Plagiarism on Listnerds | A Late-night rant

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It's 1 AM here and I need to speak up

And I'm super tired, but I have to get this off my chest before I go to sleep. It will be a write-off, without adding fancy divider and links to older content. I just feel way too tired for that but I also feel the need to speak up and let these people (I believe there are more) know that I saw it and I don't agree with it. I will not let someone else piggyback on my content without them trying to add any input of themselves like many other people on Listnerds have been doing.

We love sharing each other's content, and that's all about seeing the bigger picture, the long-term game. We are trying to build something great, and we are lifting each other up, not plain out stealing what someone else wrote. You even picked a lousy post of mine to do so, hundreds of posts that would have been a better option out there, but you managed to pick the poorly written one, lol. That says a lot!

Active Listnerds users have noticed

I believe some may have not realized who sent them to a certain post, but who paid attention did. It didn't happen only once, it happened several times, even though in some cases, I was too busy to double-check my gut feeling. The Hive profile of the person doing it for sure didn't help either. The elephant in the room: copy-pasting or even worse: using someone else's content to send out emails adding NO value or own input whatsoever.

I've seen it, and today when I noticed it was directed to my Hive post, I've reported it! Like my friend @amirtheawesome1 said: that's just going three far, not even two! :)

No get rich quick scheme

You probably joined Listnerds thinking that you'd be earning hundreds of bucks by leaving just one link over and over again. So how many votes do you think someone has a day? Not everyone can vote a lot. Do you think it's logical they leave the votes at new fresh content they enjoyed reading? Or do you think they are going to give you a vote twice a day over and over again when you share the same thing?

You might want to reconsider your approach making it on Listnerds.

Those downvotes

And now I'm speaking up anyway, I know very well what you've been doing since you arrived. All the way up to Feb 28, there was not a single downvote on my emails, only a few before that, but nothing weird. And then a small group of new members, let's call them, the low-effort/adding-no-value-members arrive on Listnerds, and boom, every single day I get several downvotes on my emails. It made me re-consider my downvoting behavior let me tell you that, am I doing it all wrong when I only downvote these low effort copy-paste emails? Should I just target a few members that are not willing to engage and try to fit in a wonderful group of members that is super supportive?

Do you really think by downvoting someone constantly no matter if that person makes a huge effort, is going to get YOU somewhere? I've been thrown in front of the lions several times in my life, trust me, you aren't going to bring me down!

Why is it so hard to actually put in the effort?

Do you think me standing at second place on the rich list on Listnerds came to me for free? Do you think I just got that without making an effort?
I worked bloody hard to get there, creating these emails have not been a 5-minute task! I'm a content creator and I happen to create a very diverse set of content, meaning I can connect with plenty of people while doing so.

If you're only sharing your Rising stars ref link and 50 other ref links in a row every single day, do you really think you're going to be able to verify 2 emails a day over and over again? Even if you vote out those that WORK for their earnings?

Wouldn't it be better to try and add your personal thoughts on something and write a 500-word post when you share something and get some eyes on your profile in a positive way instead of people talking shit about you? You understand that this is what's happening currently, don't you?

Not too late

It's not too late to change your ways though. I'd personally just stop what you're doing and step up by actually reading the content people share. Leave a vote if you enjoyed it and don't downvote everyone that you think is earning more than you. Instead, try to learn from what they're doing and be better yourself. People that make huge efforts every single day and show up day in day out should not be penalized by a few people that just seem jealous.

I'm sure that if you change your behavior, the supportive members will also be kind to you. And I bet that you will be able to verify your emails easier than you are now. And let's be honest, check out the comment section of other Listnerds users that have been showing up every day. Don't you agree that it's awesome to read all these positive comments coming from other users? And that it's awesome how they share each other's motivational content?

This was my late-night rant, I will leave it here and actually don't even suspect that the people that this is referring to read it but maybe I'm wrong. If you want to join even after reading this rant, here's my ref link.

Good night, and hopefully tomorrow these people saw the light and stepped up their game!

Ps. Image is created in canva Pro as per usual :)

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