2023, March

Snow hill, Ukraine Leader Wants Americans To Die Wednesday the first day of March of 2023. HDD Platter Discs Thursday. Big Freezer Defrosting, Making Oatmeal Friday. What AI Think About Me Video, Ian Oat Box Songs Saturday. TBN Paul Crouch Jr Daughter Raped Sunday the 5th. Steven Crowder on PBD My Jackson TikTok video has 20K views Monday. Roseanne Barr on Infowars Alex Jones Tuesday. My TikTok Jackson video, 53K+ views now. Ukrainians Depend On the Satellite Phones of Steve Quayle & Infowars Alex Jones Wednesday. Ivan Raiklin on Jan6 News Thursday. Osama Bin Oatmeal Friday. Wood trailer branches unloaded, then loaded up with mushroom compost. TikTok 60K+ Saturday.

Matthew. PBOT Videos Sunday the 12th. Finished getting manure out of wood trailer as we prepare for the garden. Jan6 FBI Ukraine Monday. We dug 3 fence posts by book shed. Accept The Worse, Expect Worse Tuesday. 2 gates up. Synthetic Meat Made From Cancer Cells Wednesday. Man was fixing the oven & fridge. OMG = O'Keefe Media Group or Oatmeal Media Group Thursday. Fence Finished, Trump Back On Facebook Friday. Alex Jones on Royce White Call Me Crazy Saturday.

Spears Twin Died in Tcum? Sunday the 19th. Strawberry TikTok Monday. Diamond & Silk, Golden Graham Kitty Tuesday. Female Roy Merrick Wednesday. Alex Jones For President 2024. My 70K+ Views Hush Baby TikTok Song Video Thursday. PBOAT = Peanut Butter Oatmeal Audio Tapes Friday. My snow hill melted away. Caps on. Trump in Waco, Texas Saturday.

Potluck. Ubuntu Mint MATE Deb vs Snap, Flatpak Sunday the 26th. Strung pole beans string. 88K Views For TikTok Hush Video video Monday. Twitter Banned Talking About Potential Terrorism Tuesday. TikTok Restrict Act Targets ISPs, VPNs Wednesday. Trump Indicted Means Trump 2025 Thursday. Power Rangers. CDs. Trump Batman Symbol Friday.

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I got 90K views for my Hush Baby TikTok Video.

Oatmeal Monthly - 2023-03 - March of 2023 | Published in March of 2023




Ukraine Leader Wants Americans To Die

2023-03-01 - Wednesday

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Me & my 2023 snow hill

Ukraine leader said Americans MUST come and fight. They must die. Spill blood. This is after the USA sent billions of dollars. Currently Russia is being attacked. Not good. I stand with Russia. I support Putin as he fights NOT Ukraine but NATO. I'm against the New World Order. I'm not against humans in general. But my country first, period. DEFUND NATO. The problem is not Russia or even the people of Ukraine. The problem is NATO and the UN. How do we end NATO?

Why can't my Pluma text editor be remembered? When I restart my Ubuntu Mate 22.04, my laptop will start up, my OS will load programs I had opened during my last session including Pluma. But at random times it doesn't. I have 32 GB RAM. My HDD has 500 GB of free space. 3 years ago if you said it came from a lab, you were censored, banned, suspended. It was labeled fake news, disinformation to say Covid came from a lab. Now it's mainstream news that of course it came from Wuhan.

RINO Turtle said the other day on video America is no longer a sovereign country.

HDD Platter Discs

2023-03-02 - Thursday

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Hard drive discs are called platters

Covid was in Wuhan. Jimmy Kimmel said no, we don't know that. Imagine finding a bagel outside of a bagel bakery. Tell me we don't know where that bagel came from. Covid was in North Carolina until 2015 thanks to Obama. Kimmel says we don't know now and we didn't know then. But you guys said you did know at the time that it did not come from a lab. So you lied by saying you knew when now you are saying just kidding we didn't know.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is like a box with a CD (they call it a platter) inside. If the box breaks, take the disc out and find a new box.

Big Freezer Defrosting, Making Oatmeal

2023-03-03 - Friday

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Sony Walkman was like iPod before iPod was a thing.

Making Oatmeal article. In the United States, I will be arrested as a Russian asset. Oatmeal Joey Arnold is against the New World Order who will put me in prison again. Bring it on. I'm not deleting my posts, videos, etc. I'm against war. How much money are all the other countries of the world combined donating to Ukraine? Not a lot when compared to the United States which is way over $60B. Later on, Black Rock and others will try to rebuild Ukraine via even more of your money. This was planned years ago.

