
Blueprints to the Star Wars Death Star in these 2 books by Alex Jones, especially Great Reset being the first of 2 books. Great Reset was book 1. Great Awakening is book 2 by Alex Jones. We have talking points for climate. But not for water. Said people at the World Economic Forum. We got to transition from gasoline bad. To water bad. And air bad. We got to not just ban normal cars. But also water and air. So we can really take over. Hashtag EmergencyAlertSystem. The Common Good. The Great Good. Water is a Common Good. Said the World Economic Forum. Collecting rain water bad. Solar power must be funneled to the city. Let us manage the water for you. We are from the government. We are here to help (Reagan). Nigerians rejected the digital money scam.

I'm looking for partners/supporters/contributors who are on the same page, I'm Pruning Oatmeal, I'm buried in projects, I'm transitioning as I tackle priorities as I'm turning 39 in four months, I'm in the middle of many things, I need help, see my articles/video for more info. Outside of the primary objective, my Discord server had other goals in mind to help people escape the matrix via Speaker Trump or Elon Musk. The Donald Trump is now more a symbol than anything else. Here is a preview of life on Mars in the 2040s in roughly twenty years from now.

Trinity choices. Perhaps God gave at the beginning of time to angels 3 choices, to remain as angels, to fall like demons, or to be born as humans but without the memory of Heaven as to pass the test of life.


Discord Demand
Pruning Oatmeal

Screenshot at 2023-10-04 15-22-30 Alex Jones Great Awakening.png

Great Awakening by Alex Jones

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-10-04 - Wednesday | Published in October of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:30 AM
Star Wars Ahsoka 108, Spoiler Review, Power Rangers LOTR Narnia Zombies


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INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

03:49 AM

Trinity choices. Perhaps God gave at the beginning of time to angels 3 choices, to remain as angels, to fall like demons, or to be born as humans but without the memory of Heaven as to pass the test of life. 07:43 PM. They forgot to send me one. I did not get an emergency alert. I was prepared years ago for days like this. In my mind, I'm not going to let people ruin my day. If you wake up as Trump, buy Bitcoin.

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2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-10-04 - Wednesday - 12:47 AM - Discord Log.

Big Flopper wins the Silver for the Daily Discord Awards. What you might find at Walmart, people like this. Roy Merrick wins the Gold for the Daily Discord Awards. Pruning Oatmeal with Prunes. Does the body good. So good. Hot. Good to the last drop. 12:13 PM. Flopper doesn't realize I'm always in my Discord server via my alts. I only wanted him to think I was not there. He actually reposted my fake article about pruning oatmeal. It's so easy to manipulate him. He's literally spreading all these screenshots of me exactly as planned. 12:17 PM. I'd stop by to chat with Roy Merrick, Ian, or others, in my Discord server. Roy's there often on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; around like 08:00 AM ET to like 02:00 PM. I'm willing to hop on for Roy if enough demands are met. But Roy doesn't care at all. Roy's not changing. New people hop on my Discord server and my trolls scare them away with fake news. Banning trolls might create an oatmeal black market (which there is already). I was unable to find true partners who could counter the fake news spread by Flopper and others. My server is a scam. 12:26 PM. When people join my Discord server, my trolls will overwhelm them with fake news about me. There are articles of mine out there debunking lies. Nobody is there trying to show new people the truth which tells me nobody wants to help me: meaning my server is a scam/dead. XBK won. 12:35 PM. Can you run my Discord server? Trolls took over. They can only be replaced by partners, supporters, real fans, contributors. I've published articles debunking fake news/lies spread about me. Help me counter out-of-context defamation/disinformation slander. 12:41 PM. People believe the fake news about me because there's not enough true fans countering the lies about Oatmeal Joey Arnold. My Discord server is full of trolls who scares away new people. Who wants to my team? I'm only just beginning. 12:45 PM. You can take over my Discord server if you're not spreading fake news about me like other trolls. My server needs more mods/admins. Trolls scare away new people. My server has many purposes that goes way beyond just me. I want my server to help people. 01:05 PM. What's crazy is my admins either nuke my Discord server or they leave. I'm looking for people who share my vision to run it as it has many purposes outside of me. Trolls took over. I've failed to find heirs to take over. I'm willing to return if demands are met, see my articles. 0:25 PM. If Roy Merrick wants me back on my Discord server, Roy must meet demands. I'm willing to compromise/negotiate. I've told Roy this for years since like 2019. I need help/partners, let's come together/make-deal or else you'll see me less and less as times goes by. Roy refuses to. 02:00 PM. My Discord server died/failed as trolls took over, I need admins beyond just Ian who did a good job. I'm critical of Roy Merrick cuz he has potential as the master of memes, my groups has many purposes but aint working if people aren't interested in green L4OJ original oatmeal.

