Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 47

Greetings Hive readers

If you're squeamish about childbirth, count this a your warning. Today is the second last update on Fell Dragon. After Monday, I want to start posting Fledgling, despite not having worked too much on it.

It has been a wonderful journey and I am glad all of you were here with me to share it.

Those sitting in the room across from where Saita was sat in stunned silence when two people walked into the room. It was as if time had ground to a halt, and everyone held their breath. The only person who wasn’t shocked at the return of these two people was Matta, who had joined not too long ago.

“Welcome back, the pair of you.” He turned to the larger of the two, “She’s going to need you soon. Her strength is waning, and her guilt is too strong. Give her the strength she needs to bring life to your line.”

Bolx knelt and put his forehead to Aidan’s brow as he sat on a chair nearby, “Explain if you want to or wait for me, but I have to help your mother now.”

“Can I…” started the boy.

“A little later, when they’re here, you can hold them as soon as your mother has had a chance, but for now, stay here.”

Bolx got to his feet and left the room. He wasn’t gone for more than a few minutes before Myla rushed into the room to crush Aidan to her chest. She was bawling, which started everyone else to tear up.

Aidan held his grandmother as tightly as she held him. Large red scars covered his forearms, and those close enough to see down the collar of his shirt could make out more scars. Aidan looked up as Red-Eye entered the room and smiled, surprising everyone.

“And I forgive you.” He said softly.

“I don’t deserve it.” Red-Eye wiped the front of his chest, still coated in every liquid that had come from Saita.

“Mother said that you wouldn’t accept that, but please, don’t carry this anymore.”

Everyone was confused as to what Aidan meant, but he only smiled and said, “It’s a long story, but I’m sure we’ll have time for it later.”

Then the cries of a baby were heard, leaving Matta and Aidan sighing with relief.

“That would be my little sister.” Aidan now had tears in his eyes as he buried his face into his grandmother’s chest before crying too.

Relief. As the first child finally left her body, the wave of relief that echoed through the room was more than she could bear. More than anything she wanted to turn and accept the child who was furiously crying behind her, but the single arm holding her in place didn’t allow her to move in fear of more complications.

“As much as you want to move right now, I suggest you remain in this position.” She heard Jarah say behind her. “I’m checking on the second one, hopefully, this one won’t take as long as the first.”

“Tail?” was all Saita managed to gasp.

“A beautiful one, the same colour as your hair with a white spot at the end.”

A small chuckling sound came from the chest of the one who was holding her.

“Hair?” asked Saita again.

“Nothing as of yet.” The doctor laid his hands on either side of her body to feel the position of the second baby. “Relax as much as you can, and I will stop this one coming down tail first.”

While there wasn’t much room to maneuverer the second child, Jarah managed to get the child to face downward. And not thirty minutes later a second cry shattered the room. Despite the one holding her up, Saita collapsed from exhaustion. Her legs folded below her as she panted, gripping the now wet shirt of the one standing before her. She was terrified to look up, almost sure that this was a hallucination and that everything was a fever dream. A hand gripped the underside of her chin and tried to make her look up. She resisted at first but gave up as she had nothing left to fight.

“It was your birthday.” Said Bolx softly, “It was special. Unplanned that it would get this far, but not unwelcomed. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know.” She whispered. “You left before I found out.”

The Saith gently kissed her forehead and hugged her. He could feel her shaking from exhaustion, but he wasn’t ready to let her sleep just yet, not when she had to meet the ones she had grown for the last eight months.

“Let’s meet our son and daughter.” He whispered.

Legs long since numb, ached as Saita got to lie down with a groan, only to have her arms filled with two squealing infants. While they had been detached from their umbilical cords, they were yet to be cleaned. They were both hurriedly swaddled, and before Saita could say anything, another blanket was thrown over her and the twins.

The one she assumed was her daughter, was downy fluff over her head that seemed white, while her son already had a ridiculous mop of thick black hair with specks of red, similar to Lardan. Both sets of eyes were the typical dull blue of newborns.

“Fought the Fell Dragon, brought peace, and managed to somehow, somehow have time to grow twins.” Bolx’s voice cracked, “God, what can’t you do?”

Saita, overwhelmed with the labour and the sudden reappearance of her partner, burst into tears, swiftly followed by Bolx, who once more pulled her, by default, the twins into a tight embrace.

“Aidan is here too, and we’ll never leave you again.”

Matta had stepped back from the family reunion. This was not the time to approach Saita with the burden she carried. He would give her the time she needed, and he would come back to tell her what had been discussed between him and the rest of the Heavenly.

He now knew the paper he had handed Aidan was the other half of the favour that Saita had wished upon. A wish that had to be mirrored by Aidan at the right time, a time that would still be in Saita’s future. Matta sighed and left to the time corridors.

With the Fell Dragon gone and her Wolven enforcers returning to the wild. He was safe here, and so were the other Heavenly who had found their way back. While he knew many of them would be devoured by Kay in their futures, there were faces that he hadn’t seen before, coming from a future where the Heavenly and Fell Dragons worked together. While there were other challenges in this future, the marks that had been left by Kay and those that Saita would leave, paved the way to a balanced existence.

Around him, Matta could see the corridors healing, a sign that true balance had returned. Shareik was wrong in his assumption that the balance was disturbed by time travellers. It had been the build-up of intent and tortured souls of the Fell Dragons that had come before Kay. Kay had been the one to bring them all together and develop her plan. One that had worked. However, the future Fell Dragon needed the guidance of another and Kay’s wish to become Saita’s aid, instead of another intent lost within the cage, and this had bound her to Saita.

Matta wasn’t sure if the young queen knew this yet, as Kay had sworn to remain silent until the time came for her to reveal herself. Matta sighed as he approached the cage. The damage that Kay had wreaked here would take decades to fix. Matta didn’t even want to think of it as a cage anymore. He wanted this to be a resting station, a place where the future Fell Dragons could come rest and sleep, waiting for when they are needed, but never feeling trapped, not being allowed to live.

His instructions had been to remove the security system that would lock a Dragon in place. The older Heaven had wanted to fight, but those who came after Matta said this was the best course of action. There would be Balance Dragons, and there would be Chaos Dragons, but at the end of the day, true Fell Dragons would always come and go as they pleased or when they were needed.
Matta would oversee the fixing of the resting station and several more before he would finally approach Saita. As he was the one to bind with her, if that was her wish, he knew where to find her at all times. Many tears in the veil between the time corridors and reality had been fixed, but thanks to the tutoring by Red-Eye and the remnants of his pack, Matta had learned to create the portals to where and when he wanted to go.

However, when he decided to go after Saita, he was confused as to where he had wound up. He found himself on the outside of a large wooden cabin in the middle of a forest with snow flying everywhere. He had to double-check to ensure Saita was here, and she was.

Confused, but now getting cold, the Heavenly straightened his robes and walked up the wooden stairs to knock on the door. He didn’t have to wait long as the door opened quickly. Saita looked just as surprised as he did but let him in all the same. Matta bowed as he entered, trying to dust off any snow before he entered her home.

And there you have it. The family is all together again, or are they?

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 46>>You are Here>>Part 48 {End}
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