2022, December

Snow Hill. Elon Musk Banned Kanye West For Alex Jones Thursday the first day of December of 2022. Elon Musk Wrong To Ban Kanye West Over Symbol Friday. Snow igloo continued. Naked Communist Book Saturday. Star Trek Continues Dot Com Sunday the 4th. Roof Hero Wars Gavin Kanye West Monday. No Internet Night. Branches Snow Twitter Spaces Hero Wars Titanic Phones Tuesday. We Are Change Luke Rudkowski Mind Control Porn Hub Wednesday. Kirk Cameron Brave Books Thursday. Save Baby Will Dot Com Friday. Michael Jackson Kanye West Saturday.

Joshua Simpcast Snow Sunday the 11th. Bob Barker Fusion Energy Monday. Greene Alex Jones Tuesday. Elon Musk Talks Doxing, Jay Dyer On Chrissie Mayr Wednesday. Trump Cards, Michael Malice Alex Jones Thursday. Covid Vaccines On X-Files Friday. Trump Trading Cards, Fake Owen Shroyer on Twitter, Hallmark's I Believe in Santa Saturday.

Twitter Elon Musk Banning Links? Sunday the 18th. It's snowing. Eleana Musk Monday. Israel Covid Vaccine Killing Tuesday. Big Pharma Trillions 2021 Wednesday. Elon Musk Twitter Post Views Thursday. 1968 BBC2's Thirty-Minute Theatre Friday. Christmas Eve Google Earth Google Space The Amazing Maurice Saturday.

Rain Christmas Twitter Banned Deagan Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast Potato Sunday the 25th. Slow Steady Amsterdam Christian Bale Monday. Alex Jones George Bush 1998 Tuesday. Helped Her Move, Kirk Cameron, Monitoring Truth Lovers Wednesday. Andrew Tate, Treaty of Rome Thursday. Matrix Elon Musk Neo Twitter Unlearn Friday. Andrew Tate Saturday.

December | 2022
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Kanye West on Alex Jones in December of 2022

Oatmeal Monthly - 2022-12 - December of 2022 | Published in December of 2022





Elon Musk Banned Kanye West For Alex Jones

2022-12-01 - Thursday

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Twitter Dictator Elon Musk was wrong to ban Kanye West for simply talking with Infowars Alex Jones.

Twitter Overlord Elon Musk was wrong to ban Kanye West. I will not forgive Elon. I'm saving this in my archive. I expect Elon to ban me too because it looks like Elon does not value free speech. That is bad. The entire 3+ hours Kanye West Alex Jones Interview might be performative art by Ye, a meme to make a point and stuff. But probably unlikely. It's more like a Qanon conspiracy theory. It might be semi-performative. Ye is at best misguided. I like Ye but he is doing bad job.

On Alex Jones, Kanye West mentions how Dave Chappelle @DaveChappelle stole jokes from Owen Benjamin. It does appear quite coincidental at best or purposeful theft at worse. I like Benjamin. Ye Kanye West said on Infowars Alex Jones that Daily Wire Overlord Ben Shapiro has Red Pilled Black Candace Owens on a leash. Over 39 million people were watching Kanye West on Alex Jones live today. It doesn't matter if it's Twitter Elon Musk, Trump, Infowars Alex Jones, Kanye West, etc, being forced to get microchips installed into our brains is a violation of private property rights which is a fundamental pillar which many many freedoms and rights stem from.

The Bible said Noah had 3 sons. I've said before the oldest son might be the father to Europeans, the middle son the father to Asians, the Jews, people in the Middle East, and the youngest son the father to Africans. Now, that might be based on the research done by Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis. This is what I'm saying right now based on what I remember from the top of my head. Ken has done videos talking with people on research done on the genetics of humans in order to trace back the origins of mankind. Some say we come from Africa. But others might disagree with that. I find all of this very interesting to research. I need to get back into researching this in the future. I believe all the diverse races in the world can be traced back to those three sons.

Kanye West on Alex Jones got millions of people to debate free speech today all around the world. That is a good thing. We should pressure Twitter Elon Musk to follow through on the amnesty restoration of banned accounts including @joeyarnold and others. Hitler was leftist. Nazi is national socialism party and not an extreme neo-right hate group. Regarding the Alex Jones Kanye West Show, Jesse Lee Peterson tells Owen Shroyer a major issue the freedom of speech. Ye and humans in general should have the right to spread hate speech, misinformation, racism, opinions, lies. We don't have to agree with what people say. Period.

Elon Musk Wrong To Ban Kanye West Over Symbol

2022-12-02 - Friday

2022-12-05 - Monday - 03:59 PM - Roy Merrick Memes World Oatmeal Meme, ET Roy Oatmeal Be Here Extra_Roy_Terrestial_Goodbye_3.gif
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Twitter Elon Musk was wrong to ban Kanye West on Alex Jones over free speech.