07:28 PM
Primary purpose of my Discord server revolved around my original green Arnold Attic oatmeal backstory lore, I was letting trolls infiltrate in order to spur drama which would in turn draw more eyes to it so that it could eventually attract genuine fans, supporters, partners, etc. Outside of the primary objective, my Discord server had other goals in mind to help people escape the matrix via Speaker Trump or Elon Musk. The Donald Trump is now more a symbol than anything else. Here is a preview of life on Mars in the 2040s in roughly twenty years from now.


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


12:57 AM
Let's enslave the world with water. We failed to trick everybody into getting killer Covid vaccines, climate change/global warming fear-porn isn't panicking people enough. So, we at the Economic Forum (WEF), as the saviors of the world, must use water.

01:11 PM
I'm looking for partners/supporters/contributors who are on the same page, I'm Pruning Oatmeal, I'm buried in projects, I'm transitioning as I tackle priorities as I'm turning 39 in four months, I'm in the middle of many things, I need help, see my articles/video for more info.

01:30 PM
Too many people believe the lies about Jan6, I even talked about the fake news before Jan6 in my articles. Others did too. Jan6 was not the first scam. There is so much evidence debunking the deception. But too many NPC/SJW refuse to investigate at all. 02:17 PM. Was this like Y2K but 2 minutes early? I didn't get the Emergency Alert System on my phones, computers, laptops, televisions.

02:27 PM
WHY DIDN'T I GET ONE? BECAUSE I USE UBUNTU INSTEAD OF WINDOWS/APPLE/ANDROID. WE GEEKS/NERDS RULE THE WORLD. NORMAL PEOPLE SUCK. Haha no it's because I use Ubuntu and the alert systems are not usually designed for that. Plus, I have desktop notifications turned off on computers and phones which most people leave on as most people rely on pings and calls. I have my devices on do not disturb. Ubuntu is good, I've used Open Office and there is another version too. They have Wine which runs Windows programs. Most programs run on Ubuntu too. I'm currently using Ubuntu Mint Mate as my OS. People think they can't use Ubuntu because fake news tricks people into thinking Ubuntu is too hard which it was harder 30 years ago. Same fake news that says orange man bad also says Ubuntu bad. Over the years, alternative operating systems to Apple/Microsoft get easier to use. There are many alternative OS and some are designed for people who are accustomed to Windows and others are designed more for Apple users, a major factor is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which is the look and feel of the OS, it's what you see on the screen like the menu etc. Wine is a program that people use. There are other programs too that are similar. There are different versions of Wine. I rarely use Wine because many programs either run on Ubuntu or there are alternative applications that do. So, many options/variables. Like Windows, some of the Ubuntu distros use more RAM, I have 32 GB of RAM too. Ubuntu has improved since 2010. Easiest way to get started is to try to put an OS onto a computer. Another option is to buy a PC with Ubuntu pre-installed. Not too hard. 03:46 PM. There are OS that can run off less than 1 GB of RAM. Some OS may struggle if drivers aren't working with the specific hardware of the computers as software (including OS) is not always designed with every kind of hardware in mind. So, there are many variables to consider. I don't use regular Ubuntu any more, I don't like SNAPS. Have you ever heard of SNAPS? My main laptop is ASUS, it's had like bugs, like issues with Ubuntu. Part of the issue might have been AMD and NVIDIA. I think I've fixed the problems. SNAPS is a thing in Ubuntu. It's kind of like the Google Play or the Apple App Store. One way to download programs is through SNAPS but the way they do it can be bulky in file size for each app you download. Other issues too maybe. And they try to force you to use SNAPS only. 04:13 PM. There are several ways to install a program. Snaps is probably the newest one. Another is called FlatPak which I might prefer over Snaps. But I think I prefer the .deb files over FlatPak. You can install .exe and others through maybe Wine/etc.

