Maledictus Terra Book 3: Vetitum Nemus Part 20


Welcome back to Maledicturs Terra. This is a Chain Story between myself and @lex-zaiya, meaning that we each write the parts alternatively.

If you have not read Maledictus Terra Book 1: Mortis Custos yet, it starts HERE at Part 1 and ends at Part 101 HERE. At the end of the Part 101 post you will find links to all 101 Parts!

Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex started HERE with Part 1 and ends at Part 111 HERE

The previous part by @lex-zaiya can be found HERE.


Part 20

Derric looked uncomfortable. All eyes had turned to him and he could see that some of them were suspicious. He looked at Zreld Stretmong who was already his friend. There was an open question on the goblin's features.

"Well uh... I... I really don't know what you mean..."

Oh leave the bland attempt at subterfuge boy. Really, you are so bad at that. No mind, I don't like hiding anyway.

Derric's hand was raised it seemed of it's own accord and from it a tiny object seemed to come from his skin. The object struck the dirt of the tent behind the guests and everyone turned to see what would happen. Except for Adrian, who had his elbows on the table and his fingers interlocked and his chin resting on it.

The object burrowed into the ground and almost as quickly a plant grew from the hole in the ground. As it grew it rabidly grew a thicker stem and sprouted sets of leaves. Within seconds it matured and a stalk turned bulbous and burst open as a massive flower of silver-white and pink.

There was a flutter of petals in the air as this happened and Magna was reminded of confetti. Sitting cross-legged in the centre of the flower was Vitex, despite being a Goddess, the diminutive woman could not keep the impish grin off her face.

"Behold! It is I! Mother of the Forest! Patron of the field and the hunt!" She declared for herself.

"Another God? I don't know this one." High Chief Kerghug said.

"It's... that's... " Zreld Stretmog stammered.

"Uh... Vita...Vittax? The God of Tress and stuff." Chief Turbag Durz said, his brow furrowed in a frown.

Her grin not diminishing, she beamed as she stepped from the flower, her footprints barely leaving a mark on the dust of the floor. "I am known by many names, depending on the tongue and nation. Vittax, Vittrolia, but more currently, Vitex!"

She came to the table and clambered up the chair that Derric sat and sat herself down on Derric's muscular shoulder. She was a bit smaller than normal, Magna realized, after emerging from that flower.

She then realized that though petite, the Goddess' outfit was a bit... skimpy and it made her uncomfortable that this scantily clad female figure was now resting on Derric's shoulder.

There was an excited murmer among the Orcs and Goblins. Only Master Pattoq and High Chief Kerghug did not seem impressed and Chief Lockjaw seemed reserved as well.

"Well... Now that we have that out of the way." Adrian said, clearly and loudly. "We should get back to the matter at hand."

"What my brother says is true." Magna said and continued quickly before another interruption occurred. "As you can see, we are joined by two of the Gods of your time, including your own War God. I would like to establish a resolution based on our offers to you Chiefs of the Mawland Tribes. What do you say of our terms?"


That was not a long one, but the one before this was. At least this way the ball keeps rolling!

You're up again @lex-zaiya!

Thank you for reading!

Here is an explanation of Chain Stories and here is the current Chainstory Library

Vetitum Nemus

by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
----Part 1
Part 2Part 3
Part 4Part 5
Part 6Part 7
Part 8Part 9
Part 10Part 11
Part 12Part 13
Part 14Part 15
Part 16Part 17
Part 18Part 19
You are here!Coming soon!

The Reader List

If you would like to be tagged in every episode of Mortis Custos/Sanguifex/Vetitum Nemus, leave us a comment and get added in, miss nothing!

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@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro,, @dibblers.dabs, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @stdd, @uop, @luizeba, @cryptoniusrex, @agreste, @itzchemaya, @darthsauron, @seki1

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