10 Things You Should Know When You Just Joined Listnerds | Part 2


In addition to Part 1 which has been a success until today still, I decided to write the second part of this series, to sum up some things that could be valuable for Listnerds newbies. I know very well myself that you are thrown in the deep and that everything seems like A LOT of info to take in, but I promise you that it's not as hard as you might think. You just need some guidance and some tips here and there to help you get started on this awesome journey! If you want to become part of our awesome team on Listnerds so that you have team members to ask questions directly in our dedicated team chat, please use the referral link shared in this post. You can't decide to join our team afterward, so make sure to use the link when signing up if that's what you wish.

Listnerds is not your get-rich-quick scheme

I know that it's tempting to only read the "I earned X Listnerds in X time" milestone posts and think of Listnerds as a get rich quick scheme, but please stop for a second and think about it. Would you prefer getting rich quickly and then not having long-lasting relationships and connections afterward because it was all one big scam? Or would you prefer actually building something that will reward you for a long time from now while you also make awesome new connections along the way, may these be friendship connections or even valuable for your business in the future? I know that I pick the latter without any doubt!

Add value to the platform

Although Listnerds is officially a mailer, Hive members have embraced the platform and are now using it mostly as a content discovery platform. Of course, we are still seeing regular emails that have nothing to do with Hive content, but I'd say we should use it to get the best of both worlds, discover new great content on Hive as well as promote your online business(es) on Listnerds.

What most Hivers understand from their experience on Hive is, that you should keep adding value to the ecosystem to make sure you will see continuous support and grow your connections. It is no different on Listnerds! Sending out random links to something on the web, and then copying part of the text from that site into your email is plagiarizing, just like it is on Hive. Make an effort, add your own value to the content you share if it's not yours, and don't piggyback on other people's efforts. Instead, focus on your own content and your own efforts and you will see that you will have no issue finding support to get your emails verified.

CTP stake to vote on Hive vs CTP stake on Listnerds

Some people get confused when we talk about voting with our CTP stakes on Listnerds. Which is understandable. We aren't talking about the CTP stakes on Hive-Engine though, these stakes are used to vote on Hive content, and will earn you curation rewards from Hive voting.

On the other hand, we have CTP stakes inside Listnerds:

This is my stake inside Listnerds and this is my stake on Hive-Engine:

You can see below, that when my voting power inside Listnerds is around 75%, I have 155 votes left to give:

The stake on Listnerds allows me votes to vote on Listnerds EMAILS, not on Hive content. For every vote, you need 25 CTP staked inside your Listnerds account. You can buy CTP inside Listnerds or on Hive-Engine and move it in by going to this part of your Listnerds account:

I don't have any swap.hive to trade currently, but it's all pretty self-explanatory. You can also just go to Hive-Engine and then move your CTP into your Listnerds account by clicking on transfer in.

Your upvote / downvote value

Not too long ago, the voting system has been changed. Before, we needed 20 upvotes (net) to get our email verified and thus paid. After the update, we need a score of 20 or more to get our emails verified. This means that bigger stakeholders have a vote that weighs heavier compared to someone with just 100 Listnerds staked.

Your vote depends on how big your Listnerds stake is at the time of voting and you can easily calculate your personal upvote/downvote value with this formula:

Your Stake / The Top Stake X 10 = Vote Value

This means, that the number 1 stakeholder always has an upvote and downvote of 10, the value of other members is determined depending on how big their stake is as well as how big the top stakeholder's stake is at that moment.

Let's do some maths, here's the screenshot from the top stakeholders today:

My stake is currently the biggest, therefore I have a vote value of 10. If I want to know the value of @generikat's vote, this is the calculation I need to do:

/ x 10 =

And that's how simple it is! This vote value is constantly evolving and subject to change as soon as a member claims rewards and/or when the top stakeholder claims rewards.

Use your votes and earn staking rewards

It's important to use your votes wisely, not only to make sure authors will get verified and paid for their emails but also to protect the reward pool from distributing too many rewards to spammy content or people that don't make any effort themselves. Now that I have a big stake, I feel even more responsible to cast downvotes on people that aren't interacting with others in any way for as long as Listnerds has been live. I don't care if your product is awesome, if I don't see you anywhere, why would I support that with a vote and let you earn a lot of tokens which you don't even care about anyway?

