My Life Experience of Effort and Results.

Hey Everyone I hope you all are fine and doing great, This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community.


Our life is a combination of Good and bad times. It works like sinusoidal waves. One minute Up, One minute down.
The person who learns to ride these sinusoidal waves lives life at best. You can't expect Life to give you happiness all the time and also you can't expect life to give you sadness every time.

In Fact, I have heard from an older man in my family our life has 90% the sad part and 10 % the happy part. It is we who can turn that 90% of the sad part into the happy part.

I have experienced both Sucess as well as a failure as a result of my efforts And believe I'm equally happy for both experiences.

Today I'm going to share both experiences with my Hive Community.


  • Experience When Efforts Turned Into Success.

I came into web3 World in 2017 when I joined steemit, I came to know about steemit from a girl on FaceBook. I sign up for Steemit on my own. In my start days, due to a lack of knowledge and eagerness to earn money, I started to post pics from the internet without even giving a source. I did that for a couple of days and then I met with a man On steemit, Who told me how to work on a platform like steemit. At the start of your journey, you need to Comment on other's people posts and have an engagement with them to get recognised.

He also told me to must give the source of the information and photo taken from the internet, otherwise you can't get successful on this platform.

I learn this thing and from now on, I started focusing on commenting on other's posts. You May not believe me, at that time, I was commenting over 100 comments in the day and there the day came when I earned my 1st ever $ in the form of upvotes on my comments. I do remember I haven't slept that day.

After commenting all day, before going to Sleep, It was my habit to count all the upvotes that I got that day. It took me over a month to earn 1 $ in a day. It was such a happy feeling.

I was really excited and told my Mother about it.

As time passes, my Earnings started to get increased, I Came to know about Steemhunt and from Steemhunt I came to know about #Axieinfinity which actually changed my life. It turned all my efforts into Success. It was a long journey of two years. Sleep less nights.

This is a story to be told and I will tell you guys about it Some other Day.

  • Experience When Efforts Turned Into Failure.


I got graduated in 2015, Due to the Bad financial condition of my family, It was necessary for me to go out and find a job so that I could support my family.

I go out and dropped My CV to every possible place where there was a chance to get the job.

I got many interview calls, I remember correctly, It was the summer when all this happens. I visited every office I got an interview call from.

But As usual, after the interview, I got rejected because I was newly graduated and hadn't had any experience.

I even asked two of the interviewer that, if I don't get the job, where from I get the experience? I agreed to work for Free for two months to get the required experience.

I got rejected because there were some experience People in search of a job as well and they got the job.

In the meanwhile, when I was hunting for a job, My cousin who was working in Dubai called me and told me that, I had to improve my English speaking Skills, I have a job for you in Dubai.

I joined English Learning classes and got very hopeful that now my days will turn out and I will be able to support my family.

But My ALLAH has a different plan for me. One day I got a call from my cousin and got to know that the opportunity he told me about two months ago isn't available any more.

All the efforts made by me went in vain.

Believe me, after this failure, I started to work harder and then my hard work turned into success Alhamdulillah in 2021, I bought my own house and my own car.

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