I passed the Impromptu Test but failed Running Test !!!

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Impromptu Tests

I have attended many Impromptu Tests But I can't forget the Army Impromptu Tests that attended after my Graduation Exams, It was the test for the post of Captain In Pak Army

As it was my first ever Army Test, I wasn't aware of it. I went there and saw there were hundreds of students coming to give the test.

We discussed before the test and came to know that they are going to take our Impromptu Tests. It means they are going to test your intelligence.

As I said, I wasn't aware of it, I don't have any other choice but to attend it. They take us to a room, where there were computers for every student. They took our cell phones and other belongings.

The test got started, and From the first page, I came to know that, this is totally opposite to what I have learned in my 14 years of education. I got tensed, but then in a moment I gathered myself and start thinking about the questions in the test in my mind.

I don't know how, but I started to get the answers in my mind after reading the question. I kept on solving the question.

It was an MCQS test. There were almost 200 MCQs, I solved all the 200 MCQs and leave the exam room with other students. Some were still there solving the exam. but some came out with me that already solved the Test.

After waiting for half an hour, they came and announced the result.

My luck was with me that day, I stand in the students who passed the test. It was unbelievable for me.

I was very much happy that day. On the next day, they took our medical test and I passed it too.

They gave us the date for the running test. On the day of the running test. I failed the test and couldn't complete the run in the given time.

This failure has left a strong memory in my mind, I always become sad when I think of it.

The second time I attended Impromptu Tests was a few months ago. I randomly went to my cousin's shop to meet him. There was his friend doing something on the laptop. I asked him what he was doing.

He told me that, he is trying to pass the test. It was an English Grammer Test. He told me that he had tried 100s of times to pass the test but got failed every time.

It was such a hard time. I asked him to let me try. I tried 2 times and I also got failed.

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