Some Relationships are Money Independent.

Hey Everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great, This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community.

The topic for this week is The Power Of Money. It's an interesting topic and I would like to share my thought about it with you.

In my life of 31 years, I have met many people, Some were loyal and some were not loyal, some were with me only for the sake of money and some were with me due to their attachment, affection and sincerity.


I'm going to talk about two such persons in this post.

The first person I want to talk about is My Friend Faizan, We became Friends in 8th class, He was the Class topper and I was an average friend, but you never know what life has for you. I never thought that the student who is a topper and sits on the first Bench and I Could become friends. I was a last bencher.

I do remember after becoming a friend We use to go to school together, we ate together, we played together, as time passes and when we passed the school. As he was a Brilliant Student, he got admission to a different college than mine.

But still, this thing wasn't able to separate us. there is much more to tell about our friendship, but this is taking me away from my original topic.

As I have told you already, He was a brilliant student, He got a good job out of the country, he started to make a good amount of money and his monthly salary was equal to my yearly still.

But our relationship remains the same. He out of nowhere, bought a car and started living a luxurious life. He got rich, but he stayed down to earth and never shows any bad aggression due to his money. The money he was getting was the result of the hard work he has done thought out his life, from student life to a job abroad.

Money can't change everyone. There are some people who become arrogant when they become rich, But my friend hasn't got changed.

We are still the same as we were in the School.


The second person I would like to mention here is @aamirijaz, who became my friend on Steemit Blockchain and we moved together to Hive Blockchain. He is the person who supported me when I was in need, he showed me the right path.

W become a friend when I was going through the hard part of my life, and he helped me whenever I asked him for help. He is such a nice guy.

I remember a story related to him and me, and I would like to tell you guys about it.

There was a time I was jobless, and I was trying my level best to earn money from Steem blockchain, @aamirijaz was also jobless and he was also looking for some kind of online job.

He applied for many jobs and luckily he got one job online, It was social media evaluator job.

We both were in need of a job, I call him and called him, can we do this job together and divide the pay which he was going to get doing this job.

I even offered him that, I will do all the work and I will be more than happy to get 1/hour, the job was paying him 4/hour.

He asked me to think about it and the very next day, he told me that, yes we can do this job together, but we will do the same efforts to complete the job and he will pay me 2$/hour.

It was shocking for me, I was asking for less and he got agreed to pay me more, even when he was also in need.

This thing got him a very special place in my heart.

He always Thanks ALLAH almighty.

This kind-hearted became the Hero of my life and his kindness rewarded him with thousands of $ later from HIve as well as from splinter lands and from many more projects like @axieinfinity and more.

But he still stayed the same, down-to-earth personality. Money can't change a relationship like this. I wish him a great Sucess in his future life.

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