📊🌏中日韩龙虎榜自 20200617 | CJK Top Pending Payout Post since 20200617 (by @ace108)

😉好帖太多,时间太少。So many good posts, so little time.😉



양질의 게시물이 다량으로 업로드 되고 있으나 모두 읽어볼 수 있는 시간이 부족한 상황입니다. 그와 함께 한중일에 관련된 게시물이 매우 빠른 속도로 피드에서 밀리는 상황이 발생하고 있습니다. 바쁘거나 스팀잇에 중독되지 않은 이상 괜찮은 포스팅을 놓치는 경우가 많습니다. 그래서 지난 3일간 가장 많은 보팅을 받은 TOP 10 포스팅을 공유해드립니다.
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리스트에 소개된 포스팅을 읽어보시고 마음에 드시면 보팅과 함께 큐레이션 보상을 획득하세요. 마음에 들지 않으시면 여러분의 판단에 맡기겠습니다. 다양한 인기 포스팅을 찾으실 경우 각 본 게시물에 소개된 태그를 클릭해보세요.
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🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

https://soundcloud.com/alan-chang-563971986/four-concerti-grossi-4-vivaldi-op8-i-la-primavera-allegro-largo-allegro Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/

Top 10 CJK pending payout post created since 20200617▶

Author Post Date Pending Payout Post Tags

2020-06-19 02:43 9.88 科学上网本不易 | 请正确使用,并珍惜仅有的那点资源 #cn

2020-06-19 12:11 9.66 《如何閱讀一本書》閱讀筆記 - 03. 閱讀的四個層次 #hive-105017

2020-06-19 15:26 9.52 在线参加年度AWS Summit EU #cn

2020-06-19 03:26 9.20 图形化编程Scratch Jr 制作动画短片《龟兔赛跑》 #cn

2020-06-17 23:32 9.01 泰式原隻菠蘿海鮮焗飯(我的十大美食 Top2) - 30天繪畫計劃 - Day 29 #cn

2020-06-19 07:12 8.94 藏族女孩儿 #hive-105017

2020-06-17 12:18 8.70 遇見彩虹 #cn

2020-06-20 02:05 8.64 「生活」谁人背后不说人,谁人背后无人说 #cn

2020-06-18 02:36 8.63 我的英语学习之路 | 规律的学习方法 | 自然拼读法——“三人行必有我师蔫” #cn

2020-06-17 02:33 8.41 Matters活动:假如给予我多一次机会,我会努力珍惜争取 | 【Liker ID:abcallen】 #cn
Author Post Date Pending Payout Post Tags

2020-06-17 20:55 8.10 Recap of my Japan Civilization 5 series (Vox populi) #gaming

2020-06-17 11:00 7.63 Missing Mount Fuji 17 June #foodart

2020-06-17 07:50 7.31 The Internet Computer #japanese

2020-06-18 12:10 7.06 @swap.appを使ってみる #japanese

2020-06-17 16:52 6.10 HIVEのゲーム紹介サイト #japanese

2020-06-19 13:09 5.89 新しいゲームハード #japanese

2020-06-18 12:46 4.27 TANKA #414 #japan

2020-06-17 11:50 4.25 TANKA #413 #japan

2020-06-19 13:35 4.02 TANKA #415 #japan

2020-06-19 04:33 3.92 新しくスマホゲームを始めたら、久しぶりにExcelを触りました #hive-105425
Author Post Date Pending Payout Post Tags

2020-06-17 15:12 8.51 RESEÑA: LOVE ALARM #spanish

2020-06-18 09:21 5.68 스랜 봇 #kr

2020-06-18 22:01 5.68 Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Today Last chance to continue down the bullish channel - $ 13,000 dollar target still possible? #bitcoin

2020-06-18 15:02 5.33 Bitcoin (BTC / USD) Positive Correlation - Bitcoin vs. S&P500 and Nikkei Does it influence price? #leofinance

2020-06-19 11:41 5.29 아이 라이크...ㅋㅋㅋ #kr

2020-06-17 15:09 5.24 ⚾️KBO Daily Pick'em Winner for 6/16 | Congratulations! #gems

2020-06-18 10:20 5.06 My Actifit Report Card: June 18 2020 #hive-193552

2020-06-18 13:51 4.89 ⚾️KBO Daily Pick'em Winner for 6/17 | Congratulations! #gems

2020-06-18 05:23 4.81 아침이다. #kr

2020-06-19 14:44 4.39 ⚾️KBO Daily Pick'em Winner for 6/18 | Congratulations! #gems
Source of data: hivesql.io extracted UTC [2020-06-20T03:03:30.603]

Note: Korean translation done with help of @brandonlee88

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I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎.

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