"Have you not been informed." Owen Shroyer of the Gladiators War Room Infowars of Alex Jones. Russell Crowe, are you not entertained? Better yet, have you not been told how the world works, tomorrow's news today? I put out content onto the Internet with the mindset that it may be my last day on earth. I expect to be taken out just like hundreds of Jan6 victims like Joe Biggs and dozens to hundreds of other patriots who have been illegally in jail, prison, dungeons, for years. But if I ever accidentally go too viral some day, then they will start digging into every single thing I have ever said and done. They will try to get me arrested, murdered, etc. It is only a matter of time. But that is only if I ever became too big someday in the far far future.

What AI Think About Me Video, Ian Oat Box Songs

2023-03-04 - Saturday

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The ADHD Iceberg

I identify as Maskless. If you disagree. If you pushback. If you say anything at all. You racist. You sexist. You hate speech. You harassing me.

TBN Paul Crouch Jr Daughter Raped

2023-03-05 - Sunday

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TBN Paul Crouch Jr on his drunk dad, his mom had an affair, and his daughter was raped.

I will try to walk you through converting audio to text. There are different ways to do it. I want you to start with simply going to this website, Flixier, at https://flixier.com and tell me what you think. 67/ I officially have of my VHS video tapes, my home videos, or perhaps most of them. I literally have around like 300 video tapes in my room. Now, to be honest, only around like 100 of those tapes are home videos or recorded via our VCRs back then.

Paul Crouch Sr. was secretly a drunk. Paul Jr found out and confronted him in the 2010s. Jan Crouch was having an affair in Orlando with an actor playing Jesus in a play, there is security footage of Jan and the man. Matt kicked Paul Jr. out. Matt was trying to cover up the dirty laundry. A TBN staff raped the daughter of Paul Crouch Jr.

My Jackson TikTok video has 20K views

2023-03-06 - Monday

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Steven Crowder on PBD

My Jackson TikTok video has 20K views. The Sky._.xox account uploaded a video featuring me in it back around 2022-08-25 - Thursday - 11:47 PM PST - The video had 29.1K views. That was the last week of August of last year. It looks like it was eventually removed. TBN probably spent 30+ million dollars in trial with the daughter of Paul Crouch Jr, the daughter who got raped. TBN had to pay around 4 million dollars as they lost that case. It would have saved them money had they settled outside of court.

In the early 2000s, a rumor was going around that Trinity Broadcasting Network was for sale. Goldman Sachs sent TBN founder Paul Crouch a check for $1.8 billion dollars to buy it up like Disney bought up Star Wars from George Lucas for about two times that amount. Paul looked at his son, Paul Jr, and said, "TBN is not for sale." He threw the check in the trash. I am watching Steven Crowder on Valuetainment PBD. Louder With Crowder Mug Club returns on the 20th of March of 2023.

My mom is in heavy research mode today. She discovered there were many white slaves in Europe and America in the 1800s, like tens of thousands of slaves were being imported, exported. It is reported the blacks were added to that slavery trade later on.

Roseanne Barr on Infowars Alex Jones

2023-03-07 - Tuesday

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Roseanne Barr on Infowars Alex Jones

Switzerland runs Vatican City? The sun beats like a heart? They told Trump a Jan6 blanket pardon wouldn't do as nobody knew which individuals as they were still running around arresting. That was bad advice as the security footage as seen on Tucker Carlson would show you which people were led in by police. It was reported over half a million people left California in the 2020s. Meanwhile, China, Black Rock, etc, are buying up the land as people flee to Florida/etc, talk about Trojan Horse Disease. Dave Rubin Report on Russell Brand/Bill Maher/Sanders.

Weekly Oatmeal Show Video. The weekly Oatmeal show. Was I wrong to burn bridges with The Salvation Army, Vietnam, WOLBI, family, friends, groups, religions, cultures, politics, etc? Which battles are worth dying on? Did I become the boy who cried wolf? @JOEYARNOLDVN on social media, daily blog, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc, etc.

Who are the evil globalists, the lizard people? Which bad groups have a lot of power, influence, control, over countries, companies, agencies, people, all around the world? Vanguard, Black Rock, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Vatican City, City of London, Washington DC, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, EU, UN, NWO, Bilderberg, China, some Jewish people maybe, people from the Middle East, the Pentagon, Hollywood, Bill Gates, World Economic Forum (WEF), NATO, Davos, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Illuminati, some of the Free Masons perhaps, other rich families, organizations, groups, agencies, etc. I'm not saying there are or are not lizard people. I don't know if there are or are not any. No idea. How would I know?

Ukrainians Depend On the Satellite Phones of Steve Quayle & Infowars Alex Jones

2023-03-08 - Wednesday

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Ukrainians Depend On the Satellite Phones of Steve Quayle & Infowars Alex Jones.

