Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 36

Greetings all

We are really getting close to the end of the series! I am hoping to have some time later in the year to delve more into Fledgling, but no promises!

Until then, enjoy this update!

As soon as Doran and Siar arrived on the human secondary planet, they tried to collect as much information as possible. Myla and Aleux had already been moved somewhere safe, while the rest of Saita’s family were fighting everywhere. No one had seen Saita, and the air was muddled with too much energy for Siar to track her.

“The more time we waste here the closer we get to losing Saita.” Hissed Doran.
Did the Wolven give you any inkling as to where on this planet Saita could be?”

“No, all he said was…” Doran trailed off.


“The place where Saita was discovered. It was this planet, but not here. We found her in a forest, in the clearing where Karesh’s eldest son is buried.”

“Is it far?”

“Without a vehicle, yes.”

“Can you picture it?”

“Of course I can, but why?”

“I can’t teleport like my brother could, but I can send you. But I won’t be able to support you.”

“Do it!”

If it hadn’t been for her mother’s technique to hide pain, Saita would have been out for the count already. She could barely see straight, but she was sure that Kay was the same. An earlier collision with a shattered tree had caused a branch to puncture her chest, and it seemed only her energy armour was keeping her from bleeding out. This is what she wanted. This was the only way to stop this madness. However, her strength was all but gone, her clothes were soaked in blood, and blood was dripping from between her teeth. There wasn’t much left in her.

Kay had long since stopped talking. She had started acting like a Wolve,n and now she was circling Saita growling. Saita knew that she was looking at her future, and she couldn’t stand it. She didn’t want to end up like this. She had to put a stop to this. She tried to put a leg forward, but even though she had coated her left leg with energy, it barely managed to hold her weight, and she stumbled forward.

Kay took this opportunity to rush forward. The energy maw was wide open. Saita’s muscles refused to respond. A wave of relief washed over her. It was finally over. She closed her eyes and welcomed the end she had longed for since the death of her family. The end didn’t come though, but Kay’s cry of pain was quickly followed by another crash against something hard.

Saita lifted her head and found the bloodied Fell Dragon trying to get to her feet. Her face was awash with blood, and it looked as if her scar had reopened. The queen looked over to where her saviour stood. Panting and clutching at an aching belly was Doran holding a blade in his left hand.

“Doran?” queried Saita.

“Get to your feet.” He hissed. “I’d yell at you if I had the strength, but I don’t.”

She tried, but so much of her energy had been taken she could barely get her feet below her. This was all Kay needed. She launched herself at Doran, using a set of claws to smash him away from Saita, and opened her maw once more. This time, it latched onto Saita’s left upper arm as she tried to defend Doran, except this, time the Fell Dragon couldn’t bite down.

The clearing was suddenly flooded with bright light and screeching that made Kay scream in pain as she released Saita. The sound hurt Saita’s ears, and she was barely able to keep her consciousness as she lost control of her body. Before her consciousness faded, she saw golden robes.

Even though the blow Doran took sliced through his right arm, it was the blow to the back of his head as he slammed into a tree that nearly knocked him out. As he landed at the base of the tree, he saw a flash of light, and the noise started. He didn’t know what the cause was, and he was fighting for consciousness. In the bright light, he could see figures moving, and he caught sight of some golden robes. One figure looked at him, then picked up a body, and then they disappeared. As the light disappeared, so did his consciousness.

A short update today before Friday's is going to be a doozy! See you all then!

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 35>>You are Here>>Part 37
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