Kanye West didn't incite violence. Elon Musk lied about Alex Jones as well. Not sure why Elon does this. Elon is wrong to ban Ye. I will not forgive or forget. Is @elonmusk going to ban me for posting a screenshot of what got @kanyewest banned? Elon was wrong. Kanye may have been trolling and stuff. I believe in free speech. Ye may have been wrong about some of the things. Calling for violence is not a crime & Ye didn't do it. Kanye West talked about love speech on Infowars Alex Jones. The Hitler Germany Jews Nazis symbol of World War II, the 1930s, was a rebranding of symbols found in Buddhism and sun worshiping religions going back thousands of years globally. MIKE ADAMS: CALHOUN’S “MOUSE UTOPIA” COMING TRUE FOR HUMANITY.

Your freedom of speech should apply to your private property, public property, and perhaps to agreed upon public spaces like social media. Facebook was promoted as a super free speech place for example. But then Facebook was like just kidding. Cancer Culture is crazy. Facebook removed my photos of the Hitler symbol and even of historical people like Hitler, Stalin, etc. I disagree with Twitter Elon Musk banning Kanye West. I'm not even saying Ye is correct if Ye means Hitler good for doing bad. But free speech lol. Jesse Kelly mentioned Mao. I think he said Mao trained U.S. military during World War II. Or was it the other way around like with how the CIA turned Tim Osman into Osama Bin Laden. Regardless I agree current commies are soft compared to people like Mao.

Elon Musk was wrong to ban Kanye West who didn't really do anything outside of free speech. Ye didn't incite violence because symbols are simply historical screenshots. Ye is not trying to get people to burn down cities like Democrats did during the 2020 Summer of Love in America. Twitter King Elon Musk banned Kanye West not for liking Hitler on Alex Jones but for Raëlism. If Twitter was a public town square platform and not a publisher, if it was government funded, if it had federal liability protection, then Twitter was suppressing the first amendment (free speech) even without orders from on high. Same thing for big tech in general, Facebook etc.

Naked Communist Book

2022-12-03 - Saturday

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Kanye West, Alex Jones

Favorite part of Nerdrotic FNT Friday Night Tights was when @gothixTV mentioned the 1958 Naked Communist book by W. Cleon Skousen. It had 45 rules on taking over America as mentioned on The Blaze. Rule 44: Internationalize the Panama Canal. Netherlands to buy out 3,000 farms to meet climate goals. This is just an example you see in countries around the world. Black Rock is doing things too. Before you say or do something, ask yourself three questions. Is it kind, necessary, or true?

U.S. Federal Government used geo-fencing to locate HUNDREDS of people at Jan6 in order to illegal imprison them without trial and yet they say they can't find a pipe bomber. Twitter Elon Musk was wrong to ban Kanye West on Alex Jones over free speech. It wasn't incitement of violence which would be a job for law enforcement to investigate and not the job of big tech to interfere with an online crime scene. Deleting an account is interference. A major problem with TESLA and electric cars in general is the process of making them, especially that of the batteries and some of the parts may require a lot. Like, some of that may be bad for the environment. Plus, another big issue is potential remote access, hacking, etc.

Twitter Elon Musk talking about Hate Speech is hateful in a sense. See, speech is simply information. Speech is not hate nor love. Speech is neutral from a digital platform perspective. There's a distinction between platform and publisher legally speaking. Hate Speech is a scam.

Star Trek Continues Dot Com

2022-12-04 - Sunday


Space Ark, Twitter Elon Musk Tweeted This

Star Trek Continues Dot Com. Elon Musk wants to punch Kanye West in the face.

Twitter Elon Musk said Kanye West triggered him via a Buddhism symbol which can be seen in sun worshiping religions globally going back thousands of years, Elon is acting like a leftist. Elon praised the EU. He also was silent on Edward Snowden and Julian Assange when asked. Did America hire Hitler Nazis to work for NASA? Have you ever heard of Operation Paper Clip?

I believe Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are heroes. I believe laws criminalizing whistleblowers, journalists, etc, is criminal. It was crazy for CNN to say only they were allowed to see the Wikileaks for example. Fake news was and still is Pro Anti-Transparent.

In Japan, some of the doctors and scientists were demanding the Covid Vaccines Scam end or at least for some kind of better investigation as people continue to die from the vaccines and not from Covid. Other countries should demand the same thing, for more transparency.

Hitler's Nazis created NASA, DARPA's Internet. Jews behind Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Elon Musk bans Kanye West. But we should talk about messy history. CIA in Ukraine since the 1940s. USA hired Nazis in the 1940s.

Roof Hero Wars Gavin Kanye West

2022-12-05 - Monday

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Hero Wars

Gavin @censoreddottv interviews Kanye West, they talk about how the Nazi Hitler's Holocaust was not the only Holocaust. Abortions. Communism etc. Twitter Elon Musk was wrong to ban Ye. Check out @HotepJesus talk about Ye on Alex Jones today.

I say you can always root for Putin to do the right thing for the good of his people in Russia. That's his job to defend Russians. Let each country be independent of other countries. I'm against NATO, the EU, etc.