05:42 PM
I watched first like 28 seasons. I think I remember this episode. This might be like season 10 or something. Simpsons is always fun. But then again, maybe I've not seen this one. People get paid to go to Alaska?


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Ahsoka 108

2023-10-04 - Wednesday - 01:43 AM - Star Wars Ahsoka 108 | Spoiler

Sisters have enough dark magic to stuff but not enough to help help blue balls, I mean blue face, to get home. They fight. Power Rangers. New sister dies. Zombies. LOTR. Ezra gets back.

02:57 AM
Star Wars Ahsoka 108 so bad, I thought I was watching the Power Rangers where Zordon or Rita makes swords, zords, monsters. Spoilers, the sisters let her fight by herself. She refuses to fight all of them, she lets the others slide by. All 4 sisters could have fought them. Disney's Star Wars Ahsoka is so bad I thought I was watching walkers, I mean zombies, from The Walking Dead, invade the LOTR universe with disease. Only disease I got was the friend zone. Ezra, sit behind me. I'll save you. I'll drive the donkey. Ahsoka was so bad. I thought I was watching the Power Rangers as the sisters created a new monster, I mean sword. Or LOTR/Walking Dead with the zombies which Rick Grimes would have sliced up faster than Ahsoka could noodle her hair. Ahsoka. Ahsoka is so bad. Sisters have so much power. But they couldn't help Thrawn find his way back to the Star Wars galaxy? Ezra couldn't beg for the force ghosts to guide him back home? It took Ahsoka 15 years to find a ball just to let Sabine take it? What a weirdo. Anakin Skywalker would rather spend more time with Ahsoka as a force ghost than his own son, Luke? Ezra is a man baby. Ezra sat on an island for like ten years. What a waste of time. Use the force to find your way home. There was no reason Ezra could not have at least tried. Thrawn had 3 magical witches who could have guided him back to the Star Wars galaxy. If George Lucas did Ahsoka. Episode 1 would show Yoda knew or would show why not. To be fair, it could be argued Yoda didn't say Luke Skywalker was the only Jedi left. Regardless. As a story-teller, you should try to make it make sense. Disney failed the backstory. Sabine barely grabbed her saber from a foot away. Two seconds later. She force-swings Ezra a football stadium over towards a star destroyer. Disney's Star Wars Ahsoka had no backstory at all. @LaReinaCreole is right, that was Mary Popins which maybe Yoda could do. Regardless. This Ahsoka doesn't address Yoda at all. Doesn't address what Ahsoka was doing. It took Ahsoka ten years just to find a ball? Why didn't the night sisters help Thrawn come back? Why didn't Ezra beg the force to guide him back? Or hop on space whales? Sabine barely grabbed her saber. 2 seconds later. Sabine throws Ezra a thousand feet. Haha. Star Wars The Clone Wars was cartoons. But even that was better. Democrats love Ahsoka. It sucks just like they do. Have you ever seen what the goblins look like in Lord of The Rings (LOTR)? They looked like the undead storm troopers in Disney's retarded Star Wars Ahsoka. They were zombies but looked more like goblins. Underneath. Did you not look at the finer details? Under the armor. The zombie storm troopers. Look at this photo, notice the mouth looks like a goblin from LOTR.

12:51 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 10/4/23 • TRUMP CONSIDERS SPEAKER ROLE, News, Reports & Analysis • Inf

01:19 PM
The Common Good. The Great Good. Water is a Common Good. Said the World Economic Forum. Collecting rain water bad. Solar power must be funneled to the city. Let us manage the water for you. We are from the government. We are here to help (Reagan). Nigerians rejected the digital money scam.

01:36 PM
We have talking points for climate. But not for water. Said people at the World Economic Forum. We got to transition from gasoline bad. To water bad. And air bad. We got to not just ban normal cars. But also water and air. So we can really take over. Hashtag EmergencyAlertSystem.

01:41 PM
Covid vaccines killed old people and what did the RINO Republican Party say about that on their Official Twitter accounts, do we purge them all like we did McCarthy?

