
Regarding TikTok: Edward Snowden says privacy is leaked in multiple places as governments has prisms embedded in the data centers of internet service providers and/or in key backbone Internet infrastructure highways/ports where data can be scanned, copied. I say that to say TikTok is not the root. I just realized I'm extroverted introvert meaning I'm fluid or trans verted meaning I've evolved from introversion towards extroversion at least in my public persona. I'm also an odd combination of nerd mixed with athlete which often times the stereotype presented in movies is pretty bipolar where characters are often mostly nerdy or mostly some kind of jock. People who even jokes about illegal activities or tries getting accounts online suspended or those who encourages doxing, swatting, theft, murder, etc, should be reported. President Biden should address the TikTok issue in the State of the Union which I agree TikTok is fragmenting and breaking the minds of especially younger people who are not yet able to counter this level of psychological manipulation through social engineering algorithms.

First, perfect parenting does not always result in perfect children. Second, bad parenting does not always result in bad parenting. Everyone should be constantly pinged and reminded daily and encouraged to make backup accounts, channels, groups, Discord Servers, entities, websites, blogs, social media, email, and so on and so forth as thousands to millions of good people have been permanently suspended, terminated, deleted, removed, banned, destroyed, depersoned and so on and so forth globally on the Internet on many websites and even offline too going back many years if not many decades in many ways, I encourage you to inspire others to spread this message everywhere and to do it while they still can.

Instead of chanting build a wall like Trump would say, President Biden during the State of the Union had them chant fix it which they were the ones who broke it in the first place literally tearing down fences, border patrol is escorting illegals.

Video: Mix It Up, Kari Herinckx. Watched Who is Erin Carter 101, US President Biden's State of the Union.



Screenshot at 2024-03-07 19-09-50.png

Dinosaur Joe Biden giving a scary State of the Union

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-07 - Thursday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

05:19 AM
Mix It Up, Kari Herinckx


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

12:46 PM
Love those first 2 questions. It is tough for parents. I've not been a parent but was a camp counselor. What comes to my mind is the turtle giving advice to Kung Fu Panda or the Splinter rat giving advice to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Those first 2 questions you asked is a good outline. First, perfect parenting does not always result in perfect children. Second, bad parenting does not always result in bad parenting. It's not like parenting and growing up is going to be absolutely and purely good or bad. It's a hybrid. which means both parents and children are good and bad in various degrees. Culture does influence children. Therefore, the trick might be to turn family life and life around friends into the major force of culture for children. Things like television and the Internet disrupts local communities which would influence local cultures for local neighborhoods and tribes globally for thousands of years meaning whatever might be trending in Hollywood and the Internet is disrupting local influence for better and for worse. 02:22 PM: Sorry about the big text. Yeah, I hear you. Yeah, imitation is flattery they say. Yeah across generations is something that has been declining for too many people. The account, display name: i run blawg, username: Hoodmate, Discord user ID: 720984512049184790, Hoodmate, AKA Th Lopez Hoodbarber, sent me a DM saying he reported my Ojawall-02 YouTube channel. People who even jokes about illegal activities or tries getting accounts online suspended or those who encourages doxing, swatting, theft, murder, etc, should be reported. I reported Hoodmate's recent comment in chat-level-00, in message ID number: 1215431672456282223, and I quote, "oatmeal can u say that u are 10 years old," because Hoodmate wants to report my message to say I'm underage so he can get my account suspended off Discord.

Twitter Tweets

04:35 PM

If I was becoming a woman, I would tell my surgeon to give me the Marlayna 29 because your face is a good combination of professional business mixed with hotness. 05:49 PM: Edward Snowden says privacy is leaked in multiple places as governments has prisms embedded in the data centers of internet service providers and/or in key backbone Internet infrastructure highways/ports where data can be scanned, copied. I say that to say TikTok is not the root. 05:53 PM: President Biden should address the TikTok issue in the State of the Union which I agree TikTok is fragmenting and breaking the minds of especially younger people who are not yet able to counter this level of psychological manipulation through social engineering algorithms.