Fantasy is the inversion of vision. Christ is the ultimate visionary. Satan tempted Christ with a fantasy of ruling the world. What was twisted about it was Christ deserves to because He's a co-creator with God. Well, He is God too by the way. He should own everything. In fact He does. The seed of temptation stems from a grain of truth. The process of turning and inverting a vision into a fantasy can come from the seeds of impatience. The inversion can also come from a departure from focusing on the end result of the vision. The inversion can also come losing faith in the ability to finally get there. When you feel like you cannot accomplish your goals, that is when the seeds of hopelessness can lead you down an inverted path of the shadow of death. Remedy can be found in meditation (prayer), laughter, perspective, companionship, fresh air, venting sessions, sweaty workouts, refreshing naps, gallons of distilled water, juicy pens, rusty books, and especially boring repetitive routine jobs designed to reset your mind. Sometimes, you need to walk away from a situation and come back later. Either you run away or you hire somebody to drag you away from the fog of inversion. It's really hard to see in the mist of all of that fog. Don't wait for the fog to thicken. Gradually, the fog gets thicker and thicker. before you know it, you become lost in the fog. Keep in mind you're not the fog itself. Learn to isolate and compartmentalize what is happening to you. Don't fall for the trap of blaming yourself for the fog itself. Same thing goes for emotions. Life has fog and emotion. You shouldn't blame yourself for the fog. But you should blame yourself for not getting out of the fog. Like with weather and emotions, fog can come and go with the wind. It can be quite unexpected sometimes like a natural disaster. Identify the fog as soon as your vision begins to fade away into the night. Half of the battle is simply in being aware of the incoming fog. Developing a habit of writing down the patterns of how the fog comes into your atmosphere. Start a neighborhood fog watch with those closes to you in order to cultivate awareness and transparency to the struggles and to the successes of fleeing the fog of fantasy. The mist of fantasy does not have to keep you from your vision, your destiny in life.

Branches Snow Twitter Spaces Hero Wars TItanic Phones

2022-12-06 - Tuesday

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Titanic 2022

Wikipedia may delete Twitter Files articles, references, links, posts. People should screenshot and Internet archive all of it before @Wikipedia and others Epstein it like they did with me. Deleting the Twitter Files is an alignment with interfering with elections. In other words, it's treason. It's a number of things. What is the point of Twitter Spaces if I can't live chat? I want live comments. I want better interaction to the show. When will we get video live streams on Twitter to compete with YouTube, Facebook, TikTok?

In the interview, Kanye West tells Gavin that Nazi Hitler's Holocaust was not the only Holocaust, he mentioned abortions etc. Alex Jones agrees the exact numbers of who died in Germany is tough to pinpoint. Plus the number is probably smaller than the people killed by Mao, Stalin.

We Are Change Luke Rudkowski Mind Control Porn Hub

2022-12-07 - Wednesday


Free Wikileaks Julian Assange

When I was a kid, I loved Nintendo. A major difference is kids now take their phones with them everywhere. But in their mind, the phone is not just a game boy. So, psychologically, instead of the kid playing the phone, the phone is playing the kid. So, kids have to be aware.

On Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski wore a shirt which read Mind Control but in the fonts of Porn Hub. Fantasy is the inversion of vision which declines as hope and patience fades away from a lack of strong family units and decentralized local communities.

Roger Stone is back on Twitter. His account was restored today. America was being pressured into a Civil War in the 1820s. The Civil War didn't happen until 40 years later in the 1860s. Keep that in mind regarding the potential of a new civil war in the 2060s or earlier.

Kirk Cameron Brave Books

2022-12-08 - Thursday

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Wednesday Addams

Twitter Elon Musk Should Restore @JoeyArnold on Twitter right now. The website Kirk Cameron mentioned was https://BraveBooks.com. I encourage people to financially support @LauraLoomer so she can pay for Twitter Blue (Twitter Verified @verified) each month so we can all get Laura Loomer Twitter Videos and everything else.

Save Baby Will Dot Com

2022-12-09 - Friday


Chrissie Maye Milk Train, if George Carlin Was Female

Save Baby Will Dot Com. Australian police broke into the house and stole a baby. So many Chinese people are led to their death, see the man in white. Meanwhile in Australia, police steal babies to stick Covid Vaccines in them which will kill them. Coming to a country near you if you choose not to talk about it. Elon Musk, the problem is many accounts were banned. You didn't free @JoeyArnold for example. So, how can I log in if you won't restore me back onto Twitter? People need to share this and confront Elon for not giving more people the amnesty he promised. You should be careful when banning and terminating allegedly inactive accounts.

We need a Rated R version of Super Man. Wait we did, Will Smith was in it. I wonder who the real CEO of Facebook is. A Facebook Metaverse would likely try to emulate Big Tech Jobs where you have thousands if not millions of moderators moderating the actions of virtual lives in the Matrix. The idea is to get people to police themselves, to enforce the slavery upon themselves like with Covid. Alex Jones is truth.

