Unforgettable Tour To Fort Munro With Friends - Part 1

Hey Everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great In this post I'm going to share the experience I had when I travel to Fort Munro. Fort Munro is a beautiful Hill Station. It is located at a height of 6,470 feet above sea level in D. G Khan District, Punjab, Pakistan. It was totally unplanned tour.

One day my friend Faizan, our gym instructor Ali and I was sitting in the gym and suddenly out of nowhere, either one of us said let's travel to Fort Munro. At that time I was unmarried and I had free time :D

All three of us got agreed and planned to travel after two days.

If I do remember correctly, I was the first one to sit in the driving seat and started our tour. For travelling 40-50 Kilometers I asked the Faizan to come to the driving seat and I sat on the seat and came out from the car through the sun roof, I really like it.

The fast wind was Hitting my face, It was a very enjoyable moment, I always enjoy it.

On Our way, I capture this beautiful image. The Sun was out but the weather was not too hot. It was winter.

We Rested for some time and Capture these photos. I'm not a Picture poser.

Ali Told me to Pose like this :D How it went? Tell me in the comments.

Ali and me, Faizan was the photographer in this picture :D

Here comes the Selfies captured by Faizan. It was a nice one, but Ali's face was blurred due to an unknown reason. Maybe Faizan's hands got disturbed.

The Love of My Life, My Car Toyyatta Grande 1.8 :D

I think this photo was captured when we stopped for the second time to take the rest. Every one of us was capturing the photo, you can notice it in the shadow. You can clearly see the mountains behind us.

I captured this selfie to capture the mountain with me and save them on my cell phone for forever.

In this picture, Sun and clouds were playing hide and seek and it was the perfect time to capture this beautiful photo, You can see the sun shining coming towards the earth. It's clearly visible in the photo.

Faizan and Ali pose in front of this beautiful scene, As we were well above Sea level. The sky was looking very close to us.

As I said before, Ali is our gym instructor, so ask me to capture his picture in his typical bodybuilder pose.

Here Faizan wanted to memorize this mountain view, so he sit there for some time and looked closely at the mountains for some time, How I could miss capturing this beautiful scene?

Faizan in another Hero pose :-P

All These roads are built on these mountains, So it was very shocking to see these roads from above. It was a dangerous way as well as very horrible to look from above.

Random photo of mountains and rocks.

In this picture you can see how dangerous were the roads, it was built on those small pillars. It was scary but we were going to stop even after watching these pillars.

We stopped for the 3rd time and I captured this selfie.

This photograph was inspired by Pakistani boys who love to capture photos with their cars in this style.

I really like the look of this photo, we both were looking on the other side and Ali captured this masterpiece.

Body Builder asked me to capture his biceps photo sitting on the front seat of the car. Ali is not a driver, He only sits in the driving seat in this picture.

Mountains mountains mountains !!!

Have A Good Day Everyone.

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