Three Things Military Must Know, My Open Letter to Military on the Eve of President Biden

Dear military, both here and abroad, here are 3 things you need to know.

First off, if you voted for Trump in 2020, your vote was either not counted, substituted or counteracted with unverified votes, or switched electronically in foreign countries. This is the case for many millions of votes. Ironically, none of them switched in the other direction from Biden to Trump. They were NOT computer glitches. Most of the military voted Trump. If you were one of them, you must know your vote was most likely thrown out. That's how they feel about your service to the United States of America. They want you to die for your nation and yet they don't want your vote to count.

Let's use some math to confirm how many people voted for who, according to The Gateway Pundit.

If 141.5 million people voted in 2020 according to the Washington Post, that is 66.2% of the 213.8 million eligible voters, if Trump received 74 million, you can get out a calculator and figure out how many Biden would then get, just subtract 141.5M - 74M. To verify, go backwards, 67.4M+74M, to return back to 141.5M. Unless if the Washington Post is incorrect.

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Three Things Military Must Know, My Open Letter to Military on the Eve of President Biden - Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-17 - Sunday | Published in January of 2021
Can't Censor Truth - Banned Forbidden News

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Many Years of Winter Coming Soon

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Second, your oath of allegiance is a vow to honor the constitution, to protect this republic from enemies both foreign and domestic.

You Are Required to Protect Her, that is your highest duty.

More importantly, know thy enemy. It is your job to stop foreign invasion. It is your highest duty.

The people who stole your vote aren't just individuals within the states but more importantly they're international as well. They are your enemies. It is your duty to follow the constitution.

You must recognize potential threats to national security. You must decide who your commander in chief is as of right now, be it Trump or be it Obama, you must decide which of the two is the one you swear your allegiance to. They are both residence of DC, ironically.

Third, know thy enemy. Again, I have to say it again, you really must know thy enemy. You must ask yourself why you're in foreign countries fighting or whatever else, to which end, and how it all started. If you have any doubts, regret, or questions, then you should watch a 3 hour documentary on YouTube titled 911: The Road to Tyranny by Alex Jones. You can also look at other documentaries, videos, books, relating to that one event for example.

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01:55 PM - 9/11: The Road To Tyranny - By Alex Jones of Infowars

Ask yourself who you are serving.

Are you here to protect your country, your constitution, your freedoms, your way of life, your culture, or are you only a useful pawn to do as your handlers, your overlords, wishes?

China is installing Biden as they're puppet in America this Wednesday. Simultaneously, China and Iran are considering attacking American soil. U.S. military has participated like puppets to the wishes of the globalists which violates their oath to the constitution in the past, we're talking all kinds of crimes like treason, espionage, etc.

Therefore, the military is already guilty of stepping over that line of what is right.

But what the military has done in the past does NOT have to dominate what they do in the future. You have a choice that you must make right now.

Do your job or be complicit to a global coup.

Let Chinese Globalists install a fake puppet president and puppet government or satellite government and become complicit to serving the very enemies you sworn to defend against, or stand your ground and oppose enemies both foreign and domestic.

The choice is up to you. Choosing to do nothing is a choice against your flag, your constitution, and your country for which it stands, one nation under God.

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