Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 35

Hi all

Well, Saita's life is falling apart, she's just discovered who the Fell Dragon is, and now she has to fight for her life in hopes of saving the world she is in. Is she capable? I guess you'll have to read on to find out.

“I have to get you to that planet.” Said Lardan as he quickly walked through the castle with Doran on his heels.

Despite knowing he was in no condition to fight, Doran didn’t care. All he wanted to do was to get to Saita.

“You need better clothing.” Lardan immediately grabbed a castle guard and instructed him to get battle clothing ready.

Doran became acutely aware that he was very undressed, especially with Wolven running around everywhere. This was all a distraction to keep them from getting close to the real fight.

“You had a weapon with you when we took out the large Wolven. I will send someone to get it as I believe it is still at the hospital.” The Saith king grabbed another castle guard to give the orders to.

“Lardan, you realised something.” Said Doran as he grabbed the Saith from moving.

Lardan raised a hand as if to ward Doran off but stopped to catch his breath. “Don’t you remember?”

“Remember what?”

“You were there, I got the message later when Bolx told me about what my father said when he told you about the Fell Dragon in his time. Think! What did my father say about Saita and the Fell Dragon.”

“It was so long ago.”

“Try to remember.”

Doran hissed through his teeth, “Something about her twins saying that if anyone could beat the Fell Dragon it would be her mirror image.”

“The Wolven said he wrote their names.”

Doran still didn’t understand, so Lardan tried to make him see.

“We never understood why Edzeeker went after Saita, and the standing theory was that he had seen something in her, but what if we were wrong? What if he didn’t just stumble upon Kaidan and Saita by mistake? What if he was following a blueprint, looking for a specific person?”

“That doesn’t make sense. He told us that he had no idea who the current Fell Dragon was.”

“True, but we know the Heavenly were involved, and they instructed him to make the first Fell Dragon. What if they instructed him to find Kaiden because…”

“Oh my god, the Fell Dragon is Saita.”

“A version of her at least, and you’re the only one that knows her well enough to be able to distinguish the Fell Dragon from Saita. I need to get you to them, but I can’t send you unarmed.”

“Then give me some of your…”

“I have rabid wolves overrunning my planet, you already know my answer to that. You need to put a stop to this. One way or another. I have requested Malekai to come and break what connects Saita and Jethron. I cannot lose my brother as well.”

Lardan then started walking again, issuing orders to all that he could. Eventually, he stumbled upon Siar, who had been ordered to protect her King. He grabbed her and explained what they had discovered so far. The Saith king shouldered his way into a room and said, “Siar, stay here, make sure he is dressed appropriately, and then take him to the human planet.”

“But I…”

“Siar, we can’t lose another family member. I need you to go with him. I’m not ordering you as your king, I’m begging you to save the girl that your brother fell in love with.”

The girl nodded her head once. Lardan turned to face Doran with an arm outstretched. The human grasped it tightly.

“We can save this world. We can’t ignore these sacrifices. Siar will show you to the teleporter room. From there, the two of you need to find Saita and fast. It’s clear the Fell Dragon is trying to kill her and doing her best to prevent us from interfering.”

By the time the King stepped from the room, two servants had entered with the clothes the King had ordered and Doran’s weapon.

“Can’t you throw fire? Why would you need a weapon?” asked Siar impatiently.
“It’s best you don’t ask that question.” Said Doran as he stripped from the clothing he was wearing.

Saita had fought many types of creatures throughout her life. She had always been proud that she could handle herself in close combat, but the Fell Dragon was something else. It didn’t take Saita long to realise that the creature could steal energy, but unlike the Saith that took it from the energy around them, each touch drained Saita. She couldn’t afford to let the Fell Dragon close.

Even then, she was fast, much faster than what Saita was. She had already been a victim of several clawed attacks. Somehow, she had managed to avoid the snapping maw, but only narrowly. It didn’t matter how hard she fought; she couldn’t seem to hit the creature. Panic was starting to set in.

She was still in shock that the Fell Dragon had been her. It made no sense to her in the beginning. She was trying to figure it out as she avoided the attacks and attempted to return blows. Her world was crumbling around her, making her sloppy. Her only saving grace was that Kay was slowly sinking into a madness she didn’t understand. She didn’t speak again, instead, her abilities took on more and more characteristics of the Wolven she had been around since her time in the cage.

She had dropped to all fours some time ago and harried Saita as a wolf would a deer, weakening it with bite wounds until it could go for the throat. But she wasn’t without her own injuries, she just ignored the tearing muscles and blood flowing from several wounds. Kay wanted this, she wanted to destroy this fledgling dragon and she didn’t care how badly her body was broken. The cage was destroyed. It didn’t matter who won or lost, she was going to end it here and now. The Fell Dragon lineage was going to fall today.

She was slipping further and further into her madness, not thinking as she attacked. Saita managed to wrap some energy around her leg and slam her into an already splinted tree. The blow made the air explode from her throat in a roar, but she saw an opening. Quickly getting her limbs under her, allowing more of her energy to bleed around her to create her armour, she leapt. Her one set of claws connected with Saita’s right side of her face. While the human tried to duck under the blow, Kay flipped over to land on the other side of Saita. Her maw connected with Saita’s left leg. Blood sprayed in her face as her energy jaws tore into the flesh. She could have easily bitten through the bone if the other leg didn’t connect with her blind side.

Surprised that Saita could penetrate her armour, she unlatched her energy jaws and jumped back. Some sense had been kicked into her and she stood back up onto her back legs. She licked the blood from her lips, panting, as it was getting difficult to breathe in her fury.

Saita turned to face her. No pain reflected on her face, what was left of it at least. Kay couldn’t help but chuckle. She had seen that look before; it was her visage that had stared back at her when she first woke in the cage.

“Twins.” She muttered.

“Give me a minute.” Growled the girl as she extended her right hand and allowed energy to drip from it to make weapons.

The terror that had been in her chest was slowly changing. Happiness? A thrill? It didn’t matter. She had tasted her blood now. Even if Saita didn’t seem to feel pain, she couldn’t ignore the blood that was pooling beneath her. This would be over soon.

“Fight harder.” Growled Kay as she sank back into her fighting stance taught to her by the Wolven. “We are here to kill each other after all.”

“It’s the only way for us to have freedom.”

Yikes, Kay is going out of her way to destroy Saita even now. Who will win?

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 34>>You are Here>>Part 36
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