Michael Jackson Kanye West

2022-12-10 - Saturday

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Wednesday Addams

Lionel Nation asked a good question. What is Elon Musk’s goal? In the past, it seems Elon Musk was talking about transhumanism, perhaps his intentions were good in a desire to turn humans into the Borg. It's likely he still is seeking to persuade many put chips in their brains.

The new Michael Jackson is Kanye West. You can see Ye is an activist trying to expose Hollywood and spread love. Michael had his song, They Don't Really Care About Us. I love that song. Ye said George Bush Jr does not care about black people as governments were doing bad things to hurt them. Ye was trying to say we should love everybody.

Joshua Simpcast Snow

2022-12-11 - Sunday

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Chrissie Mayr - SimpCast 54 - Vic Mignogna, Alex Stein! Mandy, April, Faran Balanced, Chrissie, Brittany, Anna

The First Amendment was supposed to stop the Federal Government from criminalizing Hate Speech, Free Speech, Threats of Violence, alleged potential future crimes, etc; within the context of public and agreed upon contexts, etc; excluding actual crimes, etc. I'm watching Simpucast for all you crazy Japanese simps out there. Also known as the Simpcast in America.

Bob Barker Fusion Energy

2022-12-12 - Monday

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Bob Barker liked to neuter pets. Why not neuter humans too?

Fusion Energy has been around secretly for the past 50 years since at least the 1970s, the American deep state may announce it in 2023 or soon but only because other countries like Russia and China are planning to announce that they got it too now. The Twitter Files. The Google Files. The Facebook Files. The DARPA Files. Happy 99th birthday to Bob Barker of the The Price is Right, for his final show, June 15, 2007, he said thank you for inviting me into your homes for the past 50 years and please depopulation your pets. That's only one step removed from Bill Gates saying Agenda 2030.

Dutch government tries to close 3K+ farms. I get this information from Alex Jones who Elon Musk didn't restore. Governments around the world are trying the Climate Change Global Warming Freezing Scam still as we speak, Agenda 2030, The Chinese Social Credit Score, etc.

Elon Musk is talking about getting rid of bots on Twitter. But that is not possible. A bot is just automated programming. For example, you can get a bot to share your Twitter Tweets to Facebook or other social media. So, it's not a question of is it a bot but more so regarding the actions of any particular bot. Because bot simply means software, code, etc.

Greene Alex Jones

2022-12-13 - Tuesday


Covid can't hurt you if you don't have a TV.

Greene said Alex Jones was right. It is an Infowar. We are losing. But we don't have to be losing. We don't have to accept their fake narratives. That is how we dissolve all of their scams. Faith is the opposite of fear. Jay Dyer. Snow castle. Looking at 1991 and 1992. Building a log and outline for that.

Elon Musk Talks Doxing, Jay Dyer On Chrissie Mayr

2022-12-14 - Wednesday

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War with Russia

The problem is depopulation. Elon Musk once said underpopulation is a problem. So, how do we arrest the biggest criminals on the planet and put them in Nuremberg 2 Trials? This is how they shut people up. Did you or anybody you know get Covid Vaccines which accidentally killed them? You may be entitled with some hush money to shut you up and keep you from waking people up. If you're a celebrity, you're entitled 100x that.

Jay Dyer talked about how his journal on Wordpress was terminated in 2018 around the same time Alex Jones was banned off social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. I think my Wordpress blog was also suspended around that time as well. I enjoyed the part where Jay mentioned how a fan made a book of his his essays. Chrissie made a joke about how it would be cool to see an Asian lady on the side of the street in New York City selling a bootleg version of Chrissie Mayr's Live From Jan6, her comedy special. Like a bunch of CDs or I mean DVDs. That is when you know you've made it. To answer your question, I get banned off social media for sharing Infowars related content for example. Long story. I've been banned many times off many websites for so many years. But compared to Alex, Laura Loomer, Trump, Ye, Molyneux, Shroyer, etc, I'm just a small fry.

Bold Prayers. Reminds me of Matthew 7:7. The idea there is you have not because you ask not. First John is a powerful book on understanding the nature of love which stems from the fabrics of God. Printful is homophobic against thee Gays Against Groomers. Yeah. What really matters is how healthy you are which includes a balance between the good/bad bacteria (like culture in yogurt), it's about minimizing parasites, viruses; it's about maximizing vitamins, enzymes; and it's less about how fat/skinny you are or how much carbs/etc.

Trump Cards, Michael Malice Alex Jones

2022-12-15 - Thursday

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Alex Jones on Michael Malice

Elon Musk should say Twitter is a Limited Basic Lawful Speech Platform. I believe Free Speech includes Doxxing, Spam, Hate, Misinformation, Disinformation, etc. But I'm not saying social media has to allow for absolute speech. My issue is don't say it's absolute if it isn't. If Elon Musk wants to ban people off Twitter for doxxing, then he should stop saying this social network is a haven of absolute and total free speech. Not saying he is but Facebook spoiled us with a platform that was supposed to be a free for all but instead Bait & Switch. #QElon. Kinda hot. Like what is doxxing? I've doxed myself online many times. So, @elonmusk should ban this account and @joeyarnold because my info is listed on my websites which I linked to on my Twitter etc. First Amendment allows for Doxing. @barnes_law.

