Fell Dragon Book Introduction 6: Alternative Timeline Brucel

Greetings Readers

As promised, here is the scoop on the newest edition of the Fell Dragon characters. For those of you who read the latest update you would have noted how it ended on Lardan calling the stranger Dad. Surprise, surprise, it is, but he has a dark back story.

While some of you may not know this, some test readers do, this is the Brucel that was used as an example of what would happen if Saasha died in the attack when they were still Captain and General of the Royal Guard.

In an alternative timeline, because you all know my obsession with time, Saasha was killed in action and Brucel was the one tortured. However, Malekai, Jethron’s brother, didn’t get as far with him as he did with the Saasha we know and love. Brucel ripped the chains apart that kept him captive and literally beat the Dekai to death with them.

He then went on a campaign to destroy the Dekai and Kai people and ended up learning the secret about who and what Jethron was. At the end of his campaign, he had his adopted son Jethron brought before him and he murdered him.
This history was shown to Brucel of our current timeline by Sedeath (Jethron’s aid) and the man did everything in his power to protect his wife from death. This resulted in his own but also the later birth of their second son, who was named after his father.

Now, this wasn’t a prophecy but an actual timeline, which has now been collapsed by the Fell Dragon. In an attempt to salvage the fact that it once existed, it kicked Brucel from his time into our current timeline.

He had been stalking the queen but didn’t know how to approach her and though it would be better to approach those he was more familiar with, those are spoilers that will be explained at a later time.

To make matters worse, Saasha knows about that time because she had been shown it to once more save her life when her youngest son had to fight for his kingdom and didn’t want her to interfere. The others who know about this particular Brucel are his youngest son and Jethron because eventually, Sedeath had to tell him what was happening.

So, yeah, I’m back to torturing my characters through a variety of gut-wrenching events. Brucel is the last character that is to be introduced into Fell Dragon. I hope you all enjoy him as much as I do! There are some awesome scenes that he will play a pivotal role in, and you’ll all get to know more about him later.

And there you have it, Brucel is back int he story. Ever since I killed him off in Sekkign a Prince, it never really sat right with me. However, his death was a necessary on, so I kinda brought him back in the third book of the series called Seeking Completion. But who I brought back was this man. I actually enjoyed writing about him so much, I decided I wanted him to play a bigger role and brought him into the Fell Dragon series.

I hope you all enjoy his existence, as he is really going to cause a lot of changes.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, and Book 6 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap

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