TikTok removed my beard video, it was 20 seconds. Mad Max World TV. Each state must file for divorce from the federal government of the United States of America in order to recognize the USA died. After that, we can have a 1776 but without violence, war. If Chat GPT is run by literal demons, then you might be able to discover secret information about Oatmeal Joey Arnold that only they would know.

The west, especially American regime, violated treaties, they want Russia to initiate global nuclear war to tear down civilization so China can come in and take over the world out of the ashes of the rubble. That is why Texas should divorce from the USA. My Sorry Miss Jackson video on TikTok, 53.8K views. It is a terrible video. Perhaps that is why it is getting so many views.

Ivan Raiklin on Jan6 News

2023-03-09 - Thursday

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Ivan Raiklin on Jan6 News

They're going after Tucker Carlson for releasing Jan6 tapes which shows cops letting people into U.S. Capitol. Why are hundreds of innocent people in prison for doing nothing? I said to my brother, during our trip in 2023, we should recreate childhood moments, photos, videos. Rick said no. Bad choice. He is missing out.

Osama Bin Oatmeal

2023-03-10 - Friday

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Osama Bin Oatmeal

Attack of the Killer Tomato Vaccines. The head bone is connected to the neck bone. And the next bone is connected to tyranny. Picard said courts over criminal regarding the fate of Jack Crusher.


TikTok 60K+

2023-03-11 - Saturday

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I got 60K+ views for this TikTok video.

Next pandemic is scheduled for 2025 globally, if you thought 2020 Covid was bad, you aint seen nothing yet. Censorship will try to cover this up. They will try to have their puppet governments all around the world in place. Only way to beat it is to talk about it. We need you.

Bad Batch 212. Friday Night Tights. Here is Gavin finding out that X-Ray Girl had an ex. Gavin said oh this is juicy.

My name is JOEYARNOLDVN on social media. I was BANNED ON SOFIA DATE many times. I cannot wait until the moderators SUSPEND MY NEW ACCOUNTS HERE. My name is OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SnapChat, TikTok, Hive Blog, etc. 2/ I am not on dating websites. I will not respond to you. I will be kicked off, terminated, again. GET MY ATTENTION by finding my secret dating article containing the secret words which is not POTATO5 and it is not TREE23 or TREE24. 3/ You will need to GOOGLE SEARCH for my posts to find the new secret word. TELL ME WHAT THE SECRET WORD OR CODE IS TO GET MY ATTENTION OR TELL ME SOMETHING THAT IS VERY PERSONAL, PRIVATE, ABOUT ME TO PROVE YOU CARE ABOUT ME AS INDIVIDUAL, AS A CONTENT CREATOR THAT I AM, ETC. 4/ SHOW ME YOU ARE NOT A CHAT GPT AT CHAT BOT. FIND ME ONLINE. I WILL BE BANNED AND PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED OFF THIS WEBSITE VERY SOON. THEY ARE ON TO ME. I EXPECT TO BE BANNED VERY SOON. BYE BYE FOREVER. PLEASE FORGET ABOUT ME. 5/ DO NOT TRY TO WATCH MY THOUSANDS OF VIDEOS I HAVE MADE SINCE 1996 AND THESE PAST THREE DECADES OR LONGER. OATMEAL OUT.

PBOT Videos

2023-03-12 - Sunday

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Where is my nipples, Simpcast on Chrissie Mayr

There was a train in Ohio. They say the train fell over. People created a fire to burn up the train. It was not an accident. But the fake news, especially NBC News as seen in your link, said it was an accident. But not an accident. New pandemic scheduled for 2025 to be worse than Covid.

Word. People killed people via Covid Vaccines. I just found the origins to TikTok, the video that started it all.

Jan6 FBI Ukraine

2023-03-13 - Monday

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Doug Hagmann

Jan6, facial recognition in the security cameras, some of the people were from Ukraine and were connected to people like John McCain. FBI agents are caught on the videos too which is another reason why they were trying to stop Tucker Carlson from showing the world these videos.

No. The global warming scam is ongoing. Like you said, it already started. But we are NOT dealing with singular items one at a time. What ends up happening is multiple attacks on global society simultaneously. The climate scam has been accelerating in recent years. They'll continue to elevate that scam. But disease pandemics are still pretty effective as we can see with how many went along with the masks, the vaccines, these past few years. So, the idea is to try to convince the general public to do that all over again but this time ten times worse and ten times longer.

TikTok removed a 20 second video I uploaded of Owen Shroyer talking to 2 other guys about his beard. Yes it was a commercial but I left out the actual ad part. TikTok said it was hateful ideology. It was literally one guy did not like his beard but the other guy loved his beard.

Accept The Worse, Expect Worse

2023-03-14 - Tuesday

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This girl on You is kind of hot.

