Someone Got Very Happy Today

Hey EveryOne I hope you all are fine and doing great. Today I'm going to share a very beautiful experience that I had a couple of days before But before that, I would like all of you to meet Faraz Ahmad.

He is my charming LIttle cousin, He is 8 years old and studying in 3rd Class. MASHALLAH Faraz is a very intelligent boy. Two days ago, there was an in our home and he came with me here to attend the event. As there are holidays from Schools.

I asked his parents to let him stay here as he loves to stay here at my home. The second reason for his stay was that he was asking me to take him to the park for the past two months.

Due to business and a tight schedule, I wasn't able to take him to the Park. But two days ago I was free and he was also here, I took him to the park and fulfilled his long-awaited wish.

His father is not habitual in taking the family to public places, which is why he was eagerly waiting for me to take him to the park.

The Park's name is Model Town Park and is located around 1 and a half Kilometre away from my home.

After Reaching the park, he right away went to the play area, where there were already playing. we waited for some time and on our terms, Faraz grabbed the swing and started swinging, I captured some of his pictures while swinging. you can click the image to view it in full size.

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While Faraz was swinging, I decided to travel around the park and captured some photos of flowers and other interesting things in the park.

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There Were some interesting things that captured my attention while I was travelling around in the park.

At first, I noticed this DustBin that was installed in the park for the people to put garbage in it, but you can see the Ice cream rapper was just thrown near the DustBin, It should be in the DustBin, we should teach our kids Some Ethics about it. I picked this rapper and put it in the DustBin.

In the next Picture, I noticed this Pencil Shape design Fence Installed on the Park wall, to keep the park and the people visiting the park safe. I really like them as they were in different colours and were giving a beautiful look.

There was this shopper which was wrapped around the tree, I don't know the reason why this was wrapped like this and what was inside it. I captured the picture and leave it as it was.

There was a filter installed in the park to supply Pure water to the people of the Colony.

Near the Filter I noticed this plant growing near the Door of a room, this was not a place for a plant to grow. But nature gives you surprises and this was one of them.

There were two swings in the park, but one was broken, I got to know that this one was broken 3 weeks ago and the park authority still hasn't done anything about it. So I captured the photo to complain about it online on their website.

While going towards the main gate, I noticed these Beautiful trees of date, They were in the line and were looking very beautiful.

Just before the gate, I captured the Selfie to Keep it with me as a memory. Now It will be on Hive Blockchain and will remain on it forever.

Have A Good Day Everyone.

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