Inside Out Youth Services Jessie Pocock @jessie_pocock wants to cut off your cock because she's liberal, if you're 13 years old. She says it prevents suicide to let children change genders even tho the opposite is true.

Trump announced digital Trump Cards. But digital only. Lame art. Oh man. Hire better artists. Trump should debate Ron DeSantis, get back on Twitter, and win 2024 first. After that, he should hire @ScottAdamsSays to draw the Trump Cards. And the cards should be digital and physical. Both. Not just digital. That's a dumb idea. Have Trump sign the physical copies. Gold-back dollars died in 1971 at the birth and rise of the petro dollar.

Covid Vaccines On X-Files

2022-12-16 - Friday

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Sonic Prime is a cartoon which premiered in 2022.

Covid Vaccines happened in 2016 on X-Files, season 10, episode 8: My Struggle II. Alex Jones said the CIA wanted Chris Carter to put in an episode where alien DNA was injected into humans to strip them of their immune system. Remember what Facebook Zuckerberg said to Joe Rogan? Alex Jones is talking about SEERS 2025. The plan is to hit the world with something scarier than Covid to trick and scam humanity back into more lockdowns, vaccines, slavery, etc. This bad doctor begs pregnant women to murder their babies via Covid Vaccines. Where is Nuremberg II Trials? GPS violates the 4th amendment.

Covid was in North Carolina and then moved to Wuhan around 2015. So, Obama knows something.

Lone Gun Man was an X-File episode which premiered 8 months before 9/11 in 2001, the episode had people hijack a plane to run it into the World Trade Building in order to trick Americans into war in the Middle East. Why did government want Chris Carter to put out this episode? Russia might as well be fighting Martians because NATO is more advanced technologically, their military is a collection of armies from all over Europe. NATO and others are trying to take over the world. Leave Russia alone. Please restore @JoeyArnold back onto Twitter at https://Twitter.com/JoeyArnold and not my current https://Twitter.com/JoeyArnoldVN which was restored earlier in 2022.

Trump Trading Cards, Fake Owen Shroyer on Twitter, Hallmark's I Believe in Santa

2022-12-17 - Saturday

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I Believe in Santa is a Hallmark-like movie which premiered in 2022.

I would love to buy the Trump Trading Cards. I even made my own trading cards around 2003. I love Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Hero Wars, Paper Mario, Dragon Ball. I wonder how many people think you really are Owen Shroyer. I knew his real account was @AllIDoIsOwen but many people don't know that. Also, why add an S at the end of your username? Like, @OwenShroyers? Like how many Shroyers are there? Twitter King Elon Musk said he would ban you or I mean verified fake accounts which do not clearly state they are parodies or what not. The @OwenShroyers account on Twitter is a fake account meant to mock and attack Infowars Alex Jones.

Twitter Overlord Elon Musk doesn't support Free Speech. Elon supports speech he approves and allows. I'm not saying he should and/or shouldn't. I'm not saying social media should and/or shouldn't allow Free Speech. My problem is WHEN they say they do support it cuz they don't. N64 came out when I was eleven in 1996. I played that a lot for years. But I started playing the Super Nintendo around 1992 and on and off into the 2000s. Did play some Sega, Sony, etc, in the 1990s. But the winner might be SNES.

Twitter Elon Musk Banning Links?

2022-12-18 - Sunday

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Girls With Guns is Hot

If Elon Musk is prohibiting me from linking to external websites like my Hive Blog, Facebook, YouTube, Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, Blurt, Gab, Flote, TikTok, etc, then I will probably be suspended again off Twitter like @JoeyArnold was. I'm saying if. I don't know the exact rules. If Twitter allows for Absolute Free Speech. Elon Musk might be saying otherwise. Twitter is Limited Speech which I think is ok. The problem is if Elon were to say Twitter allows for Unlimited Free Speech, then we got a problem. Elon should not use the term "Free Speech." I cannot tell people to Google me? I wish for @JoeyArnold to be restored. Twitter is not letting me get past this part, see screenshot.Twitter asked me: "Tell us more about who's being impersonated: @ username (required)." I wrote @ericabbenante but Eric is banned @elonmusk.

Taylor Lorenz should be taken to court if she hasn't been. She can't post on Twitter if she is in jail. Well, unless if they have Internet in prison. I would prefer Twitter not to be a substitution for a right to a fair trial. I'm not saying she shouldn't remain suspended forever. Elon Musk needs to ban, terminate, suspend, Oatmeal Joey Arnold @JoeyArnold for marketing and advertising his Twitter account, his tweets, content, on his social media, Facebook, YouTube, Hive Blog, other places. If you Google it, then you will see. @rumblevideo promotes Rumble. Twitter King Elon Musk should hire Ariadna Jacob. Jared Kushner as the new CEO of Twitter?