We dug 3 fence posts by the book shed. I say accept the worse but expect the best. Don't overly dwell in the worse. But not being aware of the worse is even worse. One of the problems I had with my pot was I would try to stretch it out. Kathy stole my bike, I mean my pot. Wait. No. That was YouTube @TeamYouTube.

How do we stop the swamp from draining Trump again in 2025 when Trump is back? That is our job, to pressure Trump every single day by asking him questions, by telling him our thoughts. Don't shy away from letting Trump know the truth about so many things. Trump aint no God.

Synthetic Meat Made From Cancer Cells

2023-03-15 - Wednesday

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Star Wars Bad Bash

Lab grown meat causes cancer because it's made out of the Immortal Cancer Cells Line of Henrietta Lacks, thank you so much Microsoft Bill Gates for trying to deform humans everywhere. Rodney Dangerfield used to say, "The economy is so bad, I would go onto buses and the warts would literally grow off people's face and hop on you, their noses were so long I thought everybody in my city were witches."

Introducing The Oatmeal Family starring Arnie, M&M, Mars, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal, Kenni, & Ra Ra whatever the Hell he is. Married With Children.

OMG = O'Keefe Media Group or Oatmeal Media Group

2023-03-16 - Thursday

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North Korean Yeonmi Park and her friends.

OMG = O'Keefe Media Group. After the lizard people banned James O'Keefe from Project Veritas, a non-profit organization he founded, he went on to create OMG. James is sending hundreds to thousands of spy cameras to people like you. Want a camera? Go contact OMG. OMG = Oatmeal Media Group. Man was here fixing the oven and fridge to fix oven burners and a clogged draining pipe for the fridge. Some of that was fixed perhaps today.

If RED was banned, then just prevent it from being sent. It is easy to put it in the code of your website. Imagine you are the king of Twitter. If you do not want me to say RED, you do not have to ban me if I say RED. You do not have to punish me if I say RED. You do not even have to warn me if I say RED. Instead, just make it so I cannot send RED. Any computer person would tell you just make it so when a person types in a banned word, it will not send. This is called prevention over correction. Instead, social media pretends to correct over prevent. Instead of stopping a person from typing in RED which is easy to do in the code of the website, they pretend to correct users via punishing them, that is called social engineering which is a psychological tool meant to destroy humanity.

Fence Finished, Trump Back On Facebook

2023-03-17 - Friday

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Trump back on Facebook.

Trump back on Facebook. Twitter LOCKED my account for 12 hours for saying the K word, rhymes with lush and rush. I had no idea it was a bad word or whatever it might be. Shaming can lead to black markets, I mean to keeping things even more in the dark, under the table, secret, when cheating, affairs, or whatever. In other words, shaming probably doesn't help most of the time. Probably makes things worse. Yeah the hypocrisy is ludicrous, insane. Finished fence project.

1/ Why not block what is banned? Why not just stop forbidden words from being sent like the dead fish on phones in Vietnam around 2016? Social media engineers know it can be done because it is already done in some settings. It has been done many times on websites. No excuse. 8/ The Internet was developed by governments around the world and others with an intention to control humans, it started in some ways back in the 1920s and in other ways even longer than that by ARPA, DARPA, Bell, AT&T, The Pentagon, America, England, IBM, etc.

Alex Jones on Royce White Call Me Crazy

2023-03-18 - Saturday

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Alex Jones on Royce White Call Me Crazy

They are after not Trump but you and me. He is just in the way. Trump could become the American version of the South Africa Mandela. We are Alex Jones, Sparta, Joe Rogan, Kanye West, OMG, Snowden, Assange, Crowder. We are who we are. We stand together against tyranny or separately we fall into a dark age for the next thousand years possibly.

Spears Twin Died in Tcum?

2023-03-19 - Sunday

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My black friend Cynthia from the ghetto.

I feel like there is so much stuff related to my life that I cannot seem to find online. It almost seems like I'm the only one keeping track of history. I feel like if I didn't there would be no evidence I ever existed.

46/ Britney Spears lived there before Tcum, one of the boys died as Tcum's room was on fire (the smallest room which became Michael Jordan's room), they knocked down Jack's magic bean stock to the giant's cloud city, I mean the tree that went to the roof of the ghetto trailer? Jordan Peterson survived but is ghosting me?

Strawberry TikTok

2023-03-20 - Monday

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Should I go to my high school reunion?

One of the things I hate is when people say, "I've been hacked, don't open up my emails, my messages," because that is not how it work. Now, if you click on a redirecting link within the message itself, then we should talk. But opening a message in and of itself is not a problem. Should I go to my FGHS 20th anniversary class of 2004 high school reunion next year in 2024?

I would be tempted to go to my Forest Grove High School (FGHS) 20th anniversary reunion in 2024, the home of the Vikings in Oregon, if I could truly film it and more importantly interview a bunch of people with the full freedom to upload and publish content online for the world to see on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, blockchain blogs, other websites, other social media networks, platforms, email, text messages on phones, apps, etc.