Discord Drama

2024-03-07 - Thursday - 12:53 PM - Discord Log

Discord is working for me on the Chrome web browser but not via Firefox. 01:34 PM: I trust Logic over Roy by the way. 02:41 PM: I turned 8 in 1993, that's 31 years ago, as in 3 decades ago. As I was growing up and especially around that time, I started making choices towards lifelong goals, missions, projects, work, priorities, regarding going onto the world stage to influence like Michael Jackson & Billy. 04:53 PM: Everyone should be constantly pinged and reminded daily and encouraged to make backup accounts, channels, groups, Discord Servers, entities, websites, blogs, social media, email, and so on and so forth as thousands to millions of good people have been permanently suspended, terminated, deleted, removed, banned, destroyed, depersoned and so on and so forth globally on the Internet on many websites and even offline too going back many years if not many decades in many ways, I encourage you to inspire others to spread this message everywhere and to do it while they still can. 07:08 PM: If people don't stop the trolls, I will probably get banned again off many websites and places, you're my only hope. 07:31 PM: What kinds of things should be reported? Here is one example. People who joke about doxing non-anonymous people like me are potentially on the verge of engaging in calls to violence which is illegal and most things on the Internet is between state-lines meaning a federal matter meaning the FBI and so on. 07:41 PM: My suggestion is report messages and accounts who had police swat me in 2023 as that act was illegal, those who stole things in my name in 2023 which included pizza and potentially would have included credit cards and more. Those who dox non-anonymous people should be reported. Those who engages in excessive and credible calls to violence to non-anonymous accounts. Basically anything that is too illegal, too excessive, assuming intentions therein is too evil and so on and so forth. Some people just say random things. But others might be too dangerous in a sense if they are causing too much damage offline in real life (IRL) in the real world like more so in past-tense in actuality and not so much in potentiality regarding pre-crime thought crimes or things that has yet to happen. Anonymous accounts attacking other anonymous accounts might be bad but is less bad than when compared to attacks on non-anonymous accounts who might be doxed like me and who might be without enough security, body guards, guns, walls, protection. Some in this server may say bad things but they might not have engaged in past-tense in actual offline crimes or perhaps in some cases online crimes as well but more so offline crimes as offline related issues have been more immediate in the probability in risk factor to actual real world damages as opposed to emotional or theoretical damages. Can you file police reports? I told my police, the FBI, and was also emailing Discord about my situation. Hoodbarber said he reported my Ojawall-2 YouTube channel. It is a question of if they are worried about the FBI finding them or if they are perhaps too cocky about it or too ignorant or whatever. 08:37 PM: Bad people could perhaps be banned from this Oatmeal Discord Server, they should probably not be given more than ten official warnings as it relates to actual crimes (see previous comments above for examples) assuming their intentions and assuming the crimes were too bad, too excessive, too often, damages too high, as it relates to especially offline damages towards non-anonymous people like me or anybody, and more so crimes done in past-tense as in more so in actuality over theoretically. I prefer not banning every bad person from this server but anybody who crosses that invisible line towards too bad could perhaps be candidates for actual removal, perhaps police, FBI, the Discord website, and others should be informed regarding actual crimes. As previous stated in messages above, messages and accounts involved in things that are too bad should be reported. For example, people who did actual crimes towards me in 2023 should be reported assuming they actually were excessively criminal as it relates to say for example pizza, credit cards, doxing, bomb threats, calls to actual acts of violence against actual non-anonymous people as opposed to things relating to anonymous accounts as that is less lethal potentially and generally, and so on and so forth for example, etc, etc. Please make backup accounts, servers, groups, channels, websites, communities, social media, blogs, etc, while you still can before maybe bad people get you banned, suspended, terminated, etc, like they got me and like millions of people kicked off many websites and more. Remind everybody to do this kind of thing as censorship still hits too many people too many times too many places.

Extroverted Introvert

2024-03-07 - Thursday - 04:41 PM - My Autobiography Log

I just realized I'm extroverted introvert meaning I'm fluid or trans verted meaning I've evolved from introversion towards extroversion at least in my public persona. I'm also an odd combination of nerd mixed with athlete which often times the stereotype presented in movies is pretty bipolar where characters are often mostly nerdy or mostly some kind of jock.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Who is Erin Carter 101

2024-03-07 - Thursday - 06:10 AM - Who is Erin Carter 101

They run off. They skip ahead a few years. Her daughter gets kicked out of like a school play. Robbery at a store. Erin fights a guy in a mask who probably knows her. A British woman's tranquil life in Barcelona spirals out of control when an armed robbery at a supermarket exposes her secret... and violent past.