Eleana Musk

2022-12-19 - Monday

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Eleana Musk

Meanwhile on my Oatmeal Joey Arnold Discord, people are interested in someone who is really cute and arnoldy. Also, Roy Merrick was asking me about my favorite X-Files episodes. Helped knocked down the front yard oak tree. Breaking news, Oatmeal stole Mia's car. Here is the evidence as seen on Discord. Roy Merrick is speechless. Did Oatmeal learn how to drive? When will he post his ID to dox his own privacy to death? We all thought the Vietnam KathyBike Story was big. Geraldy who? Breaking news.

Geraldy Jones wants me to sub to The Upchucks who banned me off Discord. Geraldy nuked my Discord. YouTube deleted my 10K+ videos.

Israel Covid Vaccine Killing

2022-12-20 - Tuesday

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Lauren Chen on Tim Pool

Amen. It is sad when people get Covid Vaccines, boosters, etc. And then they die. And many die slowly over the course of several years into 2030. But for those who already died, then people say, "Oh my God, I have no idea why or how they died but it would've been worse." Worse? Global Warming, AKA Global Freezing, AKA Climate Change, etc, goes back at least to like the 1920s. It's like every ten years or every so often countries try to brainwash people into the Climate Scam. Yeah, like Covid. Also, For The Greater Good is a scam too. When I was 19, nobody said to me I was their only hope and no old man gave a stick. Narnia. Star Wars. Star Trek. LOTR. Harry Potter. Good meme. Soccer. Football. Futball. World Cup. Argentina won in 2022. So, 4 million showed up in Argentina to celebrate in the city. Globalists want to control us like High School Pep Rallies, the red team versus the blue team. The ability to manipulate billions of people like a puppet to march whenever they say jump, they say how high while thinking it is we the people when really it might be mind-control.

Somebody said to Twitter Elon Musk that onyl Blue Check Verified Users should be allowed to vote. This aligns with propertarianism or whatever it's called, only those who have skin or own property should vote, that is logical goal which makes sense. We live in a world now where people believe everyone should have the right to vote. But historically, it wasn't. NedFScreaming @themanonthehil6 might be Geraldy Jones of Upchuck who nuked my Discord, banned me from theirs, they were trying to destroy Dead Wing King Cobra JFS VN Oregon Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold Attic Memes World Productions, Lil Sniff Roy Merrick Quan Dale Dingle EZ Blazer, 2022-12-20 - Tuesday. The Pholosopher @DaPholosopher on the CIA's Project Mockingbird. Speaking of that, the CIA and others paid Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, etc, to censor, to control the narrative. This is worse than MK-Ultra.

Israel making students take at least three Covid Vaccines which will kill them. Israel is insane. So, why did you ban Kanye West? I'm not saying all Jewish people. But there are some Zionists or whoever they are who are rich globalists or whatever you want to call them. Not all Jewish people, biologically, genetically speaking. The opening to Alex Jones today was mind-blowing, they showed a video mashup between a movie and the news on how they arrested over 800 people over Jan6 including Joe Biggs. They should arrest me too. The same people who paid Twitter to censor people also locked up Jan6 people. The people who complain about spelling errors are probably doing God knows what themselves. As an English teacher, I can say it's laughable. I'm not even saying I'm some expert. But the Grammar Nazis are jokes. This is aint no retarded boring college textbook lol.

I was kicked off Twitter in 2019 for talking about Star Wars. This account was restored in 2022. They killed Star Wars. When I talked about it, they nuked me just like YouTube deleted my 10K+ videos. Twitter suspended this account, @JoeyArnoldVN, when I shared the Star Wars Rey Palpatine Skywalker kissing Kylo Ren de Han Solo photo in 2019, I was restored in 2022. But dang. It's just a photo. But they nuked me like YouTube who MURDERED my 10K+ videos.

Big Pharma Trillions 2021

2022-12-21 - Wednesday

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Kyle Rittenhouse on Tim Pool

Caitlin Sinclair talked on Chrissie Mayr about traveling the world to find medical answers. My mind went to Christian Bale as Batman on Mount Everest with Buddhist Monks. I'm watching Caitlin Sinclair @CSinclairtv on Chrissie Mayr. I'm impressed. She said Big Pharma made over a trillion dollars last year. Yeah, that's crazy stuff. I think Big Pharma goes back to like the early 1900s at least in the current state/system of tyranny around the world.

Big Pharma made over a trillion dollars in 2021. Elon Musk: "Whether for or against, please let your elected representatives know what you think about this $1.7 trillion spending bill that they’re trying to pass!"

Elon Musk Twitter Post Views

2022-12-22 - Thursday

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Emily in Paris

The 2022 Elon Musk Twitter now has tweet views, this one post (screenshot picture below) got 213 views and/or hits/YouTube-like Impressions, exposure. This is almost like Old-School Internet, MySpace, Xanga, Facebook Friend Tree, YouTube Video-Reaction Videos, Bebo, Diaryland etc.

I've said Kari Lake won the 2022 Arizona race against Katie Hobbs who was in charge of the election. Talk about bias. I'm following Viva Frei and Robert Barnes as they follow the election trial this week. They're trying to make it sound like every vote was counted. That's not true. They're also not talking about how many people who were not allowed to vote. Many ballots were not counted. It's insane.

