Missing Mount Fuji 17 June

🕰Sixty seconds in every minute - 3600 in every hour - each one a precious diamond to cherish and enjoy. 🕰

Wow... time fleets by and before you know it, days have passed, weeks have passed, months have passed and years have passed. Just like how we have actually wfh for more than 2 months and I have unknowingly created more than 30 pieces of foodart! 🤗

Thank you once again for all your support! I hope my humble creations can add one more smile to your face each day. 😊 Today, Im eating egg mayo sandwich and I recreated my sandwich into one of my favourite views in Japan! Our majestic Fuji-san! I was really in awe at my first sight of Mt Fuji and it looked really pretty with blooming flowers at the foot of the mountain! So, I tried to recreate the same view with bread as Mt Fuji and smashed hard boiled eggs as flowers. We can’t travel to Japan but I can bring Mt Fuji to you. ☺️Enjoy the view, especially if you are missing Japan, just like me.

Happy mid week! Stay strong and beautiful like Mt Fuji! 💪💪💪



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