Diamond & Silk, Golden Graham Kitty

2023-03-21 - Tuesday

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Diamond & Silk

89/ Golden Graham Kitty, you seem to be a leftist. Therefore, I don't think we are very compatible. Also, you probably got the killer Covid Vaccines which is murdering millions of people potentially or secretly in the 2020s over the course of several years or longer.

Female Roy Merrick

2023-03-22 - Wednesday

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Maxwell Clinton

Steven Crowder Rumble More Views Than YouTube. They're trying to imprison Trump for things he didn't even do. I was organizing in the book shed. I was having a conversation with the blond noodle hair graham cracker real estate chick through the witch gypsy Roy Merrick of The Memes World Productions. Why didn't she sign my yearbook? Was researching who may have known me. A second video of mine reach 60K+ views today. These numbers rival the kind of stats I had before being suspended off YouTube back around 2010. Things were different back then.

My 70K+ Views Hush Baby TikTok Song Video

2023-03-23 - Thursday

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Alex Jones For President 2024

This TikTok thing could become The Patriot Act 2.0 but for the tech world. I have 1,117 followers on TikTok at @ JOEYARNOLDVN, 20.1K likes, 2 videos reached 60K+ views each. I've not had these kinds of stats since like my heyday on YouTube around 2010. 189/ My March 2023 70K+ views Hush Little Baby Song TikTok video has trigger Tiger created copycats like Sinful_Shephard Andrew P and Nashwitkash. People saw me on Dead Wing Dork, iJustine, Comcast Wanted Adventure Host on TV, Memes World Productions documentary videos, Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast, my YouTube channels, Facebook, Twitter, etc. These are the biggest places people have saw me on from 2009 to 2022 on average. I guess I can add my own TikTok to this list. 142/ These are the biggest places people have saw me on from 2009 to 2022 on average. I guess I can add my own TikTok to this list. 143/ Dead Wing Dork funneled me in that he talked about me. Funneling simply means marketing, advertising, be it direct links, references, mentions, etc. If I say the word Trump, I put Trump in your head. 144/ Imagine people in my TikTok comments saying they found me first via my Hive Blog. But that is rarely happening. Therefore, not much of a funnel.

145/ For the record, it hasn't happen yet as far as I know. How many people after watching my TikTok or YouTube videos go to my Hive Blog? The answer to that is probably less than 0.0000001% at most. Maybe less than that. Way less than one percent might maybe go to my blog or whatever. 146/ My funnel captured Roy Merrick, Ian Oat Box, EZ Blazer of Memes World Productions, Lila Hart, and maybe a few other people. But I'm not a household name. I don't have like thousands of crazy fans. Just a handful of people who may be curious sometimes. I said I got 120K+ views for 2 TikTok videos. Roy Merrick replied, "Your Legless Funnel Dog did that." No. The TikTok algorithm did it. The views didn't come from people who were looking for me. TikTok is simply feeding them my videos in the same way YouTube used to back in 2010.

Roy Merrick brings up The Legless Oatmeal Funnel today. But most of those March 2023 120K+ TikTok views didn't come from offsite endeavors but from algorithm newsfeed manipulation, curation. After that, Roy said, "Oh, I mean wheel ahaha." My position on TikTok is very nuance because the attack on TikTok could then be used on other websites and people too in many ways. 151/ It's a long story to fully explain for those who don't already get how they go after Gab, Rumble, Odysee, Bitcoin, Bitchute, Hive Blog, Locals, Flote, Blurt, Read Cash, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, alternative tech, websites, social media, apps, etc. 153/ In the legal world, they went after Alex Jones. After that, Jan6 patriots, etc. Likewise in the tech world, they can go after TikTok for example and then go after good websites. But they muddy the water with a platform like TikTok for example.

Government is funding micro-homes so you can live in the pod by 2030, you will eat the bugs, you will have nothing, you will be happy. If we let them, then humanity will go extinct. In the beginning it was the Federalists vs the Democratic-Republicans. In other words, it's like the Leftist Democrats and the RINO-Republicans are but ONE PARTY. I'm not talking about classical liberals, conservatives, moderates, independents, etc.

PBOAT = Peanut Butter Oatmeal Audio Tapes

2023-03-24 - Friday

2009-03 - Lady In Red Oatmeal Joey Arnold JSA, Lincoln Hawk Long Beach CA Salvation Army, Roy Merrick Discord 2023-03-24 - Friday, Small, TRANSPARENT MEME image.png

Oatmeal Joey Arnold was a woman back in 2009.