1968 BBC2's Thirty-Minute Theatre

2022-12-23 - Friday

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Alex Jones played an episode of BBC2's Thirty-Minute Theatre from 1968.

At the end of the first hour, Alex Jones played an episode of BBC2's Thirty-Minute Theatre from 1968 where a man had a spy device stuck in a man's body. He mentioned LSD, how fake news controls the narrative of society at least one year in advance. We got what it takes to take what you got.

I love Santa's husband. What a terrible book. Watching Nerdrotic's Friday Night Tights right now. Merry Christmas. I cannot believe they put Jeremy in that gay ass children book, how diverse.

Google Earth Google Space The Amazing Maurice

2022-12-24 - Saturday

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The Amazing Maurice is a good movie.

Forget Google Earth, give me Google Space where I can look at the stars all around earth and zoom in. Please tell me there is an app for that. I'm a fan of your dad, Rambo Rocky Sylvester Stallone. Now I'm fans of you two. I had no idea he had 2 hot daughters doing podcasts. I'm watching Tulsa King. I'm enjoying this show. @ChrissieMayr, I'm simping. @TheSlyStallone @sophiastallone. Merry Christmas Eve 2022. It was raining today.

Rain Christmas Twitter Banned Deagan Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast Potato

2022-12-25 - Sunday

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Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast featured a potato.

Shin Kage Iron Deagan Engorgement # 3926 got my JoeyArnoldVN account banned off Elon Musk's Twitter Christmas Day 2022 or at least this tweet was removed for hate speech due to trigger words like FAGGOT, NIGGER, FUCK, or maybe it was OATMEAL that did it. Wow, to think I didn't even say PEDOPHILE CHILDREN PORN and yet I still got a fate close to HOLOCAUST HITLER MANGO HAZE GERMANY KANYE WEST ALEX JONES JEWS ZIONISM GENOCIDE. Deagan is from the Lil Sniff EZ Blazer Quandale Dingle Moose Tyler Moore CosmosisT Stumble Chat Canada Moose Duck Roy Merrick's Memes World Productions on Discord.

The Amazing Maurice voice by Doctor MD. Tik-Tok Oatmeal. Merry fucking Christmas Kushmas to all the OG Memes World Productions Fam, Quandale Dingle, EZ Blazer, Lil Sniff, Roy Merrick Moose Mango Haze Duck Voltron etc, excluding gay ass nigger faggot Green Oregon Original Oatmeal JoeyArnoldVN Attic, shoutout to Boogir since 2016. RIP. Geraldy Jones is claiming he is sending Elon Musk Twitter false allegations, hearsay, lies, to get me kicked off forever.

Slow Steady Amsterdam Christian Bale

2022-12-26 - Monday

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Alex Jones Confronted George Bush in 1998

I watched Amsterdam, 2022 movie, Christian Bale, Taylor Swift, Chris Rock, Margot Robbie. Was watching Chosen season 3, the show about Jesus. I enjoy this series. The girls in it are beautiful. The stories are intriguing. I was also doing surgery on my backyard hill. It was eight feet tall and pretty hollow. It rained all day yesterday like a week worth in just one day. Now it is like four feet tall or something. The snow hill in the front yard was seven feet near the beginning of the month and went down to like four feet but is like around six or ten feet wide and long which is like twice that of the backyard hill.

Alex Jones George Bush 1998

2022-12-27 - Tuesday

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Teens react and try to see how much they know of 1990s sitcom shows.

1998-09-14 - A video of Alex Jones confronting George Bush Jr was broadcasted on this 14th day of September of 1998, that is the date given according to this video, cops were sent to escort him off. Perhaps they arrested Alex. Not sure if he was imprisoned. Alex mentioned the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). George froze and did nothing. He didn't even try to react like politicians do in the 2010s. It seems the political puppets has since been given prep, the Alex Jones Talk. So, Alex Jones was basically Alex Steining Georgy. Funny how 1776 was all around King George. Fast forwards 200 years and it is still all around a guy named George. Scratch that, two guys named George. His father, George Sr would talk in speeches on video about the New World Order. It was good to see Alex in this video from 1998. He said a number of things. It is good to hear it. But sad to see the cops enforce evil rulers.

Helped Her Move, Kirk Cameron, Monitoring Truth Lovers

2022-12-28 - Wednesday

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Kirk Cameron

Kirk Cameron was not allowed to read some children books at libraries which previously allowed heterphobic Drag Queen Story Hours to promote heterphobia. Kirk made great points in this video saying that sometimes setbacks can be setups for revivals. Those who stopped attending church may not have been that passionate to begin with. Others who walk away can get together with those who are dedicated to influencing the world around them with eternal principles.

Police commissioners say they monitor concerning behavior including question police brutality. If you don't take the killer Covid Vaccines which are killing millions of people, I've said this since 2019 or longer. But if you say it, governments around the world monitor you, call you a dangerous conspiracy theorist, and they imprison crazy nuts like you. Period. If you choose to stay quiet like they want you to do, then they win like the bullies they are.

