It was a Cheesy Sunday !!!

Hey Everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great. In this post, I'm going to share the experience I had this Sunday.

I was working on my computer, I Received a Text from my wife she wanted to eat Burger, I asked her to get ready and we would go out to eat Burger.

We went out and reached the place she recommended, but the place was full and there was no place to sit.

We decided to go eat something else, I asked her what she wants to eat now, She checked her phone and told me to go Pizza shop which was almost 9 Kilometre away from where we were standing.

The Pizza Restaurant she recommended was not well known. It took us half an hour to reach the place.

This was the outer look of the restaurant, we sit in the family hall and asked for the menu book to check what they are offering.

After reading the menu book 2,3 times, we still weren't able to decide what to order !!!

I asked the serving boy, what is the speciality of your restaurants, what's the best you have to offer?

He told us that, they have just launched new Pizza which has extra Cheese on it. Finally, it was decided that today we are going to taste the pizza he was suggesting. But there was a problem, I will tell about it at the end of this post.

After waiting for 20 minutes, we got our Pizza, and there was a surprise for us, The serving boy bring our Pizza and with him, there was a boy with melted cheese in his hand.

He Put all the cheese on our Pizza, it was really a relaxing moment, you can see this in the above video. It looks very delicious.

Here is the final look of our Pizza, We started eating it.

You can notice the cheese in the form of layers coming out of the Pizza.

We finished the Pizza, and I decided to capture some pictures of the restaurant, It wasn't a well-looking restaurant but it was okay.

The pizza quality was very good and we enjoyed it.

There Tagline Was Makes Everything Awesome

There was a small sitting place dedicated for the people to celebrate their Birthdays.

As I was capturing pictures, there was this cleaning man, who asked me to wait, let me turn the lights.

But turning on the lights wasn't work for me, You can see from the picture.

I told him to turn off the lights and capture one more picture with their tagline on it Makes Everything AWesome

As I said at the start we had one problem, After finishing the pizza, I asked the serving boy to bring the Bill, the Total bill was off 1720 Rs, and when I checked my wallet, I only had 1630 Ruppes :-D, I asked the Surving boy that, I have 100 Shorts and I will pay him on the next visit.

He got agreed, and we left the place. On the next day, I asked my younger boy to go to the restaurant and give the serving boy the remaining money.

Have A Good Day Everyone.

Links to my last Five Blogs.

Unforgettable Tour To Fort Munro With Friends - Part 1

Be the reason for Someone's smile

A Small Chunk Of My Tour To Muree

Finally Peace Was Found In Summer !!!

Someone Got Very Happy Today

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