg went on @joerogan and said the @FBI told @facebook to hide the Hunter Biden Laptop story which swayed more than enough people to vote @JoeBiden or to not vote @realDonaldTrump.

Alex Jones asked if we can vote for who we want and Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said no, but Trump was already President and is still qualified to be elected and talk to @ACLJ about the legality of it, Trump was not convicted with insurrection.


Screenshot at 2024-01-06 22-25-04.png

Dom Skibidi Toilet Spinoff

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-01-06 - Saturday | Published in January of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:18 AM
Trolls Have Won by Capturing my Discord Server

Probably not gonna see me again until HEIRS & TITANS of OATMEAL can recapture the place
Was going back and forth with Roy Merrick trying to see if he was interested in coming with me
Doesn't really seem like he really wants to relocate
Probably gonna be somewhat ghosting Roy more and more because of that
Was also going back and forth with Fish today seeing if I could get anywhere with that
I pinged and messaged people a lot in my Discord Server today
You might say I pinged people hundreds of times on Thursday
You might say I SPAMMED everybody in my server many times
Believe it or not, there are many reasons why I did all that which is related to me trying to make my points about being taken out of context, how trolls won't listen no matter how much you dumb everything down, context goes back decades
It would take thousands of hours to really explain how trolls have been going after me since at least like 2009 on YouTube or longer both online and offline in many ways, people have been bullying me since like the 1990s, a lot of backstory to consider
Those who want to come with me and help me do the many things I'm doing, in running my Discord Servers, other groups, in my projects, as a content creator, documentaries, films, games, software, articles, videos, products, services, websites, photos, memes, GIFs, files, offline stuff, online stuff, AI chat bots, history, health, other topics, etc, then let me know
All I want for my 40th birthday is to have 10,000 people in my Discord Server before 2025 and to have my server run by hundreds of really cool patriots or what not

03:27 AM
Organizing is a Major Objective For 2024

Welcome to another episode of Oatmeal Life with your host Oatmeal
The intent of Oatmeal Life is not necessarily entertainment but more so education within the realm of diving into my own personal autobiography life story, psychology, anthropology, inner workings of the mind of Oatmeal
It's ok if I'm watching these videos even as I've felt like my content could be applied by others as lessons learned regarding what to do or not do depending on who's side you might be
One of my New Years resolution for 2024 involves trying to become more focused on organizing as much as I can as Jordan Peterson would often say you gotta make your bed and I'm working on that in several ways
I've been pretty disorganized probably too often in my life which is ironic as a clean freak perfectionist like Star Wars George Lucas who's like very protective and specific and stubborn with everything in that things like have to be a certain way, I'm like Monk from Monk, there's a jungle out there
Even this video might be oddly too disorganized, chaotic, and whatever else which I confess is partly on purpose, maybe partly accidental, subliminal, incidental, combinations therein, I'm trying to say a lot all at once as usual
People like Roy Merrick might not want to help me with going to my next chapter in my life which I'd like to consider transitioning into for 2025 which unfortunately may be the soonest I can twist my own arm into doing so speak, lots of details regarding my thoughts on what I'm doing versus what it might take to move to other places/states/countries, I'll be contemplating
Not to necessarily say Roy doesn't really want to help me, it's hard to say especially as I'm not always totally sure who has my back, like who really believes in me so to speak to a high enough extent which I know I've been rough around the edges regardless of why/intentions as I've lived a life of trying too hard doing too many things all I once too often you might say

04:55 PM
Jan6 Debate: Alex Jones: "Nobody stole an election but you can't vote for who you want."

06:09 PM
Jan6 Debate: Destiny said Trump wanted Pence to MAGICALLY declare Biden lost; but Alex Jones was there

I wrote the title to highlight Destiny who said Trump wanted Pence to declare Trump the winner in 2021 on Jan6. But that is not true. We wanted a ten day investigation where at the end they could still say Biden won which Trump would have then said ok.

06:54 PM
Jan6 Debate: Destiny said Ashli Babbitt was trying to break through a door which had metal bars on them, how was she going to get through that, cops were letting people in

08:55 PM
Lila Hart has the biggest heart in the whole entire world, that no one could deny, of Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast on YouTube every Sunday



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:22 PM

We should rename Jan6 Trump Day. 12:28 PM. If men dated colors instead of women, they would still cheat. Today you might love the color red. But tomorrow, you might have a thing for green. Yeah, red may still be a solid ten. No doubt. But green is pretty too. Oh wait, I also love blue. Cardi B is just a color to men. 12:33 PM. If you thought 9/11 was bad, they're letting thousands of no-name people onto planes as of 2023. 02:21 PM. The episode Star Trek made first contact with an alien race known as Memes. Jeffrey Epstein Island was not the only island. The new Jan6 mascot has never been hotter.

