Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 46

Greetings Hive Readers

Knowing what is coming, even with today's surprise is a mixed bad of sadness and happiness. I hope that you all enjoy it. We're very close to the end now.

By the time the Saith had arrived, in more numbers than what was expected, Saita’s contractions were spaced at five minutes and rapidly getting closer together. She had been sure that she could ignore the pain, but it had cut through all her techniques she had and when she had cried out in pain from a contraction alone, Jarah had put his foot down about pain management.

“There is no shame in wanting pain management.” He had whispered to her. “Who knows how long you’re going to be in labour. Saita, take the pain meds.”

“But we have been so careful with my medications and the twins.”

“They are fine, and you’ll be fine. The more stress you’re under, the more stress they’re under. Take the meds.”

Saita looked at her mother and Myla shrugged saying, “Every single one of my children, you excluded, were delivered via a C-section.”

Silens immediately chimed in, “I was unconscious with Saasha, and I didn’t carry the triplets.”

“Some help you are.” Chuckled Saita.

“It’ll help you rest.” Said Siar, “My surrogate had pain medication directly delivered into her spine when she birthed Seana.”

“That’s called an epidural here.” Said Jarah.

“I can manage.” Hissed Saita. “Let me manage this.”

Everyone in the room respected her wishes. They knew Saita knew what was best for her own body and would choose to deal with the pain in her own way. That didn’t mean that they didn’t keep a close eye on her as the labour progressed.

Night was starting to fall, and it had been hours since Saita had gone to the hospital. Jarah encouraged Saita to walk small distances and eat small meals to keep up her energy. Saita hated the extra attention she was getting but knew she only had to wait it out a little longer.

Marks that had grown back after her fight with the Fell Dragon were shining a deep black as her body prepared itself for the arrival of the twins. She didn’t know why, but there were times that they flared darkly, while other times they dimmed. She couldn’t help but wonder if the twins would be similar to Aidan, and that they too would inherit what was done to her mother. Then her water broke.

Jarah hadn’t left her side since she had been brought and he simply said, “Now you’re in active labour. Don’t push with the contractions until I tell you to.”

Saita found having Jarak monitor her dilation disconcerting and hated every second of it. It didn’t help that Red-Eye, after bringing her bag, hadn’t left the room and seemed to be watching her in fascination. She knew she’d be wasting her energy and breath by telling him to leave. He wasn’t going to.

It was hours before Jarah told her everything was ready. The first of the twins was head down, and Jarah and Myla would help reposition the second if Saita felt she could go through with the second natural delivery.

Saita hated having to lie on her back as everyone looked at her. The pressure on her back was maddening. She tried to listen to what people around her were saying, but she was overwhelmed and soon she was in tears.

Red-Eye didn’t like this. He swiftly got to his feet and lifted Saita into a kneeling position. He placed her arms around his neck and lifted her around her middle.

“What are you doing?” demanded Jarah.

“There are many ways to give birth. I have seen Wolven and Vulpine females squat, kneel, or even lean against trees to help them give birth. If lying down isn’t an option and takes too long, we must try something else. She is hurting, I’m trying to alleviate the pain a little.”

“That’s true, but this could take hours, can you keep her in that position?” demanded Jarah.

“There are other males who can help.”


“I’m fine!” She hissed as she pressed her head against the Wolven’s chest. “It hurts a little less.”

“I’m not a fan of delivering babies this way, but if that’s what you’d prefer.”

“I thought Butchers only did surgeries.” Chuckled Saita.

“Again, that word is derogatory, and no, we can help with births. Concentrate on the contractions and push.”

And she did, but it didn’t feel right, as if her body was rejecting her having children. She had wanted this for so long, risked their lives, and now she was doing the best she could, but she felt utterly alone despite Myla, Siar, and Silens offering words of encouragement. The tears and sweat continued to soak into Red-Eye’s fur. While he was helping with his strength, he wasn’t the one she wanted supporting her at this moment.

Red-Eye, ever being in tune with what his mistress was thinking, brought his snout down to her ear and whispered.

“I never killed Mountain or Fire Fur.”

Saita grunted against his chest, unable to say anything, but her fingers tightened around the fur on his neck.

“Fire Fur and Mountain were hurt, bleeding, but I never killed them. They disappeared.”

“Why tell me now!” Saita screamed into his chest. “After EVERYTHING.”

“You know why. I saw what was in your bag and its colour has returned.”

Saita looked up, sharp breath hissing through her teeth, with a look that Red-Eye couldn’t discern.

“More than anything I wish the family of my making was back.” She hissed, “But a half favour won’t bring them back.”

The Wolven lifted her a little higher as Jarah instructed and his eyes fell upon a gold-clad individual standing within the door frame. Matta had returned.

Three hours had passed since Jarah had told her to start pushing. Saita was exhausted and the pain in her legs and back rivaled any injury she had previously had. She barely had the strength to hold onto the Wolven and push when Jarah instructed. She was sure that the sun had risen at this point and felt as if she was getting nowhere despite Jarah telling her otherwise.

She forced herself to grip hard onto the Wolven before her and concentrate on her breathing, but her energy wasn’t infinite. She didn’t know how Red-Eye was managing as she hadn’t seen him walk on his hind legs for months since he had started walking around. If her legs were burning, then so were his.

She had begged Jarah to let her breathe through the last few contractions, trying to gather what little strength she had left. The room was near silent except for her ragged breathing, but she was sure that was all in her head as there were machines monitoring her and the twins’ conditions.

Gently, a hand untangled her left from the Wolven and wrapped it around a smoother neck. Her right arm was removed by a clawed paw to join the other arm. It wasn’t fur that her face was pressed against now. It was material. She didn’t open her eyes, she was too tired, and she was almost sure it was Astec or Viribus. She was so sure until the smell hit her.

This was a smell she had gotten used to. It had been around during training and other activities. It wasn’t unpleasant but it sparked so many memories she didn’t need now. A single arm wrapped around her right side to keep her on her knees.
While she could hear the sounds of the machines now, there were no more voices. Then, a clear voice said one word.


Surprise! Who can guess?

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 45>>You are Here>>Part 47
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