05:05 PM
LIVE Biden State Of The Union Show, Trump Comments LIVE On Biden w/Valentina Gomez | Timcast IRL

05:25 PM
Next year, Trump will be giving the State of the Union in 2025 as the 47th U.S. President, Biden was not really elected but more so selected via a combination of theft, fraud, meddling, censorship, suppression, propaganda. Meanwhile, there is a TikTok bill out there. 06:28 PM: State of the Union is like 30 minutes late, Biden said if he was smart he would go home now. Biden wants us to fight Putin's Russia to provide more money and weapons to Ukraine. Biden said there are not American soldiers in Ukraine fighting Putin's Russia which is probably not true. Who invited this Sweden guy. Putin told Tucker Carlson that Bill Clinton and Bush said NATO would not accept Russia into NATO which if they did then there would be no real purpose for NATO. Biden is attacking Jan6, AKA entrapment day. Biden said let's support families via supporting abortion as reproduction freedom is murder freedom, like let's defend families by killing families. As Biden lied about Covid which the lockdowns and viaccines murdered millions to billions so far or potentially, Mike Johnson was shaking his head. 06:55 PM: Bernie Sanders had no mask on and then put it during the State of the Union starring President Biden who sucks compares to Trump and TikTok and Disney is a problem. 07:01 PM: Truth Social just crashed? State of the Union is insane, President Biden is still talking while Trump is live-tweeting. President Biden said he is a capiler. 07:06 PM: President Biden said people earning less than $400K/year will not have to pay additional taxes. But keyword here is additional as employers and employees had to pay in some cases over 80% in taxes. The state of the union is a pun as it points not only to the 50 states but also the state of those states. President Biden is like we need a bill to get illegals to go to court in months as opposed to years. Wait, I got an idea, Trump said build a wall, why not just do that. 07:22 PM: Instead of chanting build a wall like Trump would say, President Biden during the State of the Union had them chant fix it which they were the ones who broke it in the first place literally tearing down fences, border patrol is escorting illegals. 07:26 PM: President Biden said he does not want to ban books but the problem is they are abusing children in schools via Drag Queen Story Hours in libraries. 07:34 PM: President Biden said restricting the 2nd amendment does not restrict the 2nd amendment, talk about double speak during the State of the Union, Biden is promoting banning guns while also promoting illegals who end up with guns as they are illegal.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

04:02 AM
President Trump FIRES Nikki Hillary - Make America Great Again | CobraCast 199

Who is Erin Carter 101

2024-03-07 - Thursday - 06:10 AM - Who is Erin Carter 101

11:55 AM
Filmtracts - The (allegedly) AI George Carlin Comedy Special Lawsuit

12:08 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 3/7/24 • FENCES AROUND THE CAPITOL AGAIN, News, Reports & Analysis

12:45 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Thursday 3/7/24 • DAN LYMAN BORDER HAWK - INVASION CRIME WAVE, News & Analysis

02:16 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Thursday 3/7/24 • News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:05 PM
LIVE Biden State Of The Union Show, Trump Comments LIVE On Biden w/Valentina Gomez | Timcast IRL

08:16 PM

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Bed at midnight. Up around 03:45 AM. Bed at 07:08 AM. I got up at 11:30 AM. Mom was home. They went to the doctors around 7 or after. Appointment for Larry was around 8. Doctor impressed as my mom looked up words. They're not going to try chemo which is good as chemo usually makes people's bodies weaker as it affect not just bad cells but good cells too. Green house plants out. Fed birds. Breakfast, 11:55 AM. Lunch, 12:58 PM. Chores from around 03:05 PM to 04:28 PM included coffee to RV, no mail, recycling, ground compost, dig mixing the ground compost, nice partly sunny day, dishes for most of that 90 minute period, leg exercises to feel the burn, stretching mostly for my bones, muscles, joints, mostly relating to my knees, more so for my left leg at that one was bothering me a little today and perhaps it will be better in a day or maybe longer but this kind of thing happens to athletes. Dinner, 05:05 PM. A new light bulb did not turn on in the computer laundry room but got it to work on the big lamp in the living room by the house painting at the wall which had a larger light bulb which did work in that computer room by the dryer and washer which had a smaller light bulb on the right side when you come in from the main entrance from the kitchen and dining, the right side was burnt as there are 2 spots for light bulbs there and the right side was burnt but we got the larger light bulb there. We did that around 05:15 PM for 5 minutes. Dishes around 8. Bed at midnight. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, the last rice pudding thing from the RV, 11:55 AM. Lunch: banana vegi yogurt salad, 12:58 PM. Dinner: potatoes, chicken jerky, in green beans soup, 05:05 PM.

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