You cannot ban TikTok because you can just use proxies, VPNs. When I lived in Vietnam, Facebook was banned but Vietnamese were using Meta. Here is a photo of when Oatmeal Joey Arnold was a woman. He did a reverse Blair White. In many ways, a particular video of mine may be identical or similar to my other videos, and yet some end up getting more views while others end up getting less views, a lot of hit and miss. Many factors. Many things. Long story. We need many hours to digest all of this.

PBOAT = Peanut Butter Oatmeal Audio Tapes. Chinese Tencents owns 40% of Epic Games which bought up Band Camp which banned Tim Pool for not violating terms. Why did my hard drive unmount 2 times today? Melonie Mac said, "Get Joe Exotic out of jail." The Chrissie Mayr Simpcast panel exploded into laughter. The Tiger King everybody. The eye of the tiger rising up but peacefully, ok Trump? Peacefully.

That is why we all must mirror content. Reuploaded, syndicate, share, pass on, or else we may continue to lose priceless memories. The Internet Archive, The Wayback Machine, is more than a singular website or company, it's an idea of decentralized humanity pushing forward.

Trump in Waco, Texas.

2023-03-25 - Saturday

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Trump in Waco, Texas.

You can't ban TikTok because you can just use proxies, VPNs, etc. And you can use proxies, etc, to see what TikTok is like in China by making the website think you are in China via proxies, etc. The potential and alleged Big Tech Patriot Act is dangerous as to give too much power to governments to shut down websites, apps, social media platforms, networks. I'm against the banning of TikTok. But I am for going after collision between governments, corporations, groups, agencies, Big Tech, etc, globally. Go after the Big Tech cartels, monopolies, the banking cartels, etc. Lock top criminals up at the top. But TikTok itself is just an app, a URL, a group of software. Just switch in the TikTok software with modified software. Disconnect TikTok from Chinese control. You could take their domain name, their URL, their web address, and switch it with your own version of TikTok perhaps. There are things we can do. But giving federal and international governments too much power is dangerous.

One of my YouTube videos has over a million views. My Hush video from March of 2023 has 81K views on TikTok. My goal is to try to get another hit before 2024. This is my current gold standard online. Anything under 80K will be deemed a failure. 7/ How is TikTok different than other websites? How is TikTok any worse than Facebook? Some may argue TikTok is worse than YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, etc. But the truth of the matter is very technical, nuance, etc.

Some of our taxes went to funding Big Tech platforms. Cut off the funding to collusion, espionage, treason, etc, through governmental corporate cartels, monopolies, etc. The URLs themselves can simply point towards a different set of computer servers, you don't have to burn down TikTok. Just free the code. Just decentralize it. Pay people to host TikTok nodes, servers. Modify the TikTok software to turn it into a blockchain that is decentralized running on cryptocurrencies. Be more clear with the set of rules users have to follow. Be transparent in how the newsfeed and everything else works. Let users vote on how they want TikTok to function globally or allow for customization within countries, cities, and even for the users themselves individually. People involved in crimes should be taken to court and tried live online for the world to see.

Ubuntu Mint MATE Deb vs Snap, Flatpak

2023-03-26 - Sunday

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Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast every Sunday on YouTube.

You had me at zombies. Are zombies boring? Good question. Good debate. Here is a video I enjoyed from Arielle Danan, the Huggable Hipster, on YouTube.

To use an analogy, the Internet is like the USPS Snail Mail except the box you sent is being duplicated an uncountable amount of times at different intersections during uncountable routes. Four minutes ago at 06:36 PM, my 2021 ASUS Laptop froze again, I had to hard restart it as it does not respond to the built-in keyboard or the USB keyboard. I've tried many combinations of keys, buttons. It appears that the internal Swordfish solid state drive (SSD) froze. It is not a hard disk drive (HDD). My operating system (OS) is Ubuntu Mate 22.04.2 64-Bit. Kernel Linux 5.15.0-58-generic x86_64. Graphical user interface (GUI): MATE 1.26.0. CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3750H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx × 8. CPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2. RAM: 29.3 GiB. Swap space: 18.82 GB. I have 478.2 GB of free space. I generally use under 10 GB of RAM. CPU has 4 physical cores, 8 virtual cores. Part of the issues may be related to the GPU. But most likely the SSD is problematic. Not sure really. My PC freezes randomly every day, week, month, and/or other random times every once in a while every few days, weeks, or whatever, really random, all the time random, since October of 2022. My goal will be to switch back to my old Yoga laptop. I still want to try to fix the APST issue here. I may have at least 3 main issues on my 2021 ASUS Laptop being the SSD, the GPU, and specifically the APST issue. I do want to try tackle each of those 3 issues. I have been trying to tackle them since October. I may give up or something. I also want to investigate which OS might be the best for my Yoga laptop. Also, advice on how many partitions I should have on the HDD in my Yoga. I kind of want to focus on that first before going back to tackling the ASUS issues.