Andrew Tate, Treaty of Rome

2022-12-29 - Thursday


Twitter Files, Fake News Ignoring Them

1957-03-25 - The Treaty of Rome was signed to establish the European Economic Community (EEC). 1. It was signed by the following six countries. Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany, and it came into force on 1 January 1958. The EEC went on to become the European Union (EU) in 1992. 1. The EEC was originally The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). 1. Is there a relationship between the United Nations (UN) and the EU? I'm sure there is. I've not established that connection yet. But in general, they're both involved in international collaboration or tyranny.

Andrew Tate aint wrong. Governments are corrupt. Police can arrest you and then make up a reason why after the fact. Getting a lawyer is not going to save you as seen with Alex Jones Sandy Hook and also Kari Lake 2022 in Arizona. Welcome to Oatmeal Joey Arnold at JoeyArnoldVN, the most banned oatmeal in the world. Overpopulation on earth is only a problem if the world becomes overcrowded, assuming we run out of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and other key components necessary for life. However, that assuming variables within a scientific projection is fixed. Microsoft Covid Vaccines Bill Gates.

Matrix Elon Musk Neo Twitter Unlearn

2022-12-30 - Friday

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Matrix Elon Musk Neo Twitter Unlearn

People must compete with Trump and show him he is losing. Trump can very easily lose 2024. Even tho he won 2020. Even tho they stole the election from him last time. Trump didn't say Covid Vaccines kill people. Period. Trump should have said that years ago. His youngest son. Covid Vaccines kill people. Trump refused for years to not say that. Period. Trump did some good stuff. Nice. But there are many big things Trump didn't do. Elon Musk, Ron DeSantis, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Kari Lake, Kanye West, Tucker Carlson, etc are running laps around him. I agree Trump deserves a Revenge Tour. But Trump should also do stuff now too. Don't just wait. Don't just talk a good game as Mike Cernovich likes to say. Trump is still around the wrong people most of the time. Trump is still pigheaded and stuff. Vienna Blood 101.

2021-01-06 - Wednesday - Washington DC had half the number of security, police, guards. They usually have more at the U.S. Capitol on an average day where they often have tours. It was announced early in December of 2020 there would be a peaceful non-violent MAGA Trump rally on Jan6 which was one month away, we all knew millions of people would come and they did. They sometimes have giant marches and events there. No excuses. Trump asked for a bunch of National Guard and military. Instead of bringing in more security, they told the police to leave. They told some to let them into the Capitol. Ray Epps confessed.

Family is over-rated, the Anti Fast & Furious model while other YouTubers take time off we are here for you with Nerdrotic & Geeks + Gamers' Friday Night Tights (FNT).

Andrew Tate

2022-12-31 - Saturday

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Lee Ann Star

To pick up babes, men should work on three things, their money, muscles, and mojo. A philosophy doctor of doctors, these types of round table discussions would be held among scholars and others behind closed doors for thousands of years, it's rare to get a glimpse inside. Back in the day, many were not taught how to read. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is both a blessing and a cursing that can be weaponized. The art and science of pursuing the depths of understanding the universe is both very dangerous but also potential in giving people choices, meaning, freedom, opportunities, insight. Lee Ann Star of Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast & Compound Media is like the counselor on Star Trek Next Generation.

"Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Mitchell Pickett Henderson "Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn" 1985 Oregon Meaomnia L4OJ Ojawall WOLBI Vietnam Salvationarmy USA America Trump Infowars Alexjones Arnoldattic Ironicmystic.jpg"



Elon Musk Banned Kanye West For Alex Jones

Elon Musk Wrong To Ban Kanye West Over Symbol

Naked Communist Book

Star Trek Continues Dot Com

Roof Hero Wars Gavin Kanye West

Branches Snow Twitter Spaces Hero Wars TItanic Phones

We Are Change Luke Rudkowski Mind Control Porn Hub

Kirk Cameron Brave Books

Save Baby Will Dot Com

Michael Jackson Kanye West

Joshua Simpcast Snow Sunday

Bob Barker Fusion Energy

Greene Alex Jones

Elon Musk Talks Doxing, Jay Dyer On Chrissie Mayr

Trump Cards, Michael Malice Alex Jones

Covid Vaccines On X-Files

Trump Trading Cards, Fake Owen Shroyer on Twitter, Hallmark's I Believe in Santa

Twitter Elon Musk Banning Links?

Eleana Musk, Snow

Israel Covid Vaccine Killing

Big Pharma Trillions 2021

Elon Musk Twitter Post Views

1968 BBC2's Thirty-Minute Theatre

Christmas Eve Google Earth Google Space The Amazing Maurice

Rain Christmas Twitter Banned Deagan Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast Potato

Slow Steady Amsterdam Christian Bale

Alex Jones George Bush 1998

Helped Her Move, Kirk Cameron, Monitoring Truth Lovers

Andrew Tate, Treaty of Rome

Matrix Elon Musk Neo Twitter Unlearn

Andrew Tate




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