For your voting efforts, you will also be rewarded with staking rewards, this should also count for downvotes, but I'm not 100% sure if this change is already implemented, so don't pin me down to that, if that's not the case yet, it will be as it's been announced by the team.

My tip is when you start Listnerds, make sure you have like 500 CTP to start with and grow your stake from there, you can pick the best content that you enjoyed most and upvote these, and then slowly vote more when your stake grows. I would not worry about downvotes when you don't have enough stake yet to vote everything.

This is how your score is determined

I already mentioned it above, but let's get into this topic a bit deeper here. Where you first needed 20 (random) upvotes to get an email verified, it was very attractive for members to create extra accounts and then upvote their own emails, this way they didn't need many upvotes from others to get paid. But thankfully, that has changed and now we need a score of 20 to get paid.

What does this mean exactly? We already looked at the voting values above. If I give your email an upvote at this very moment, you will have your email verified for 50% already because my vote value is 10, and that means you have a 10/20 score for your email. When three others upvote it and their total vote value is more than 10, you have a score of 20 and therefore, you will get verified (in 7 days). Unless someone downvotes it, you need a net score above 20 to get verified.

Don't worry if this is not the case the same day, sometimes it takes a few days to get there as not everyone is upvoting emails every day. Be patient, and don't worry if an email won't make it in the end, just try to analyze what you could have done better and improve your work if you feel that's possible. Also, don't worry if you get downvotes and can't figure out why, some people just love downvoting even if others make an effort. Trolls will be trolls, just like on Hive.

Using different frontends

This is something that I've noticed when opening emails from different frontends, so it mostly applies to what I personally do if someone shares content, not from peakd or leofinance. I'm personally only logged in to a few frontends and I'm not going to log in to frontends that I won't use. Of course, everyone has their own preferences, and they should. But when you share a link from let's say, creativecoin.xyz, it's possible people LOVE your art that is shared but won't leave a comment because they personally never use that frontend. Which is a shame!

They are probably going to read your content anyway, and upvote it on Listnerds, but wouldn't you also love to see a comment to engage with those that voted for you?

My advice, stick to the most used frontends: peakd, leofinance, hive.blog. If you don't mind missing out on the engagement, then ignore this tip. It's up to you!

Engagement is key

This brings me to the next part, where I want to emphasize that engagement is truly key for success on Hive as well as Listnerds. Even though your comments will not be done inside Listnerds but on Hive content (if applicable), you will see an increase in your profile visits, blog views as well as comments you receive. Listnerds is an awesome way to build your network and connect with new (like-minded) people that you have never come across before.

If you only share your emails and never leave any comments yourself, you will at some point notice that people stop caring about your content as well. Which is normal, as there is plenty of good stuff to focus on, so why bother if you don't?

Upgraded membership welcome offers

When you're considering joining Listnerds after reading this post, you might want to read this part as well. Once you joined with a referral link, this can't be undone, and neither can you be added to a team if you haven't used that referral link.

Another thing that can't be undone is when you skip the welcome offer you are presented when you first log in to Listnerds, after you refuse, it will not pop up again. I personally wasn't going to spend money on something that I had 0 experience with, therefore I decided to not even consider the offers, but I wish I did at the time. They have always been worth it and are earned back in a heartbeat.

If you have content to share 1 or 2x a day, consider taking the welcome offer because it will save you 30 or 37 bucks, depending on if you go for the enterprise or business offer. If you are in doubt and want to have a chat about it, leave a comment with your Discord ID, or find mine in the footer below to reach out to me before you sign up and log in for the first time. I'm more than happy to help you make the best decision for your personal needs.

Build your own team

Once you're ready to spread your knowledge about the platform, I would advise you to start building your own team. Having a team is great to help each other stay motivated and brainstorm about things! I've also learned that having a team inspires me as I'm getting to know new people who I didn't know before I started my journey on Listnerds.

That's it for part 2, I hope you found part 2 as useful as part one, and if you are looking for other guides about Listnerds, check out the links below.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  • The text divider is my own design, created with Canva Pro with the usage of images from Canva Pro or in other cases my own images. The text divider designs are also for my own use only, unless I've given you direct permission to use them.

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