02:05 PM
Want the Nobel Peace Prize? Just murder a hundred thousand American children. Stop living. We will tell you how to think, what is wanted and unwanted, stop thinking, we own you.

02:10 PM
Great Reset was book 1. Great Awakening is book 2 by Alex Jones. Blueprints to the Star Wars Death Star in these 2 books by Alex Jones, especially Great Reset being the first of 2 books. Alex Jones book, 400 pages long. Alex Jones book covers how to stop the globalists and what we can build for our own Disney Star Wars New Republic of the world. Only $100. Alex Jones' Great Awakening book has quotes on the back from Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, Stephen K. Bannon, and Mikki Willis. Bill Maher: "Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak." Bill should have Alex on Club Random. Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan are on the back of the Great Awakening book written by the prison planet gay frog. Joe Rogan: "Alex Jones is one of the most misunderstood people in the world." Who else has been doing it for 20+ years? Are you getting this book for antifa? Great Awakening by Alex Jones. Chapter 1, Threat of AI. 2-Mao runs dems. 3-You modified. 4-teenage rent. 5-eternal tyrant war. 6-war-machine. 7-NWO makes move. 8-awakening of Joe Rogan/etc. 9-Epstein. 10-Covid. 11-Hollywood. 12-Tactics. 13-Final battle.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:07 AM
Home Team With Liz Wheeler | PBD Podcast | Ep. 309

Ahsoka 108

2023-10-04 - Wednesday - 01:43 AM - Star Wars Ahsoka 108

11:47 AM
ACLJ - Trump As House Speaker? “Whatever’s Best For The Country”

12:51 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 10/4/23 • TRUMP CONSIDERS SPEAKER ROLE, News, Reports & Analysis • Inf

04:00 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 10/4/23 • MARC MORANO - THE GREAT RESET, News, Reports & Analysis

05:23 PM
Timcast IRL - Trump Hints At ACCEPTING Speaker Of The House, Pelosi EVICTED w/Mike Benz

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:20 AM. Dream involved seeing like vikings migrate in a fake version of history from Europe to Malaysia (but under India and closer to Africa) or the geography was off at the islands/continents looked off. They migrated towards another major place like under Vietnam like Thailand but more east. And then eventually to America where they were like mixed in as many Americans had Viking ancestry. Or many Viking immigrants. Like they were invading America in a sense. The end. Heater in my room was off last night. Usually keep it on as I sleep. Might be colder now. Breakfast, 11:41 AM. Clothes hung up, 01:50 PM. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Dishes. He back in there. If tumor or cancer or whatever, maybe remove it. Take it home. Study it. Have a list of what is in it. Find out what might fight it in your blood. As in what is anti cancer? Dishes. Stuff like that. Mail. Dryer. Mom went out for the thing. Dinner, 05:24 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, banana, 11:41 AM. Lunch: leftover in a jar soup cold but good as I'm starving, 02:00 PM. Dinner: soup stuff, 8. ChinhPham0280: 2023-10-04 - Wednesday - 09:30 PM. 1. Get out of town = really? Like what in the world. Unbelievable. "I'm packing a piece." Meaning I'm carrying a firearm (gun). You said piece. I thought you said piss. Puns are words and sentences with multiple meanings, they can be funny. Long I for the first word, sheep. IPA. You can understand how miserable we are. Their intentions or purpose might be good but the way they go about it may not be. They believe the ends justifies the means. The ends means goals or purpose or end game. In this idiom, means means the way you do it. People believe in the greater good which is connected to that idiom, the ends justifies the means. People want to be left alone. People take the path of least resistance. The easiest path.

If you don't hear from me in a long time, I was possibly robbed, attacked, imprisoned, murdered, destroyed, etc. I will NOT kill myself. I will NEVER commit suicide. There is a lot of fake news about me online. People had police swat us. People sent unpaid pizza to our house. People are spreading fake nudes of me. People are trying to take out fake credit cards in my name. People stole my social security number (SSN).

Please join my group on Discord to help us debunk the LIES. You can ADVERTISE in my group. I need more MODS and ADMINS. For extra credit, if you want to help, come to my Discord and type in promo code Tree92.

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