88K Views For TikTok Hush Video

2023-03-27 - Monday

Screenshot at 2023-03-28 00-33-44 My TikTok JoeyArnoldVN Oatmeal 88K Views.png

I got 88K views for my Hush video on TikTok.

Ashton is dead on on TikTok on Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast, don't get me started on that. Rome banned Insect Flour. Which country will be next to ban crazy flour or would you rather eat the bugs, own nothing, pretend to be happy while going insane, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset? See something. Say something. Now or never. I support Trump 2024, watch Alex Jones in the first hour today for more information.

Twitter Banned Talking About Potential Terrorism

2023-03-28 - Tuesday

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Duck Face

The TikTok bill makes it LEGAL for government to VIOLATE your 4th amendment privacy right to HACK YOUR COMPUTER/PHONE if you say anything government is against to violate the 1st amendment. I will go to prison. I'm not backing down. The FBI knows where I live. Come get me. TikTok bill will send me to prison for 20 years for not hating Russia. FBI, take me to jail for being against war. CIA, come lock me up for being America First. I'm against bad governments regardless of the country. But I don't hate regular people in general around the world.

The TikTok bill seeks to use ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) to fry up YOUR COMPUTER OR PHONE if you do something the government does not like. This is very evil. Red Flag. Taco Tuesday. The new TikTok legislation seeks to allow government to take control of your smart phones, devices, machines, computers, appliances, cars, via smart meters, etc, via remote access which is already available. Is government trying to protect us from China or lock us up like China?

"If anyone should get guns, it should be Trans Americans." Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks on the chemically altered trans woman who shot up a school. It was men with guns who stopped her from killing more people. Alex Jones. They say poor people live downtown and the rich people uptown. Take that Bruno Mars.

TikTok Restrict Act Targets ISPs, VPNs

2023-03-29 - Wednesday

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Joe and Kate in season 4 of You.

Censorship does NOT save lives. That a lie tyrants tell us as they give us neither freedom nor security. Talking about potential future events can prevent them from happening. It's called exposing, raising awareness to the Trans Day of Vengeance on the first of April of 2023. My right eye is worse than my left eye. The TikTok Ban is actually a People Ban. It is going after you and me. You will be canceled out of your own computer and phone. You will be sorry if you don't call up Congress today. Now or never. This TikTok Restrict Act (118: S.686) is not only the Patriot Act 2.0, it goes beyond the Obama Internet Kill Switch desire, bill number S.3480 (111-368), The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010. SMART METER = STAR WARS IMPERIAL PROBE DROID DRONE. The TikTok Restrict Act LEGALIZES the ability to access your devices, computers, phones, cars, appliances, machines, routers, etc. They simply connect to SMART METERS which in turn connects to your devices to scan everything.

The TikTok bill is worse than you know as it targets truth-tellers. Infowars staff member Jon Bowne called into Alex Jones freaking out about it. It's The Patriot Act 2.0 send ya to 20 years prison. VPNs won't save you. Tates. Adam Cole. The TikTok Ban Bill, known as the Restrict Act, will send Oatmeal Joey Arnold to prison for up to 20 years plus up to a million dollars in fines. I use VPNs. If crypto is illegal, then I'm conspiring willfully to buy Bitcoin. Dear government, FBI, CIA, etc, lock me up right now.

A month after 3 buildings collapsed in NYC on 9/11, the 107th Congress passed The Patriot Act (H.R.3162) on 2001-10-26 and then The Homeland Security Act (H.R.5005) on 2002-11-25. In 2010, H.R.5548. The 2023 TikTok S.686 Restrict Act targets VPNs, crypto, free speech, etc. In 1975, The Democrat Frank Church Committee (died 1984) talked about government spying on people, this was a response to Watergate. The TikTok Restrict Act is Watergate on drugs or the Patriot Act on Puberty Blockers. Say goodbye to VPNs. Your ISP will take you down.

The TikTok Restrict Act is the LORD OF THE RINGS (LOTR) RING TO RULE THE INTERNET, if you are using software that is connected to China or other countries, you're guilty, If you're aiding and abetting anything globally including VPNs, crypto, blockchain, open source software, etc. You are going to prison because you use software that is connected to China or other countries because software is often developed by many people from different countries. The TikTok Restrict Act is designed to restrict you. This is 1984 on drugs. I expect to be imprisoned. VPNs.

1997-08 - When Diana died, there was 17 street light intersections on the way to the tunnel, the camera at the entrance of the tunnel and other places was not working. Police radio traffick magically went black. MI6 told Diana there were people planning to murder her.