05:13 PM
I voted yes but only if I had no other choices. For me I would want to do a YouTube Live interview if that counts as a date with an Only Fans model. I'd probably not want to marry one. I guess it depends. But it's better safe than sorry as they say. 07:09 PM: Elon Musk should unban @CAMELOT331 and also @greenoatmeal and the Twitter email is rejecting my emails or is broken somehow.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Dry 103-104

2024-01-06 - Saturday - 04:10 AM - The Dry 103-104

One girl addicted to porn. One to beer. Her sponsor tells her to start a diary to write things down to process and stuff. Dad fucking an Asian and might have said to mom it is over. Brother gets a real estate job and runs into his black male friend. Sister has an affair sort of.

01:34 PM
Viva Frei - Interview with Vivek Ramaswamy on the Road in Iowa (Prerecorded) & MORE! Viva Frei Live

01:56 PM
Did Vivek say the Dems aren't running Biden, Gavin Newsom orMichelle Obama, but rather @NikkiHaley who is a fake Republican?

04:00 PM
Glenn Greenwald - LIVE! The "January 6" Debate | Hosted by Zerohedge

05:24 PM
So Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said Jan6 was an Insurrection because Trump tried getting Pence to reject the electoral college vote as to bring it back to the states for an electoral recount and investigation which is actually not illegal to do

05:28 PM
Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said people went to DC for Jan6 because Trump told them to but actually many of them went because Alex Jones told them to go and beyond that they told themselves to go and everybody said no violence and be peaceful, Trump wanted a fair count. 05:32 PM: Alex Jones asked if we can vote for who we want and Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said no, but Trump was already President and is still qualified to be elected and talk to @ACLJ about the legality of it, Trump was not convicted with insurrection. 05:38 PM: Ed @EdKrassen said Jan6 was an insurrection because Trump and many people were trying to stop the government from certifying the election which is not true, people wanted a simple recount like we did in 2000 with Bush v. Gore, unlike 2020 summer of love with BLM. 05:42 PM: Alex Jones said we want peaceful resolution unlike @BarackObama who was behind a Civil War movie to prevent the majority of Americans from voting Trump in 2024 which Trump will win and become the next U.S. President in 2025. 05:48 PM: Was the 2020 election stolen? Mark Zuckerberg went on @joerogan and said the @FBI told @facebook to hide the Hunter Biden Laptop story which swayed more than enough people to vote @JoeBiden or to not vote @realDonaldTrump. 06:52 PM: Alex Jones said DC courts are rigged and these weirdos laughed like children on drugs.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:37 AM
Timcast IRL - Biden Attacks Americans, Brags About JAILING J6rs For Over 800 Years w/Rep Alex Mooney

The Dry 103-104

2024-01-06 - Saturday - 04:10 AM - The Dry 103-104

11:53 AM
Timcast IRL - Biden Attacks Americans, Brags About JAILING J6rs For Over 800 Years w/Rep Alex Mooney

01:34 PM
Viva Frei - Interview with Vivek Ramaswamy on the Road in Iowa (Prerecorded) & MORE! Viva Frei Live

04:00 PM
Glenn Greenwald - LIVE! The "January 6" Debate | Hosted by Zerohedge

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:30 AM. I think I had dreams about thinking about like making reaction videos or music videos or whatever as a new career thing. I don't remember exactly what I did or anything. I sort of felt like I was to do something like that and maybe I did in the dream or not sure. The end. Breakfast, 11:55 AM. Laundry into dryer. Lunch, 01:27 PM. Nap around 3 for an hour or something. Mail, 03:55 PM. Dinner, 04:33 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, grape fruit juice, grapes, 11:55 AM. Lunch: banana raspberry vegi salad, 01:27 PM. Dinner: beans soup stuff on potatoes, 04:33 PM. Vanilla bean ice-cream at 06:40 PM which was very delicious. Also, milk. ChinhPham0309: Son Class 0149: 2024-01-06 - Saturday - 09:29 PM. 1. VN book page 97. Predominates: Pre: before/first. Dominates: rule/biggest. Noise predominates means noise is like too loud or very loud. Run to and fro: cars going different places. Distasteful: do not like. Interfere: get in the way. Constant: all the time. Burden: problem/worry. Compels: persuades/convince. Inconsiderate: not nice. Arguments: fight/different ideas/disagreement/debate. Random Toilet story part 57, Wattpad. Dom Toilet episode 1.

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