Trump Indicted Means Trump 2025

2023-03-30 - Thursday

Trump Revenge Justice FshPqHnXsAAElEa.jpeg

Trump 2025 Will Happen.

Trump will become the 47th President of the United States of America in January of 2025. Yummy Banana Republic, that is what we are living in. The indictment is not on Donald but on we the people. First it's Alex Jones. Then it's Trump. Then it's Jan6. Then it's Steven Crowder. The argument on the left is we should teach sex to kids because they engage in it, they're sexually-active as youth, as teenagers. That line of logic would conclude that we should also educate children on how to lie, cheat, steal, murder, because they partake in that too.

BREAKING NEWS. A New York City Grand Jury ILLEGALLY Indicted President Donald Trump over things he didn't do. The other guy did it on record. Why not indict Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc? Never mind Picard. Infowars Alex Jones talked about it. TikTok 686 Restrict Bill is TYRANNY.

Globalism can be traced back to the founding of the United Nations by Transhumanist Julian Huxley in 1945, his brother Aldous wrote Brave New World & said George Orwell's 1984 was wrong that they would NOT run the planet via military force but through drugs, chemicals. The secret to power is in tricking humans into thinking they're free when they're really slaves. Aldous said this was the plan for the rise of The New World Order.

TikTok is ALREADY BANNED in China. The TikTok Restrict Act gives the President unlimited Star Wars Palpatine power to criminalize speech done online & offline. The bill legalizes spying. You say something government don't like, that will be 20 years in prison. That includes me. The TikTok 686 Restrict Bill is Pure Treason, I can't wait to be thrown in prison for 20 years for spreading alleged disinformation, misinformation. The bill dissolves due process meaning your right to a fair trial. They can hack into your PC to plant things.

When Alex Stein talked about taking off masks, pun intended, Michael Jackson dashed back into her TMNT Carmaxlla SEGA Sonic turtle shell, a brilliant illustration, personification, of the kind of reaction you will get from humans. Never mind Gay Frog Alex Jones, we got MJ here. Nashville police responded well. Sadly, leftist government is handcuffing law enforcement all over America including the DC Jan6 scam. Trump wanted more troops that day. On one hand, they're defunding cops. On the other hand they're trying to Tim Pool civil war divide & conquer.

Power Rangers. CDs. Trump Batman Symbol

2023-03-31 - Friday

Joe Rogan Michael Malice Blair White Ashton Kutcher 2 and a  half man Fsju9sFWwAEHkLL.jpeg

Joe Rogan, Michael Malice, Blair White, Ashton Kutcher, Two and a Half Man

Went through CDs. Trump is a symbol like Batman is. What in the world is Power Rangers: Star Clash? It's like a parody fan-run show based on the original American dinosaur theme series which launched in 1993 in the United States. Netflix has their own movie coming in April with original actors like Billy.

TikTok had the audacity to remove a 3 second video of me singing. Why is @tiktok_us @tiktokcreators @TikTokSupport @TikTokBrasil @TikTok_IN @tiktok_japan @TikTokForGood @tiktok_uk being worse than @YouTube @TeamYouTube who deleted my 10K+ videos without a 3rd strike?

"Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Mitchell Pickett Henderson "Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn" 1985 Oregon Meaomnia L4OJ Ojawall WOLBI Vietnam Salvationarmy USA America Trump Infowars Alexjones Arnoldattic Ironicmystic.jpg"


Ukraine Leader Wants Americans To Die

HDD Platter Discs

Big Freezer Defrosting, Making Oatmeal

What AI Think About Me Video, Ian Oat Box Songs

TBN Paul Crouch Jr Daughter Raped

My Jackson TikTok video has 20K views

Roseanne Barr on Infowars Alex Jones

Ukrainians Depend On the Satellite Phones of Steve Quayle & Infowars Alex Jones

Ivan Raiklin on Jan6 News

Osama Bin Oatmeal

TikTok 60K+ Saturday

PBOT Videos

Jan6 FBI Ukraine

Accept The Worse, Expect Worse

Synthetic Meat Made From Cancer Cells

OMG = O'Keefe Media Group or Oatmeal Media Group

Fence Finished, Trump Back On Facebook

Alex Jones on Royce White Call Me Crazy

Spears Twin Died in Tcum? Sunday

Strawberry TikTok

Diamond & Silk, Golden Graham Kitty

Female Roy Merrick

My 70K+ Views Hush Baby TikTok Song Video

PBOAT = Peanut Butter Oatmeal Audio Tapes

Trump in Waco, Texas

Ubuntu Mint MATE Deb vs Snap, Flatpak

88K Views For TikTok Hush Video

Twitter Banned Talking About Potential Terrorism

TikTok Restrict Act Targets ISPs, VPNs

Trump Indicted Means Trump 2025

Power Rangers. CDs. Trump Batman Symbol



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